...WATER CONSERVATION Water is very important content. Without water there is no life in earth. We use water in so many ways in our daily life. Water is a substance which covers ¾ part of the world. It means water is occupying more portion compared to land. But this water is becoming more polluted because of the environmental changes. So it is necessary to conserve the water. It is every one duty to protect the water because everyone uses this water and we the people are making water polluted. Now we may get the doubt how to conserve the water. A few simple changes in home about the water consumption make a vast contribution to water conservation. The basic changes we have to do is stop leaking of water. We have to see whether there is a leakage in our taps. Because of the water leakage taps we can’t protect the water. We can also protect the water by Installing Low-Flow Showerheads. With these we can protect the water because it flows lower. And we won’t use much water with these Low-Flow Showerheads. When we are brushing our teeth or when we are shaving we have to turn off faucets. After completing the work we have to use the water. By this change also we can preserve the water. Using sprinklers for yard is also a good remedy for water conservation. Turn off the water in the shower when shampooing the hair Water will be saved. It is better to replace the new toilets in place of old toilets. These are high efficiency and will use less water. To collect a rain water use a rain...
Words: 504 - Pages: 3
...September 29, 2013 Bill McIntoch Environmental Science Final Project My environmental problem is conservation and my topic is water. What is water conservation? It is a way to keep the water we have clean and sustainable. That sounds easy but it is complex, it is more than just turning the water off when we brush our teeth. It is going to have to be a way of life, we can make this work but we have to get serious about our water. It means doing business in a way to conserve water; it involves using our best conservation habits. We have to let people know about our water, only three percent of all water on Earth is fresh. One percent is suitable for drinking, the other two percent is in frozen glaciers, lakes and the atmosphere. With all these people relying on one percent of all the water on Earth is why we need to educate. Ninety-seven percent is salt water, it looks like we have a great deal of water but that is not true. The people that are not educated about water do not help sustain it; they pollute, and waste our life-line. According to "Why Conserve Water?" (n.d.) “Only about ten percent of waste water is disposed of properly”. We do not have an endless supply of water. We need to learn to conserve our water now for the future; we have as much water on Earth now as we did when it was created. Limnologists (freshwater scientist) they help us to understand what is going on in the water, like if it is clean enough for consumption, and this depends on what types of organisms can...
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...Water Conservation For ages, since the beginning of time, humans have explored numerous ways in which we can harness water. The great Egyptian Civilization who depended fully on the Nile as a water resource, and the Romans who were the first to build huge aquifers in order to store and transport water to citizens. Today, technology has developed in a way that allows virtually anyone in the world to readily obtain water. In the United States, a developed country, clean, consumable water is made readily available to many people. However, this is not the case for many developing countries, who struggle simply to gain access to clean water. About “2.5 billion people, in the world, live without proper sanitation” and about “768 million people do not have access to safe, clean drinking water.(1)” These circumstances lead to unavoidable hardships, and leads to the death of 1,400 children globally, every day, simply from “ diseases directly linked to unsafe water or a lack of basic sanitation facilities.(1)” In today’s society, however, water is often taken for granted and consequently has led to increased water use by many individuals. In Texas, specifically, reservoirs continue to decrease year after year, and has been estimated that about 3% of Texas reservoirs have been used in the past year, decreasing from 67% full to 64% full(4). A viable cause of the increased water use in Texas, can be attributed to many things. Population growth, a changing climate and recurring drought are...
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...more than 70% of Earth is made up of water, we should be able to use it abundantly right? Unfortunately, we cannot! As this, 70% of water is salted, unhygienic, and not suitable for our daily tasks (Ibrahim, 2013). Public health and living standards are heavily dependent on clean water (Liangxin et al., 2014). We need to conserve Earth for our future generations, but if we misuse the resources, which are available to us, such as water, our planet might become extinct sooner than what scientists have predicted. According to the United Nations Development Programme (2012) cited in (Liangxin et al., 2014), “The percentage of the world’s population that has access to drinking water has increased from 77% to 89% between 1990 and 2010.” In addition developing countries in the near future may face massive water shortages, due to the rising population and demand for clean water (UNDP, 2012) cited in (Liangxin et al., 2014). As there is limited clean and safe water available, we need to use this necessity with great care, so that everyone can receive a share of it. After all, there is NO LIFE WITHOUT WATER. Objective The objective of this report is to make Malaysians understand the importance of water conservation, to come up with various strategies and tactics on how to use water wisely. Why water conservation specifically? Because earlier this year in Klang Valley, Malaysia, there was a water crisis, as there was not enough amount of stored water in a dam to be distributed throughout...
