...Study Guide: Final Exam Concentrate your studies in the following areas. Questions for the Final Exam will come principally from this material. Lutgens and Tarbuck Textbook: Earthquakes and Structures (Chapter 6) * Know the definition of an earthquake (pg. 190). * Know the difference between the focus and epicenter of an earthquake. Which is located at the source of the earthquake? Which is located on the surface of the earth directly above the source? * Understand the concept of elastic rebound. What is it? How are earthquakes produced via elastic rebound? * Know the three basic types of seismic waves * Body waves - P waves (push/pull-- motion parallel - travel through solids/liquids/gas) * Body waves - S waves ("shake" -- motion perpendicular - travel through solids -- slower velocity than P waves) * surface waves (complex motion -- causes greatest destruction -- * ). What is the particle motion in each type of wave (e.g., particles move parallel to the direction of travel in P waves)? Which type of wave travels the fastest? Which type of wave is the slowest? Which type of wave arrives first at a seismic station? Which type of wave is the last to arrive at a seismic station? Which type of wave causes the most damage? Know which mediums each type of wave will move through (e.g., S waves will only move through solids). * Know the difference between a magnitude scale and an intensity scale. - Intensity: measure of the degree of earthquake...
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...ginger amongst...everyone else. He is... the ginga ninja. Caleb has impacted me by leading the front ensemble through work, fun, and breaking stuff. Caleb knew how to make lazy kids such as myself actually work. When I came to MOC as a freshman, I was a terrible percussionist. I couldn’t play timpani, piano, or mallet instruments, so I was placed on auxiliary, which basically meant I just played the cymbals. The front ensemble as a whole was awful, and we knew it. The pit was kind of a joke section to the rest of the band. We messed around a lot and didn’t get much done. The next year, Caleb took over as section leader. He helped push everyone in the pit to become better, which helped inspire me to work harder and learn to play mallet instruments. The all-male pit, nicknamed the FEGS, or Front Ensemble Guys, by Mr. Mangold, soared above and beyond what we thought we could achieve, mostly thanks to Caleb’s leadership....
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...Discuss the impacts of storm events in the British Isles and evaluate the responses to them (40 marks) The British Isles has a Cool Temperate Western Maritime Climate which is owing to its location at the edge of a continent, between two seas and subject to the influences of five major air masses; north-westerly, south-westerly, northerly, easterly and southerly. British climate is classified as temperate as it rarely features the extremes of heat or cold, rain, drought or wind that are common in other climates. Basic characteristics of this climate include temperature, precipitation, wind and air masses. The mean summer temperatures in the UK are lower than the average for its latitude which is due to the cooling influence from the Atlantic Ocean with its daily maximum being about 30 degrees. The average monthly values rarely exceed 16 degrees. In the winter, the average temperatures are above freezing (2-7 degrees) in coastal areas and relatively high winter values are owed to the warming influence of the sea. Oceans have an ameliorating effect on the temperature in the British Isles ad so it isn’t too hot or too cold. Also within the British Isles, precipitation occurs throughout the year yet varies in relief in upland areas, for example, western coast rainfall totals can exceed 2,500mm whereas a short distance further east in low land areas in the shadow of mountains, annual totals can be as little as 500mm. Most of the rainfall is brought by frontal systems moving from...
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... the Bible (Ezekiel 47:5, Acts 27:42, Isaiah 25:11), Beowulf, and other sagas. In 1538 Nicolas Wynman, German professor of languages, wrote the first swimming book, "Colymbetes". Competitive swimming in Europe started around 1800, mostly using breaststroke. The front crawl, then called the trudgen, was introduced in 1873 by John Arthur Trudgen, copying it from Native Americans. Swimming was part of the first modern Olympic games in 1896 in Athens. In 1902 the trudgen was improved by Richard Cavill, using the flutter kick. In 1908, the world swimming association, Federation Internationale de Natation de Amateur (FINA), was formed. Butterfly was first a variant of breaststroke, until it was accepted as a separate style in 1952. Ancient Times Drawings from the Stone Age were found in "the cave of swimmers" near Wadi Sora (or Sura) in the southwestern part of Egypt near Libya. These pictures seem to show breaststroke or dog paddle, although it may also be possible that the movements have a ritual meaning unrelated to swimming. This cave is also featured in the movie The English Patient. An Egyptian clay seal dated between 4000 B.C. and 9000 B.C. shows four swimmers who are believed to be swimming a variant of the front crawl. Written references date back to 2000 B.C. including Gilgamesh, the Iliad, the Odyssey, the Bible (Ezekiel 47:5, Acts 27:42, Isaiah 25:11), Beowulf, and other sagas, although the style is never described. There are also many mentions of swimmers in the Vatican...
