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Submitted By Allisa0314
Words 429
Pages 2
BUSINESS OBJECTIVE FOR THE COMMUNICATION (State the business or organizational goal or initiative that this communication supports.)

To successfully implement voice pick technology in the warehouses
COMMUNICATION OUTCOME (State the result or action that you want to occur after your primary audience receives this communication. Consider how this communication outcome relates to the business objective.)

Warehouse Managers see the benefit in following the plan when implementing voice pick in their warehouses
PRIMARY AUDIENCE (Identify and analyze the primary audience, that is, the person or group of people who can best accomplish the communication outcome. In the analysis, identify the primary audience’s knowledge, experience, motivation, needs, and expectations relative to your message.)

Warehouse Managers
They have typically been in their jobs for a good while. They are very familiar with how to run a warehouse and are driven by their performance objectives. In general they are resistant to change, but they are especially resistant to voice pick because they believe it will drive efficiency and productivity down and doubt that it will actually improve order accuracy. They tend to think that their situation is different from everyone else’s.
MAIN MESSAGE (State in one concise sentence the single, overarching message that you must get across to the primary audience in order for your communication to achieve the results, or outcome, you want.)

As demonstrated by the pilot, the voice pick implementation plan allows you to maintain productivity and efficiency levels while you transition to the new system that will give you greater accuracy.
COMMUNICATOR (Identify the person who should deliver the message to the primary audience. Describe this person’s initial credibility regarding the issue and message,

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