...________ refers to evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people, or events. A) Attitude B) Behavior C) Appearance D) Demeanor E) Performance Answer: A Explanation: A) Attitudes are evaluative statements, either favorable or unfavorable, about objects, people, or events. They reflect how one feels about something. LO: 1 Difficulty: Easy Quest. Category: Concept Learning Outcome: Define organizational behavior and identify the variables associated with its study 2) The statement, "A person who eats meat and then fights for animal rights demonstrates double standards" is an evaluative statement. Such an opinion constitutes the ________ component of an attitude. A) cognitive B) affective C) reflective D) behavioral E) reactive Answer: A Explanation: A) The cognitive component of an attitude is a description of, or belief in the way things are, which is exemplified in the statement, "A person who eats meat and then fights for animal rights demonstrates double standards." LO: 1 Difficulty: Moderate Quest. Category: Concept Learning Outcome: Describe the factors that influence the formation of individual attitudes and values 3) Which of the following statements represents the cognitive component of attitude? A) I have decided to inform my supervisor that I will be quitting my job. B) I intend to work during the weekend to meet the month's deadline. C) I feel upset about having to work during Christmas. D) It is disappointing to...
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...Recent research has suggested that this is no longer the most desired outcome the victim wishes to achieve, with procedural justice being the most important aspect of the victims Criminal Justice process. Procedural Justice suggests that both parties (the victim and the offender) are to be treated fairly and consistently. Murphy and Barkworth (2014) have portrayed procedural justice by the following main ideas; Respect, Trustworthiness and Voice, with other researchers such as Miller and...
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...initiative that this communication supports.) To successfully implement voice pick technology in the warehouses COMMUNICATION OUTCOME (State the result or action that you want to occur after your primary audience receives this communication. Consider how this communication outcome relates to the business objective.) Warehouse Managers see the benefit in following the plan when implementing voice pick in their warehouses PRIMARY AUDIENCE (Identify and analyze the primary audience, that is, the person or group of people who can best accomplish the communication outcome. In the analysis, identify the primary audience’s knowledge, experience, motivation, needs, and expectations relative to your message.) Warehouse Managers They have typically been in their jobs for a good while. They are very familiar with how to run a warehouse and are driven by their performance objectives. In general they are resistant to change, but they are especially resistant to voice pick because they believe it will drive efficiency and productivity down and doubt that it will actually improve order accuracy. They tend to think that their situation is different from everyone else’s. MAIN MESSAGE (State in one concise sentence the single, overarching message that you must get across to the primary audience in order for your communication to achieve the results, or outcome, you want.) As demonstrated by the pilot, the voice pick implementation plan allows you to maintain productivity and efficiency...
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...will choose to act or behave a certain way depending on if he or she perceives the reward as good or bad for that particular behavior. This theory explains that every individual has a different set of goals and can be motivated if there is a positive correlation between efforts and performance. This model is based on three beliefs valence, expectancy, and instrumentality. Valence is how an individual perceives or values the reward that is offered as good or bad. For example, some may value job promotion as a positive reward because of their need for achievement, although others may have a negative view of the advancement because it will require more time commitment. Expectancy believes that one’s hard work will result in a specific outcome. Instrumentality is the belief that if a person meets performance expectation he or she will receive a reward. Managers can use the expectancy theory to help them understand an employee’s behavior. If the employees lack motivation, the manager needs to discover what their employees’ value, what resources or training their staff may be in need of. Most important managers must be sure that the promises for rewards are fulfilled (Borkowksi, 2005). Type of health care change situation where model best applies: This theory would...
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...workplace procedures, interactions and outcomes to be fair in nature. These perceptions can influence attitudes and behavior for good or ill, in turn having a positive or negative impact on employee performance and the organization’s success. The concept of organizational justice extends traditional models of work behaviour that tend to conceptualize job demands, job control and social support as the main factors determining individual well-being and productivity. ‘Fairness’ is a largely subjective construct, which captures more basic elements of the social structure in which these other characteristics operate. Often the notion of organizational justice will only become relevant and tangible when a violation of said justice occurs. Examples of perceived injustices within an organization might include: • unequal pay for men and women doing the same job • performance reviews being conducted by someone with whom the employee has had little previous contact • the use of personality inventories to select new staff • arbitrary dismissals. Work psychologists have highlighted three distinct, though overlapping, types of organizational justice: distributive, procedural, and interactional. Each will be briefly described below, and their implications for HR practice examined. Distributive justice This type of justice refers to outcomes being distributed proportional to inputs — the so-called equity principle (Adams, 1965). Outcomes in a work context might take the form of...