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...CLOUDS AND WEATHER Clouds * A cloud is visible aggregate of small water droplets and/or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere and can exist in a different of shapes and sizes. The droplets are so small and light that they can float in the air. * Some clouds are accompanied by precipitation in the form of rain, snow, hail, sleet, and even freezing rain. BASIC FORMS OF CLOUDS Clouds are classified based on their appearance and height 1. Cirrus – characterized by high, white, thin and wispy fibers similar to a feathery appearance. 2. Cumulus – consists of globular individual cloud masses. It is similar to a cauliflower structure. 3. Stratus – best describes as sheets or layer covering much or all the sky. LEVELS OF CLOUDS 1. High Clouds – this above 6000 meters a) Cirrus -> thin and delicate and appear as book filaments sometimes called “mares tales.” b) Cirrocumulus-> consist of fluffy matters. c) Cirrostratus -> appear as flat layer. 2. Middle Clouds – have a prefix also part of their name ranging from 2000-6000 meters. a) Altocumulus-> composed of globular masses compared to cirrocumulus which are larger and denser. b) Altostratus-> produce a uniform white to grayish sheet covering the sky with the sum or moon visible as a bright spot. 3. Low Clouds – have a prefix alto part of their name ranging from 2000-6000 meters. a) Stratus-> are uniform fog like layer of clouds that commonly covers much of the sky. ...
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...Freestyle A competition in which the contestant is given more latitude than in related events, “especially “ swimming competition in which the swimmer may use any stroke. The freestyle stroke, also known as front crawl, is the fastest and most efficient of the competitive Swimming Stroke. That's why it is always used in the freestyle event of swimming competitions and is also often the preferred stroke of experienced swimmers and triathletes. Your arms execute alternating movements. One arm moves backwards in the water from an overhead position towards the hip and provides propulsion. The other arm recovers above water from the hip towards the overhead position. Afterwards your arms exchange their roles. Your legs do the flutter kick, which means they are extended and kick downwards and upwards in the water with pointed toes. This is a simple and efficient kicking technique. * Your head is in line with your trunk and you look straight down. * Both arms are extended overhead. Your palms are turned downward. * You kick using a supple flutter kick. The Swim Stroke's Cycle: 1. The wrist of your propulsive arm flexes downward. Your fore arm moves downward and backward into a vertical position. At the same time, your elbow and upper arm stay high in the water and move a little bit outward so as to form the so-called high elbow position. 2. Once your forearm and palm are vertical and facing backward, your arm adducts at the shoulder as a unit and your hand sweeps...
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...War does not determines who is right, only who is left. In All Quiet on the Western Front, a historical war novel, by Erich Maria Remarque, war is described realistically and losses were revealed. Earth and nature play huge roles among the wars; they both have opposite uses. For example, earth is both protection and danger as they seek refuge in it down within the trenches as the shells explode on the surface of it. As Paul travels through the horror and destruction of war, he realized the comfort brought to him by nature. Earth might not have an significant effect in our lives, however, it has great impacts on soldiers. The earth shields exterior forces and acts as an protection, yet it is a battlefield where soldiers lose their lives. When Paul and his friends were preparing for a bombardment and hiding from possible attack, he realized...