Words: 1981 - Pages: 8
...SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION ENGINEERING USING A 3-D GIS ABSTRACT Taipei Water Resource Commission is in charge of soil and water conservation for the headwater in Taipei City. 90% of drinking water for a four-million population is controlled by the Commission. A 3-D GIS has been developed in the last three years. This paper discusses how soil and water conservation engineering can be facilitated by the GIS. An 80% to 90% automatic process was pursued. 3-D drawings, calculations, and paper work can be obtained from a personal computer. All drawings were then built into the 3-D data base. 3-D animation of a proposed conservation engineering can be obtained as well. INTRODUCTION Taipei Metropolitan is an area with population exceeding 4 million. About 90% of its drinking water is provided by the Taipei Water Resource Commission. Water and soil conservation at Taipei Water Resource Commission is a very important task. A 3-D GIS has been developed in the last three years (Wu, 1990). Remote sensing can be implemented to monitor landslides and land uses in the two watersheds (Wu, 1991). However, water and soil conservation engineering is still a time consuming process, especially in the design process. Both drawing and calculations are labor intensive. This paper will discuss how a GIS can make the drawing and calculation process a semiautomatic process. Site selection of a water and soil conservation engineering can be reviewed by a GIS to insure that its benefit can be...
Words: 267 - Pages: 2
...GS1140 Water Conservation In the beginning of class when we were presented with this project we came up with a list of many problems we could have tried to solve. Some of these problems included the healthcare system, education in America and water conservation. We choose water conservation because it is a problem we face here in Austin and it’s something we can relate to. Dealing with healthcare and education seemed to be a bit harder to find a solution to. Drought is an ever-present part of Texas society. Rivers and lakes are usually feet below recommended levels. Burn bans are constantly in effect. This multitude of ways in which the drought effects our state are increasing exponentially and will only grow more severe as time passes. If traumatic and permanent solutions are not implemented soon, the land will be irrevocably damaged, possibly to an extent we can’t even fathom. Water conservation is a problem worth solving because it effects everyone. When you have a drought for long enough the ground becomes cracked, plants stop growing and die, and people eventually get restrictions on their daily water use. The state will put restrictions on how often you can water your grass or wash your car. If people go over the amount of water the state restricts you to, you get a fine based on your over usage. Water restrictions aren’t fun for anyone that’s why it’s so important to implement ways to conserve water so that in the future people don’t get hit with state regulations...
Words: 1296 - Pages: 6
...live in today is depleting our water resources in a way that it is hard to restore the damage. Out of all the states in the U.S., California is in an extreme drought right now and it could get worse than it already is. There are a lot of inconsiderate people out there that waste gallons of water on unnecessary things that are contributing to the drought. Therefore, it is time that people are informed on how to take appropriate action towards not wasting valuable water. Water is an important substance for the everyday necessities for both human beings and animals. It is used for drinking, washing, and irrigating plants. In one single word, water is used for everything. There isn’t a single thing we do that does not require us to have contact with water. In this paper I demonstrate that water conservation is important because we are in a severe drought, and show that taking shorter showers, watering the lawn every other week, and fixing leakages can reduce water usage....
Words: 840 - Pages: 4
...Water Conservation involves more than reducing its uses or using it wisely. Moreover, it is based on generating an innovative and ingenious procedures or methods when the resource it’s been obtained or it’s been used. Water Conservation comprehends policies and strategies that administrate water as a sustainable resource and foreshadows its future demand. Water uses can be segregated into two functions: system users (residential users, industries, and farmers) and system operators (municipalities, state and local governments, and private owned companies/organizations). If the researchers control the amount of water usage in a pipe system through an electronic monitor, then numerical costs and savings will be seen in the final report because the report will state the amount needed and wasted in its usage, creating awareness to the consumer. Society negligent use of water has led to unfavorable financial and environmental outcome. Therefore, the researches will design and build an electronic water usage monitor that will be able to track the amount of water used in a household or in an industry. Knowing when, where and how you’re using it, will provide an analysis of how water efficiency, in its uses, can be improved. The researches will build their model based on industrial engineering and environmental...