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...COURSE NUMBER: PED 506 CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Consistent with the College of Education Conceptual Framework, Part IV: Outcomes Context, this course is designed to provide graduate candidates with a knowledge base for scientific investigation. The course includes an overview of the methods and tools of research. Emphasis is on the planning and development of a research proposal. The research proposal will be appropriate for future use in the implementation of the thesis required in selected advanced level graduate programs. TEXTBOOK: Thomas, J. and Nelson, J. (2001). Research Methods in Physical Activity, 4th ed. Champaign: Human Kinetics Books. CREDIT HOURS: 03 INSTRUCTOR: Pat Floyd TELEPHONE: 334-229-4522 OFFICE: JRA 243 OFFICE HOURS: TBA ATTENDANCE POLICY: See University Policy Prepared by: Dr. Pat Floyd, Ph.D. Date: 9/05 Approved by: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Department Chair Approved by: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Dean NOTE: Any candidate requiring alternative formats for testing and/or handouts for this course, or other types of accommodations due to a disabling condition, should advise the instructor within the first week of classes. PURPOSE Consistent with the College of Education Conceptual Framework, Part IV: Outcomes Context, this course is designed to provide graduate candidates with a knowledge base for scientific investigation. The...
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...Welcome to WritePoint, the automated review system that recognizes errors most commonly made by university students in academic essays. The system embeds comments into your paper and suggests possible changes in grammar and style. Please evaluate each comment carefully to ensure that the suggested change is appropriate for your paper, but remember that your instructor's preferences for style and format prevail. You will also need to review your own citations and references since WritePoint capability in this area is limited. NOTE: WritePoint comments are computer-generated writing and grammar suggestions inviting the consideration and analysis of the writer; they are not infallible statements of right/wrong, and they should not be used as grading elements. Also, at present, WritePoint cannot detect quotations or block-quotes, so comments in those areas should be ignored. Please see the other helpful writing resources in the Tutorials and Guides section of the Center for Writing Excellence. Thank you for using WritePoint. Personal Plan to Succeed Doreen M. Giglio University of Phoenix ...
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...Demonstrative Communication Tammy Sims BCOM 275 June 17, 2014 Thom Cope Demonstrative Communication Demonstrative communication involves several ways in which people communicate, with and without words. Demonstrative communication includes but is not limited to nonverbal and unwritten communication, a person’s facial expression, their body language, and even a person’s tone of voice. Verbal communication can help reiterate what a person has said and it can also convey what someone is attempting to say or explain. Nonverbal and Unwritten Communication Nonverbal and unwritten communication can include pictures as communication. Take a person who is deaf, for instance. Some deaf people can use their voices to communicate, but not all deaf people have the ability to communicate in that way. Most deaf people usually use sign language to communicate. They form letters and words with their hands and fingers to speak. This form of communication for the deaf is often referred to as “signing.” This is effective communication for the deaf. They can even get their point across by the pace of their “signing.” If they transition their hand movements quickly, you might think they are either very excited or maybe it’s that they are in rush to get their thoughts out and expressed. Another form of nonverbal and unwritten communication would be communication through pictures. Many people will use a picture to send a message to someone. Think of the popular saying, “A picture is worth...
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...Voting has changed a lot over the years. It first started off with only being white men and now all races and women can vote in the elections. Although more people are given the freedom of voting now, they are still restricted by the Electoral College, since that has the ultimate power in who becomes the President. The Electoral college gives smaller states an advantage over the bigger states. Also the Electoral College holds a great deal of power on determining who becomes president, therefore suppressing the voice of the people. Additionally the Electoral College can still be corrupted if people elect the wrong person to represent them. This makes it even worse because the Senators and Representative already have more power than the common person, so it is worse if members of the Electoral College are corrupted rather than one person voting for the wrong person in an election. As a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people, the United States should formulate a better plan for electing the...
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...Nurses are at the forefront of patient care. In order to deliver patient centered care, nurses should be involved in decision making. Leadership is required to make changes. They must collaborate with physicians and other healthcare providers in making changes starting at the bedside ( The United States Institute of Medicine and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 2011). Striving for positions at the government levels will allow nurses voices to be heard. Many health organizations are moving from the authoritative leadership to a leadership style that allows open communication and staff involvement in decisions making. The United States Institute of Medicine and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2011) indicate that in addition to knowledge and experiences, all nurses must develop leadership skills in order to fully collaborate with physicians and other health professionals to achieve positive outcomes. To improve patient outcome teamwork is the key word. A nurse manager can help create a positive culture by engaging all staff nurses to have a voice in...