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...WEST VISAYAS STATE UNIVERSITY LA PAZ, ILOILO CITY I. INTRODUCTION SWIMMING Swimming is an aquatic sport which is based on the human act of swimming. Basically, the goal of swimming sport is to complete a given distance in the smallest time. Different swimming competitions are held which are totally based on speed and endurance such as crossing an English Channel. Swimming as a sport, is different from other aquatic sports like diving, synchronized swimming and water polo that involves the act of swimming but the goal is neither speed nor endurance. However, it is widely believe that swimming is the best aerobic exercise in the world. During 19th century, competitive swimming became very popular and the international swimming association, Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA) was formed in the year 1908. Professional swimming develops with the formation of this swimming association. There are thirty six officially individual swimming events including 18 male events and 18 female events. These competitive swimming events are governed and organized by FINA. However, among 36 events only 34 of them are recognized by the International Olympic Committee which includes 17 male and 17 female. (Source: sportslister.com/swimming) WEST VISAYAS STATE UNIVERSITY LA PAZ, ILOILO CITY II. HISTORY SWIMMING The sport of swimming has been recorded since prehistoric times; the earliest recording of swimming dates back to Stone Agepaintings from around 7,000...
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...and most weather happens here. Temperature drops as you go higher. Wind speeds increase. Most unstable layer. End of the sphere is marked by the tropoPAUSE- an isothermal layer where temp remains constant. | Stratosphere | Steady increase in temperature. Marked by the STRATOPAUSE. Atmosphere is thinner here. | Mesosphere | Temperature decreases to -90. No water vapour or dust to absorb radiation. Very strong winds at 3000 km/hr. MESOPAUSE | Thermosphere | Increase in temperature from the absorption of UV radiation | Greatest amount of energy coming into the atmosphere is from insolation (short wave solar radiation). The amount of this energy from the sun is determined by: *Solar constant- varies slightly & affects longer term climate rather than short term *Distance from the sun- Earth’s orbit around sun can cause variation in distant *Altitude of the sun in the sky- equator receives more energy as rays are head on. At 60 degrees N or S its at an angle so there’s twice the area to heat up & more atmosphere to pass through *Length of the day & night Some radiation is absorbed by ozone, water vapour, co2, ice particles, and dust reduce the amount reaching Earth. & clouds also reflect radiation back! ALBEDO is the ratio between the amount of incoming and reflected radiation. (Usually at 4%) Short wave radiation is converted to heat and heats the surface of earth, while longer radiation (infrared) is radiated back into atmosphere. Longer wave...
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...Games/Sports & Cultural courses are evaluated based on the following: i. Attendance 20% ii. Log Book 20% iii. Involvement 10% iv. Achievement 10% v. Technical skills 40% Attendance 1. Students who are absent from the Co-curriculum course and present a letter/proof of the reasons stated below will be considered present with a remark: a. Medical Certificate (MC) b. Represent TAR University College for external events c. Death of IMMEDIATE family member 2. Students who are absent with the reasons below will not be considered present: a. Involvement in club/societies/school activities b. Personal matters Skill tests 1. Water threading (10%) assessment based on i. Ability to stay floating upright position with head tilted above water level ii. Ability to pivot vertically towards the left and right iii. Stability of sculling motion (inwards & outwards) iv. Stability of threading motion (inwards & outwards)...
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...Trenches were long narrow ditches that were dug into the ground where some soldiers lived day and night. Only a small proportion of the army would serve there. The trenches were the domain of the infantry, with the supporting arms of the mortars and machine guns. The trenches were built in the front line or in any sort of dangerous places. But behind them was a mass of supply lines, training establishments, stores, workshops, headquarters and all the other elements of the 1914-1918 system of war, in which the majority of troops were employed. Frontline trenches were usually seven feet deep and six feet wide. The conditions for the soldiers in the war were very risky. Death was a constant companion to those who were serving in the front line...
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...With a shout and a prayer and a curse, we leapt at dawn from a boat into the water of the Dardanelles and started to swim from Europe to Asia. It had all started in London over the umpteenth bottle of Bulgarian red wine. For a long time, I said, I had wanted to swim the Hellespont - the narrow channel between the Sea of Marmara and the Aegean. The Hellespont hit the mythological headlines a long time ago. Leander, who lived on the Asian side, had the misfortune to fall in love with Hero, who lived in Europe. The course of true love did not run smoothly. Geography was not on their side. The Hellespont has a nasty current ripping down the middle of it and a reputation for chewing up ships. And religion didn't help, either. Hero was a priestess of Aphrodite, and sworn to perpetual celibacy. So their meetings had to be covert and at night. Just as in most relationships, ancient and modern, the bloke did all the travelling. She held out a lantern, and he swam each night towards it. They copulated all night, and he then swam back. One night the wind blew out the lantern and that current took Leander out into the Aegean. He never returned. The heartbroken Hero had the decency to hurl herself into the Hellespont and the myth was born. The Hellespont was assumed to be swimmable only by gods. But then, after one failed attempt, Byron did it, and it has been done from time to time since. We should have a go, I said to Steve and David (fat, pale, thirty-something pie-eaters like me). If...
