...HIST 1302 War on Terrorism When researching the world's current affair concerning terrorism, it is hard to say whether or not the global war on terrorism has been an effective one. Since the attack on the World Trade Centers in New York City on September 11, 2001, former president of the United States George W. Bush, vowed to defeat terrorism. Years later, this pledge has yet to be fulfilled, and even with the assistance of many countries worldwide, the threat of terrorism is still noticeable more than ever, which debate whether the global war on terror is achieving success. Besides, to entirely retain the topic, one must be knowledgeable with the definition of terrorism and it can be describe as an act of violence or threatened violence intended to spread panic in a society, and to bring about political changes. Terrorists do not actually live in their resident or native states, they also roam or wander to neighboring countries, and cities abroad and often go undetected. The organizing logistics and man power it takes to combat terrorism is massive, and it seems more obvious that the global war on terrorism is not succeeding due to the necessary three factors. First, that The United States has generated a terrorist haven in the Middle East. Second, international help for the global war on terrorism is diminishing. Third, since September 11, terrorism has been on the constant increase. Former American President George W. Bush on March 19, 2003, publicizes to the world that...
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...Habeas Corpus and the War on Terrorism By Robert Hawkins POL201: American National Government Instructor: Russel Riggs March 18, 2013 The Term “Habeas Corpus” comes from the Latin term meaning "have the body". Habeas Corpus is considered to be one of the most fundamental guarantees of personal liberty. Its roots come from England and are found all throughout our history, such as the Civil War and currently the War on terrorism. The Writ of Habeas Corpus specifically refers to the right to challenge one's detention. It is also the state's ability to force someone to appear in court. By allowing an independent judge to review the basis of a person’s detention and order the detainee’s release if the grounds are unlawful, habeas corpus serves as a bulwark against arbitrary arrest, torture, and extrajudicial killings. This right, whose evolution was largely driven by historic struggles to impose limits on the power of the monarch, is today widely protected in domestic and international law. It was common in England, in the period of the conflict between Protestants and Catholics, to be held indefinitely in the Tower of London without trial. Political prisoners disappeared because they had not broken the law, but have opposed the crown's policies. When the term first came into widespread use in medieval England, a "writ of habeas corpus" was simply a subpoena. A king or local official could impose a "writ of habeas corpus" to force someone to appear and testify...
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...War on Terrorism Why we can’t win * “Human logic should show America and Britain that they can’t win the war against terrorism. But there is also a hidden reason why we can’t win—unless gigantic changes are made.”1 * If we are willing to learn-history has some very valuable and powerful lessons to teach us. For example, it teaches us that we cannot win our war against terrorism. * As history has proven, there are some essential lessons to be learned about the future of our nation. History is a wonderful teacher. We will start with that and then move on to a greater teacher of why we can’t win and conquer this beast of we call “terrorism” unless there are some massive and drastic changes made-if it isn’t already too late! Especially within the leadership of government and we as an American people and nation. We will be destined to simply accept it as the norm and just continue to prepare for the next extremist group to attack. UNLESS…. changes are made quickly!! Terrorisms Roots In order to understand this war, we have ourselves in, we must first understand where it all came from and how it began. Iraq has been a major player in America’s global war on terrorism. They are and have been an extremely dangerous part of the equation. But, they are not the head of the terrorist snake. To see the roots of terrorism, we must go back in history. It’s not nearly enough to just destroy the branches of the tree, we must pull up the terrorist tree by the roots. That is the...
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...(Name) (Tutor) (Course) (Date) Geopolitical Brinksmanship: The Psychology of Leaders and the Dangerous Leadership Paths Personality plays a huge role in shaping the social, as well as, the political behavior of leaders around the world. This has been highly demonstrated through recent events around the world such as the 9/11 twin bombing attacks, the soviet demise, and the war in Iraq. For an individual to understand how and why certain events occur in the country, it is essential to assess mannerisms of prominent world leaders. At the moment, everyone around the world feels the need to understand and find out the underlying motivation of the admirable and not so admirable leaders. This analysis receives support from the evaluation of the downfall in political positions and failures of leaders, who not only destroy the political position of their country, but also destroy the lives of their people. The presence of high –tech industries and weapons of all kinds have given many people dynamic power and, therefore, bringing the focus of why it is important to understand the behaviors of leaders based on their personalities. This essay will evaluate the psychology of leaders using examples from three different books, and drawing examples from a variety of prominent leaders. Post, for instance, presents psychological theories that surround the lives of leaders and some terrorists. He focuses on discussing essential issue such as the effects of age and illness on...
