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War Veterans Research Paper

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The Best Jobs for Veterans

Many military veterans come back from wars only to become almost useless not only to themselves but also to the rest of the society. The case becomes even more alarming when veterans are seen to be suffering physically, emotionally and even psychologically, with some reports stating that over 22 veterans commit suicide on a daily basis in the United States.

Fortunately, war veterans have the opportunity to contribute their skills and knowledge to the betterment of the society by engaging in jobs that allow them to make the best use of their expertise. The choice of job or even business war veterans can do depend on what they decide to pursue after their return from war.

Below are some of the jobs that are best …show more content…
The duties and responsibilities of a program manager are synonymous with the skills acquired while in active service.

The military skills like ensuring that strict timelines are met, and a chain of command is followed ensures that a job like this is perfect for a war veteran. It is usually advised that a project management course is taken to increase your chances of getting the job, especially if you do not have previous experience.

Veterans are usually experienced in flying helicopters and other such aircraft, and of course, can easily get pilot jobs. While the pay of airline pilots might not be comparable to that of military pilots, with the latter getting higher pays, a job as an airline pilot is definitely one to consider for military veterans.

One of the attractive features of flying a corporate or commercial aircraft especially when compared with military aircraft is the family-friendly aspect that is great for veterans with young children. Military veterans are however required to convert their military certification into an FAA certificate to get commercial pilot jobs.

Training and Development

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