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...Commander-in-Chief of Army Group Vistula. He immediately started to lay defensive plans. Heinrici arranged to fortify the Seelow Heights which overlooked the Oder River. German engineers turned the Oder's flood plain, already into a swamp by releasing the water from a reservoir upstream. The engineers built three belts of defensive emplacements reaching back towards the outskirts of Berlin. These lines consisted of anti-tank ditches, anti-tank gun emplacements, and an extensive network of trenches and bunkers. After a long resistance, East Prussia finally fell to the Red Army. This freed up Marshal Rokossovsky's 2nd Belorussian Front to move west to the east bank of the Oder river. Marshal Georgy Zhukov concentrated his 1st Belorussian Front, which had been deployed along the Oder river from Frankfurt in the south to the Baltic, into an area in front of the Seelow Heights. To the south, Marshal Konev shifted the main weight of the 1st Ukrainian Front out of Upper Silesia and northwest to the Neisse River. In the early hours on 16 April 1945, the Berlin Strategic Offensive Operation began with a massive bombardment by thousands of artillery pieces and Katyusha rockets in a barrage which was sustained for as long as two hours on some sectors of the front.] Shortly afterwards and well before dawn, the...
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...one last time. I quickly grab my ankle and pull my leg up, feeling the strain of the muscle as it slowly stretches out. “Quads, hamstrings, and shoulders” I quietly said to myself, a phrase coach Marsh always had us repeat in our dry land warm-ups. The loud electronic noise of the buzzer blares through the whole aquatic center, bringing everyone at the edge of their seats as the first heat begins. The whole crowd sits totally engaged in the ongoing 200m . I begin to walk over to the stands and prepare for the 100m breast stroke. Ever since I was a young child I had loved being in the water. In the neighborhood I lived in I was able to go to the pool every day in the summer, and it became a second home to me. Many long days were spent at the YMCA pool in Cornelius where I would play common pool games and compete in races with all the other kids. As I grew up I continued to stay in the water with the introduction of new hobbies such as surfing and wakeboarding. After what appeared to be ages, senior year came around and I decided I wanted to swim competitively for my school, something I had never done in the past. After training for a couple of months I found myself doing well and after a great season I ended up swimming in our regional championship meet. With the ongoing race coming to a close, I stand up and cheer for my teammate. “You’ve got this Elliot finish strong, only a few more pulls and you’ve got him!” The race ends, every swimmers’ hands touching the walls within...
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...Kevin Dalmau Mrs. Tasker Studies & Composition 9/20/12 No More Heroes There are no longer people in this world who I can consider a “hero”-- not that there were many before the modern generation. In this day and age people view those who are paid to serve and protect as “heroes”, but I would kindly disagree. The Police Officers and Firemen are not heroes they are simply normal people trying to make a living. To truly be a hero, in my opinion, you must be extraordinary in every way. A true hero must be kind, generous, courageous, truthful, loyal, and chivalrous, an each characteristic must be taken to an extreme. There are many people, mostly in books, who have the traits of a hero, but none who have them all. One such person is the protagonist of the series of books named the Night Angle trilogy by Brent Weeks; this character’s name is Kylar. Kylar is the immortal embodiment of retribution, and he has four of the traits a hero should have. He is loyal; even after a fight to the death he remained loyal to his master, he is courageous; even with the threat of permanent death Kylar charged into a war so that he might save the woman he loved, he is kind; despite his horrible past he still goes out of his way to help others, and he is chivalrous; he would never do anything that would cause harm to those he cared for or those who are innocent. Another of the fictional people who has some of the traits of a hero is Harry Dresden; he is the protagonist of The Dresden Files...
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