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...Jonathan Abreu EN1320 Monday 6:00pm – 10:45pm Unit 5 Assignment 1: Genre Essay- Proposal Draft Terrorism Terrorisms have been part of our lives for a long time. In recent years terrorist attacks have sky rocketed due to governmental and religious disputes. Terrorism comes in different ways such as murder, kidnaping, hijacking and bombings. Terrorism like its own word describes terrorizes by interrupting the peace and our security by the use of political and religious attacks. Terrorism has become the number one choice to probe governmental and religious opposition to those who oppose the cause or believe of certain groups. Some of these terrorist groups take aim at specific location to create fear on those who don’t follow their cause hoping that the fear will make you not want to oppose them. Many groups operate within a single nation or region. (Wilcox, page 1) These groups can also spread out all through the world making hard to control as they rely on guerrilla warfare. (Mockaitis, Par 3) Now in this day and age we have this groups joining terrorist leader spreading all across the world making it hard to monitor and control terrorist attacks. We receive treat on a daily bases now a days, therefore counter terrorism has to be at the top of the game. In a time where every nation is connected with each other, protecting our assets has become much greater. (Cordesman, Par 1) because of the importance of protecting these assets, most countries have special units working...
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...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Driven by the need for organizational change, management accounting techniques have developed and proliferated at an unprecedented rate in the last few decades. Some critics, however, have charged that the changes are a "reinvention of the wheel" every few years. To put these issues in perspective, let's look at a framework created to illustrate the distinctive nature of these techniques in an organizational change context. The framework considers such factors as user resistance and organizational culture that can influence the applicability and implementation success of the techniques. After tracing the history of management accounting beginning in 1850, accounting scholar Robert S. Kaplan comments, "Despite considerable change in the nature of organizations and the dimensions of competition during the past 60 years, there has been little innovation in the design and implementation of cost accounting and management control systems." (1) All the practices employed by companies and described in management accounting textbooks had apparently been developed by 1925, despite major changes in the nature and operations of organizations. To develop the field of managerial accounting, Kaplan and others encouraged academics to conduct field research and case studies "to describe and document the innovative practices that seem to work for successful companies." (2) The pendulum swung in the other direction over the next decade as a plethora of new "techniques" in...
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...Discussion: Integration of the Global War on Terrorism with the War on Drugs Unfortunately, like the war against Terrorism, there is also a war against drugs. It appears to be a connection between drug activity and the undermining of governments around the world (Creed, 2007). Mark Kleiman states, “…links between illegal drugs and terrorism are important considerations in formulating a drug control policy and a campaign against terror.” After the events of September 11, Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Northern Command was created to pay close attention to utilizing all resources that are available to counter terrorism as well as use those very resources in a way that will combat the fight against drugs. Both fights (Terrorism/Drugs) should be considered as one. With integrating the two, the transformation of the drugs can become more global rather than domestic, just as terrorism is a global threat (Creed, 2007). The elements of national power play a major role in developing strategies must be synchronized and stick together in a way that when faced with national and international power the end product can be a success. “Narco-terrorism is defined as a complex nexus between the illegal drug trade and terrorism. DEA describes narco-terrorism as a group of organized individuals working together in order to further, or fund, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets with the intention to influence their respective ideologies. DOD...
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...The Global War on Terrorism This was begun after the September 11th attacks on Washington and New York. For the last nine years the worlds has been in a constant state of vigilance for acts of terrorism. This is truly a global war in that the participants are from around the globe. There are many participants such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France and smaller countries that I would have never thought to have a large military force, such as Kenya, Australia and Lebanon. Each country has different reasons for joining. The general party line is to secure the freedom of all counties from further al-Qaeda attacks. Yet everyone has a different opinion of the necessary outcome. During an interview with the Daily Telegraph, General David Richards stated “a victory is unnecessary and would never be achieved.” They could be contained to the point that our lives and our children’s lives are led securely. The Chairman of the Counter-Terrorism Committee, Ambassador Apakan told the committee, “We should be as vigilant and resilient as ever and counter-terrorism should remain a priority for the international community”. The first President Bush stated “This Crusade – this war on terrorism – is gong to take a while and the American people must be patient”. A few days later during a speech to Congress he said “Our war on terror begins with al-Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped...
