Premium Essay

Voice vs Data


Submitted By camarokenny67
Words 687
Pages 3
1. When it comes to cell phones I found that the major mobile phone carriers use data networks. Some of the most common technologies used are HSDPA, HSUPA, EDGE, HSPA and UMTS. These are all 3G technologies and provide some of the fastest 3G speeds.
2. Landlines also use data networks. Once the sounds leave your home or business on the telephone lines it will go to the Telco’s switch in the area or to a digital concentrator box. Here your voice is digitized into 8,000 samples per second and 8-bit resolution before being transmitted onto its destination.
3. SMS/Text Messaging uses data networks also. This would seem natural since most cell phones use data networks and SMS/Text Messages are sent from cell phones. The way it works is because cell phones are always sending and receiving information, even when they are not in use. This is so the phone is constantly telling towers where it is so when a message is sent to a particular number the message can find its intended recipient.
4. Not surprisingly, Fax Machines use a data network to send information. This is done by digitizing an image. I say image because even if it is a text document it is still taking a picture of the document and transmitting it to the recipient. It is divided into a grid of dots and each dot would either be “on” or “off” using a 1 or 0.
5. Pagers use a data network also. Pagers are used to send messages and are sent from either a phone line or through email. There is not the option to send any type of document and/or voice communication and therefore a voice network would not be used.
6. VoIP also uses a data network to transmit information across the network. This is done by taking an analog voice call and converting into packets of data. The packets then travel like any other type of data over the public internet and/or any provide IP network. This can be used to call any landline or

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