Words: 1059 - Pages: 5
...Water is an important resource for life and living. We drink water, we use water to bathe, we use water to cook, and we use water to stay hydrated. In turn, it’s very important to conserve water and use it when needed. Many people use water today without asking these questions: ‘What would I do without water?’ or ‘I wonder what it would it would be like to not have water directly inside of our houses, what would we do if we had to go out and find the water ourselves?’ That is the epidemic people in this world are faced with today. And I believe that it is fixable. Although it will be hard to notify people about this crisis it is not impossible. The unthinkable needs to be present in this mind set. What would happen if we were to run out of water in Georgia, or in a bigger aspect The United States of America! We would struggle with finding the location of fresh water, we would struggle with how to get to the water once we find it, and struggle with the decision of what is more important to use the water on. All this would be avoided if we were just to conserve water now. Water will soon dry up in certain spots and be unavailable to some people. Water conservation would be a good choice right now for later usage of this natural resource. We have to learn from what has already happened. In Africa they have very little to no water. There has been an ongoing epidemic in Africa, the problem is getting better but it is still there. We have to learn from previous misfortunes and...
Words: 424 - Pages: 2
...ARTICLE: CRITICAL LIFELINE OF INFANTS DUE TO BREAST FEEDING Source: DAILY NEWS NEWSPAPER Date: 14 MAY 2016 HTTPS//WWW.DAILYNEWS.CO.TZ/INDEX.PHP/COLUMNIST I choose the above the article because it puts emphasis on the importance of breast feeding for most infants to the society especially lactating mothers about the harmful impacts of consuming caffeinated beverages such as such as coffee, tea, some soft drinks, some medications, and chocolates for females who are pregnant and those who are not since it tells that the effects of caffeine occurring before even conceiving. The chosen article relates to HN 103 in a way that in HN 103 we learn in great depth about Nutrition through the Human Life Cycle, were by in HN 103 we learned that a good condition of a woman’s womb starts even before conception hence this knowledge from HN 103 in relation to the article helps woman who are preparing for conception and those who are already pregnant to know what’s required and what’s not required during the whole Gestational period. My opinion about the article it’s that the article provides valid information as it tells the pregnant women the conditions which are likely to cause harmful effects on the foetus since it cannot metabolize caffeine such effects includes low birth weight offspring, birth defects, premature labour, pre term babies and for mother it causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure...
Words: 365 - Pages: 2
...Soil and Water conservation H. H. Bennett once said, “Soil conservation is probably the youngest of all the agricultural sciences.†Its newness doesn’t make it any less important, especially in small towns where people rely heavily on soil and water conservation to grow crops to feed their families and people around the world. In 2000, slightly more than one-half of the nation’s population lived in jurisdictions cities, towns, boroughs, villages and townships with fewer than 25,000 people or in rural areas, which makes it even more important to conserve soil and water in such areas, so we can have it for future generations and beyond. Small towns need soil conservation to survive because without it they will not be able to grow crops, and in turn people will have to leave thus is the end of a small town, because with no people there can be no town. Just like in the dust bowl were people couldn’t grow crops because of the poor soil conditions this could happen again if we are not careful of the land that we use to farm. Small towns also need water conservation because when you are living in a place like the panhandle of Texas water is scarce and relied upon for daily living. When water is used in this part of the world it should be conserved. Just as in the last couple of years we have had a severe drought causing our lakes and rivers, to deplete. Another reason for soil and water conservation is that you need small towns. In places as dry and as farmed as the panhandle...
