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Washed Ashore Project Analysis

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Predominantly humanity takes a blind eye to the accumulation of the trash we create and dispose of, with the human population in the billions, on the minute of everyday this has and born to societies entrapped by the skulduggery of money and the capitalistic structures that render its consistency to overpower our care for the planet that birthed our very existence. The rampancy of consumerism creates the everyday conglomeration of garbage being trucked to the landfills of the cities and municipalities around the globe. This constant production of the materials used by us for a short term that eventually ends up there is detrimental to each entity that has been in existence to this planet. Humanity has bestowed upon itself, through the generations, a staggering amount of reckless abandonment. The accumulation of trash we have produced from our open-ended degree of consumer culture is staggering. Can the multifarious displays art presents itself in help with this maniacal mismanagement to the primary resources we have on our earth? To make art with the effort of using the trash, garbage, waste, disposals, or whatever phrase you entitle for it, brings a new …show more content…
It is formulated of volunteers who help create the designs Pozzi creates of affected sea life into physicality. The organization collects plastics and litter brought in by the ocean to which accumulates along the shoreline; and are aimed at providing awareness for the environmental issues of the planet's oceans and the melancholic amounts of garbage that reside in them. With the creation of art typifying marine mammals affected by plastics in the ocean, Pozzi and the group of volunteers that work with her create large scale depictions of the marine life that suffer from the polluted waters they’re species have been populated for centuries

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