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...Africans through their pain and suffering, because with God everything is possible. This sliver of light is what gets them through, it is their faith and it is their hope. Second, the Africans believe that if God wills, then the outcome will happen because of his commandment. So, with faith that God can change their life’s outcome, the Africans believe God is a guiding force. Paton reflects in this insight when Kumalo hears the heavens say, “Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people, these things will I do unto you, and not forsake you” (297). When the voice cries out this statement, it is to make sure the people of South Africa feel reassured, because it specifically says that God will not “forsake” his people. When the voice says “forsake”, it means that God will not abandon the people. It is a measure of faith to trust in God and the words that are being spoken are ones of guiding. Guidance is what the Africans need, as it is their comfort that the lives they live will get better. But, this guidance the God will provide, abides by faith. Without faith how can the Africans trust the fact that a being whom they never seen before can change the outcome of these tragedies. In addition, when the voice says “my people” it is for comfort, because when the voice says that, it gives the Africans a sense of relation to this higher being. Which, consequently, leads to this sense of guiding, because God would not “forsake” his own “people”. This sense of guiding itself is the faith these people...
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...Resource Management 2013 Exam ‘The objective of the employment relationship is to achieve a balance between efficiency, equity and voice’. Discuss. Answer Employment relationship also known as industrial relations or employment relations is a link between an employer and an employee. The International Labour Organistaion defines the employment relationship as “ a universal notion which creates a legal link between a person, called the ‘employee’ (frequently referred to as ‘the worker’ with another person, called the ‘employer’, to whom she or he provides labour or services under certain conditions in return for remunerations.” (ILO 2003:2) Another definition by the popular business website ‘Entrepreneur’ defines an employment relationship as “An agreement entered into between an employer and an employee at the time the employee is hired that outlines the exact nature of their business relationship, specifically what compensation the employee will receive in exchange for specific work performed.” The aim of human resource management is to ensure that through the employment relationship organisations should achieve competitive advantages and employees on the other hand, should receive a fair treatment in the workplace. In this light, many human resource management writers like John Budd have agreed that balancing efficiency, equity and voice should be the focus of organistions in order to have a more productive workplace. Budd (2004) cited in Marchington and Wilkerson (2012:318)...
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...Demonstrative Communication Brandi Kidd BCOM/275 April 28, 2015 Yvonne Perez Demonstrative Communication Communication can be defined as the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signal, writing, or behavior. (Communication, 2015). Demonstrative Communication involves sending and receiving messages through body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions. Demonstrative communication can produce positive or negative outcomes in the midst of conversation. Non-Verbal Communication “Actions speak louder than words” is an old saying that was taught during my school years. When communicating verbally or non-verbally, pay attention to the non-verbal actions while communicating. A few examples are space, and eye contact. Space is needed in between the sender and the receiver. If you notice someone taking a step or two back, you then need to realize that you have invaded their space. Eye contact is also a form of non-verbal communication. Eye contact is very important when speaking to others. As the sender or receiver you need to be able to make eye contact. This form of non-verbal communication lets the other know they are paying attention and also shows respect. Many messages are sent and received through our body language, which can be effective or ineffective during communication. Body language is very powerful when involved in communication. Hand gestures are often thought of as handshakes, which can be...
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...The implications of the diminution in union forms of representation for the efficiency of employee voice within the workplace In the first decade of the 21st century, HR has been set a large significant number of issues and many subjects such as employee relationship, strategic HR approaches, employee rewarding, people resourcing, management ethics and so forth have attracted great deal of attention, concern and study to analysis their role, effect and contributions in organizations. Even though there are wide ranges of subjects playing different roles in human resource practices, an appreciation of operating the relationship between employees and employers has become an essential position of business and management recently. Traditionally, employers in employee relationship tried to maintain the control of the workforce with the goal of enhancing business performance. Clearly, if workers are treated fairly and respectively, in addition, they have appropriate influence on managerial decision-making, it could better for them perform improvably. Managers prefer grater work outcomes, nevertheless, it could bring employees’ requirements being disregarded or undermined (Budd, 2004). Therefore, employees bond to express their voice appropriately and their interests should be respected. The main way in which workers tend to voice their interests and representations in the workplace is to participate in collective unions so that they could in a position of greater strength; trade unionism...
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...University of Phoenix Material Communicating Effectively Worksheet Answer the following questions, using information from this week’s readings. Respond to each question in 100 to 200 words. 1. Briefly explain the five choices speakers can make. How do these elements determine a speech’s success or failure? The five choices a speaker can make are invention, arrangement, style, delivery and memory. Invention provides the guiding principle for developing the context of a speech. While researching the topic of the presentation, decisions will be made on what should and should not be included in the speech to support the thesis based on the audience. Arrangement is the shaping of the gathered information within a presentation to ensure a continuous flow between the introduction, body and conclusion of the speech. Style defines the way the presentation is conveyed to the audience, like changing the tone, speed and emphasize of certain words within a speech to create an emotional connection with the audience. Delivery is the way the speech is being presented, which can entail the effective use of tone, expression, movement, as well as audible and visual aids. Memory is ensuring that all key points have been addresses in the speech. Nowadays most speakers either use a presentation outline to ensure flow of the presentation, as it is very unprofessional to jump from main point to main point without any transitional statements between the main supporting data; or they read...
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