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...FBI: A War on Terrorism The Federal Bureau of Investigation is often depicted as the suit wearing hard core heroes called in to crack the tough cases. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a lot like that. There is more to the bureau than just the criminal investigation side. The FBI plays an active role in the war on terrorism. On September 11th 2001, the lives of Americans changed. Two planes were taking over by terrorist that smuggled razor blades on broad. The two high jacked planes then were flown into the Twin Towers in New York. The result was the loss of life for 3,000 Americans; the plane crashes were one of the most lethal attacks America has ever faced. After the heart wrenching and fear striking events of 9/11, the FBI has devoted a great majority of its resources into keep events like September 11th happening again. Within a year, the FBI established new websites, tip lines, and joint organizations to further anti-terrorist culminations. The FBI is currently in charge of more than a dozen agencies concerning terrorism. Many advocates say that the FBI is doing a great job with the war against terrorism. Critics of the FBI’s handling of security directly related to the prevention and/ or detection of possible acts or terrorism or terrorist fall into two categories: the FBI is not doing sufficient job of keeping the lives of American’s safe and secondly, the FBI is overstepping the constitutional boundaries in the so said name of terrorism prevention. By exploring...
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...Terrorism is a Political Term 'States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil...' President G. W. Bush, 29th January 2002 State of the Union Address Abstract: As can be seen from the above quote, ‘terrorism’ is a political, derogatory term with no real, inherently meaningful definition and, with the war being waged against it in its tenth year, one that has divided the world. One reason for the division stems not from the nature of its ambiguity or any fundamental change in its manifestation, but in the West’s difficulty in conceptualizing the motivations behind its many faces. ‘Terrorism’ does not define the motives behind an act of terror. It characterizes them, and this is what has led to its increasing use as a political term, particularly since 9/11. The reasons go beyond mere semantics however and, in the context of the Global War on Terror, have fueled not just the conflict but the surge in recruitment and sympathy that has taken place for terrorist causes across the world. It needs to be recognized that the use of terrorism as a political term has actually had more of a negative impact on the world than any terrorist attack to date. Introduction: Since the coinage of the term ‘terrorism’, its characteristics have always been synonymous with organized violence and a political end-goal. Until recently, however, its employment had been more of a vernacular convenience than a political expression. Over the last...
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...U.S. Involvement in the War on Terror The War on Terror is tough to define. It is considered a war, but not in the traditional sense. When one thinks of war they think of enemies, a battlefield, weapons, and death. However, the war on terror is slightly different. The lines that define enemies and allies are blurred, there is no battlefield, and the weapons come in all shapes and sizes. Nonetheless, there has still been death. Starting on September 11, 2001, the War on Terror has been waged for many years and has included many groups of people. On September 11, 2001, hijacked planes crashed in to the World Trade Center in New York City. Known as the Twin Towers, the World Trade Center is symbolic of the United State’s “economic power and military might” (Rahman). Immediately following the attacks, President Bush named Osama Bin Laden at fault and declared the War Against Terrorism. United States Congress had allocated billions of dollars and authorized President Bush to take any measures necessary (Moore). This war, however, is different from a typical war. President Bush told people to “go about their daily lives” unlike during World War II where 90% of Americans helped the war effort in some way. The war on terror is a war “without boundaries…directed against multiple enemies, not just one adversary” (Raz). The United States government has defined the war on terrorism against those who are declared “terrorists” or anyone accused of “harboring terrorists” (Rahman). ...