Words: 362 - Pages: 2
...Marine Mammal Conservation Sharon Herzog COM/172-Elements of University Composition and Communications II July 28, 2013 Timothy Toole Marine Mammal Conservation There are 29 marine mammals on the endangered and threatened list produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The US Fisheries and Wildlife foundation also have a list that includes certain seals, sea otters, and polar bears. There are many threats to marine mammals. These threats include dangers posed by humans and the environment. There are laws in place to help protect marine mammals from further dangers. Captivity has brought forth much controversy as to dangers it may pose to marine mammals. Marine mammal habitat conservation may be the only answer to protecting marine mammal life. There are five characteristic that an animal must possess to be classified as a mammal. These characteristics include being warm-blooded, having hair or fur, having the ability to breathe air through lungs, the ability to bear live young, and the ability to nurse their young with milk produced by mammary glands (The Marine Mammal Center, 2013). Marine mammals also have a thick layer of fat called blubber that they rely on to keep them warm in the water. They have the ability to store up extra oxygen to aid them in staying under water for extended periods of time. Marine mammals spend a lot of time swimming, their bodies are streamlined to help them swim faster. One of the...
Words: 1397 - Pages: 6
...examples should be chosen to illustrate the principles and issues that are included in the specification. This guide includes suitable examples that may be used (in italics) but others may be used if preferred eg if the candidates or teachers have particular experience or knowledge. It is anticipated that the use of carefully selected examples may reduce total teaching effort by enabling a number of issues to be covered in a single situation. This will also help candidates to appreciate the holistic, inter-connected nature of the subject and prepare them for the study of broader issues such as sustainability in A2. Case study example. Minsmere RSPB reserve, Suffolk. Issues in the Specification which could be covered: Rationale for wildlife conservation Species inter-dependence Problems caused by introduced species Eradication of competitors Legal protection of habitats and species Captive breeding and release programmes Habitat management, especially plagioclimaxes The role of Governmental and...
Words: 6185 - Pages: 25
...Farm The Conservation Foundation established in 1972 as a non-for- profit organization that focuses its efforts to protect its land and watershed. The Conservation Foundation sits on the 60-acre McDonald Farm and working land located in Naperville, Illinois and its primary mission is to preserve open spaces and natural land, and protect rivers, streams and watersheds. The Conservation Foundation received the MacDonald Farm as a donation from the MacDonald family 1992 and it moved its headquarters to the site in 1998. The MacDonald family purchased the property in 1949. The family rehabilitated the barn and some other buildings including the new construction of the latest house that had previously burned twice. Mrs. MacDonald continued living in the farm after the passing of her husband in 1966. In the 1970s, farms were disappearing rapidly due to the fast development in the area. Soon most farms were replaces by subdivisions and in less than 10 years all those farmland became neighborhoods. Mrs. MacDonald resisted and sent away many developers who offered big amounts of money for the farm. She always insisted that no one was going to build any houses on her property. Mrs. MacDonald donated the farm to the Conservation Foundation on the promise that this property was to be kept for conservation, education and agriculture purposes. Include aspects on water conservation, native landscaping, solar and wind power, co-op farming. The McDonald farm under the Conservation Foundation...
Words: 755 - Pages: 4
...Park Ronald Thompson University of Phoenix In Senegal, the Niokolo-Koba National Park is the largest and oldest national park (Giant Eland Conservation, 2010). The park has around 200 meters of flat regions with lines of hills, where the remainder of the park is full of low plateaus. There are many languages that are spoken within the park. They are: Spanish, French, Russian, English, and Arabic. The Niokolo-Koba National Park was put on the World Heritage Danger List in 2007. The park is located in the western region of Africa near the Guinea-Bissau border in South Eastern Senegal (Absolute Astronomy 2010). It best known for its wildlife and it contains the most important natural habitat for biological diversity, including threatened species. Senegal is home to “2,500 different types of species and the Niokolo-Koba contain 1,500 of them” (Giant Eland Conservation, 2010). Currently 120 different species families occupy the park as well. The park is home to “80 different species of mammals, 330 birds, 38 reptiles, 20 amphibians, 60 different types of fish” (Giant Eland Conservation, 2010). The vegetation plays a strong role in this park as well. There are four types of soils that are found in the park in various locations. The soils include “tropical red soil, ferrolateritic crusts, alluvial, and hydromorphic” (Giant Eland Conservation, 2010). The vegetation in the park comes in many forms. The park includes grass, woody savannas, bushes, and many trees. A long list of animals...
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