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...The FBI defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives.”(fbi.gov) On September 12, 2011, the President of the United States (George W. Bush) declared “war on terrorism”. President Bush initiated a policy that would later deter, prevent and apprehend any person or persons that commit an attack against Americans on American soil. The “war on terrorism” is considered a war without any boundaries that is directed at multiple threats against the United States. However, this policy has been an ineffective policy that has affected and changed the way of life for Americans. The ineffectiveness of the “war on terrorism” policy has had a huge impact on American society. Although, America was able to kill Osama Bin Laden, the master mind behind the terrorist attacks that created the need for the “war on terrorism” policy, Americans has also suffered infringes on their Fourth Amendment rights. Americans has seen over 6,000 deaths of U.S. Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, America has seen a deficit in the billions of dollars as a result of the “war on terrorism”. The ineffectiveness of this policy has hindered American travel, the ineffectiveness of this policy has hindered financial freedoms that Americans once had, the ineffectiveness of this policy created the USA Patriot Act; under such Act, the government can...
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...Uncovering The Truth: Wars, Media and Metaphors “If only you can get all the facts out there in the public eye, then every rational person will reach the right conclusion” (Lakoff, 138). In the world today there are many examples via news reports, newspaper articles, and documentaries etc. that support George Lakoff’s claim that “Metaphors Can Kill”. More specifically written works like War Media and Propaganda: A Global Perspective, “Metaphors That Kill”, and The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq, and Michael Moore’s documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 and his article “What Is Terrorism?” provide perspectives on the impact of wars such as the ongoing American involvement in Iraq and the repercussions that ensue because of them. These exposés also vividly emphasize the important issue of media coverage furthering the interests of government. By using examples of war and tone, media and methods of development, and metaphors and lies, these articles vividly emphasize the importance of the issues involved with governments, as well as the media and clearly educate the audience towards a better understanding of the problems and lies surrounding them. ‘War’ can be defined as a state of open armed conflict between one or more nations over a disputed disagreement. Hidden within this word comes thousands upon thousands of deaths, excessive amounts of wasted money, and immeasurable quantities of losses. The average person would find it incomprehensible to imagine why all this destruction...
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...RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AMERICAN CIVIL RIGHTS AND AMERICA’S FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM SECURITY MEASURES [pic] By Latisha Gant Table of Contents I. Introduction A. How has America’s Attitude toward terrorism changed after September 11, 20011 B. What are people and Government reactions to terrorism after 911? C. Why was America’s Protection Agency Homeland Security Formed? II. Balancing American Civil rights and Against Terrorism A. What is American Census and Attitude towards Terrorist Security Measures? B. What is the political thought of American’s civil right attitudes after 911? C. What is the impact of Post 911 terrorist event and Iraq War on civil rights and Terrorism? III. Recent Trends in Americans Excepting New Security Measures as a Way of Life A. What is the impact of terrorism on American and global way of Life? B. What are the disadvantages and advantages of heightened Homeland Security Measures? C. What do people fear terrorist attacks or civil rights infringements the most? V. Conclusion THESIS STATEMENT This research paper will focus on the balancing of the relationship between American civil rights and America’s fight against terrorism. Terrorism has changed the way we use public transportation, travel in airports and train stations, eat in hotels and restaurants see movies, almost everything we do can be attacked by terrorist in America today. Terrorism by terrorist like Bin Laden and Al-Quada have influenced American...
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...Terrorism The United States has opened the eyes of the global community to terrorism after the attacks of 9/11. These attacks, by terrorist group Al Qaeda, were aimed at the United States and the allies of the country, which is a little recognized fact. On September 11, 2001, more than 80 countries lost citizens in the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and one aircraft which thanks to its brave passengers would miss its intended target, undoubtedly saving many lives while unfortunately taking some of much value. After the world opened its eyes to this impending threat, it then responded with support for the United States in its newly forged battle. Because of this, the United States should show other nations the same support; terrorism, no matter where it takes place, is a global battle, and should be treated as such. Terrorists can attack anywhere at any time, so to sit back and not take action when another faces such ordeals as those taking place on 9/11 would be wrong, but not just that-it would also almost ensure that these acts continue on and on, never ending. It will take the combined efforts of nations to destroy terrorism. Counter terrorism is how a country responds to stop terrorism, and here too the international community is working together identifying and locating terrorists residing in varied places all around the world. The FBI, CIA, Department of Defense (all US organizations) are also aiding in the search. The United States leads the...
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