...active life & enjoy physical activities again? If you suffer from any of these problems Smith & Nephew’s Legion Verilast Knee System might be able to give you back your life. The Legion Verilast Knee System is Smith & Nephew’s flagship reconstructive knee system. The Legion Verilast Knee System is lab tested to last 30 years. This knee system has brought relieve to many suffering from serve arthritis. Arthritis occurs when the cartilage in the joints and causes bone on bone in the knee joint. This can cause serve pain and aching in the joints. The Legion Verilast Knee System can end the pain and offer you a fresh start on life. Still not convinced Legion Verilast Knee System can bring you back an active lifestyle. Then go to our website www.smithnephew.com/us/patients and read testimony from tennis legend Billie Jean King who has had a double knee replacement. If we can get this aging athlete back running on the tennis court, we are sure we can revitalize you life too. We are convinced that our product will be a valuable investment to regaining your lifestyle again. Now are you ready to make the next step in changing your lifestyle. Just do not sit there in pain, call your physician and find out if you would be a candidate for a Legion Verilast Knee System to relieve your pain. Take action now, get back to living the active lifestyle you use to live. Get a Legion Verilast Knee System and start running the marathon of...
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...conservative Fox news website. The article “Romney camp touts Legion speech, disputing Dems' claims he ignored wars” discussed how the democrats took aim and presidential candidate Mitt Romney after the Republican National Convention for not acknowledging the “War on Terror” in his acceptance speech (News). The author of the article defends Romney for his choice of speech. In the article the author notes that Democrats are bashing Romney for not mentioning the “War on Terror” in his speech. By the authors context it is to be determined he is a Republican and defending Romney for his choice of speech. Fox news reported, “Romney spent the day before his convention speech visiting the American Legion conference in Indianapolis, where he talked exclusively about national security and America’s veterans. President Obama, by contrast, addressed that conference in the form of a three-minute video aired at the conference site.” (News). It is said that President Obama refused the offer to visit and address the American Legion conference. The author further explained that even though Romney did not address the issue of war in his Republican Convention speech the majority of his speech at the American Legion was entirely focused on the “War on Terror”. Fox news reported, “Though Romney did not mention the war in Afghanistan on Thursday night, he focused on that issue, as well as the veterans who are returning home, in his American Legion speech.” The author of the...
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...Provided by The Internet Classics Archive. See bottom for copyright. Available online at http://classics.mit.edu//Caesar/gallic.html The Gallic Wars By Julius Caesar Translated by W. A. McDevitte and W. S. Bohn ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOK 1 Chapter 1 All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in our Gauls, the third. All these differ from each other in language, customs and laws. The river Garonne separates the Gauls from the Aquitani; the Marne and the Seine separate them from the Belgae. Of all these, the Belgae are the bravest, because they are furthest from the civilization and refinement of [our] Province, and merchants least frequently resort to them, and import those things which tend to effeminate the mind; and they are the nearest to the Germans, who dwell beyond the Rhine, with whom they are continually waging war; for which reason the Helvetii also surpass the rest of the Gauls in valor, as they contend with the Germans in almost daily battles, when they either repel them from their own territories, or themselves wage war on their frontiers. One part of these, which it has been said that the Gauls occupy, takes its beginning at the river Rhone; it is bounded by the river Garonne, the ocean, and the territories of the Belgae; it borders, too, on the side of the Sequani and the Helvetii...
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...The Softball Game Everything is moving in slow motion, everyone around me seems to be moving at the pace of a snail. I can feel every single one out of ten thousand jolts of energy sparking through my entire body. My eyes shoot around like crazy trying to follow everything that’s happening outside of my head. I can’t think of anything else, only one single thought occupies my mind… ‘Will we win?’ I ask myself this question over and over again, nonstop. Then the world speeds up moving at a fraction of a second than it was a minute ago. Someone is shouting over and over again, maybe it’s me. This game would determine if American Legion (my softball team) would make it to the championship game. It’s the second to last inning...
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...Being able to recognize faces is very important for us to distinguish one person from another. A disorder called Prosopagnosia or face blindness, usually caused by damage to the brain, causes people to lose the ability to recognize faces. This disorder is more common than we realize. I found this topic interesting because I think prosopagnosia is a very usual and complicated disorder to understand, so I wanted to know more about facial recognition. The question at hand is how damage to certain parts of the brain affect facial recognition. Benton (1980) examined patients with brain legions and how it affected their ability to recognize faces. In one study, they presented the participants with a test consisting of 3 parts: “(a) matching...
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...had brought Augustus to the throne, confidence towards the outside world remained unshaken. (Williams, D, 1996:1) Origin of the Frontier Army By 27 BC, the year of Augustus’ accession, Rome had formed the habit of expansion, but had not yet reached geographical limits which might modify that habit. His reign would be crucial to the frontier idea, for during it Rome encountered these limits and the influences which guided her towards perimeter defence were first felt. The origin of the frontier in its full and formal sense thus coincided almost exactly with the beginning of the empire, though the emergence of actual boundary works still lay some decades ahead. The civil wars had ended on a dangerous note. On the winning side alone sixty legions stood combat ready, a factor which compelled an urgent and radical review of the army’s future. Augustus decided to retain twenty-eight, while the remainder would be demobilised and settled in colonies. By this act the West’s first professional standing army, consisting of 150,000 legionaries and a similar number of auxiliaries, was created. Length of service was set at sixteen years, later increased to twenty. The pointer to the future lay not just in the new army’s formation but in its deployment, which was politically influenced. The historian Dio Cassius of Nicaea, writing in the 3rd...
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...“The Roman army stands as a military institution without parallel in the history of the world” . The Roman Army was considered the most advanced of its time. It created the Roman Empire - a huge part of Western Europe – and Rome itself greatly benefited from the riches that the army brought back from its conquered territories. But one must ask why such an army was able to convincingly conquer the world for so long? The answer is multi-faceted, the success of the Roman Army was not due to one entity or feature that gave it overwhelming power, rather, the cause was due to a well-cohered military structure. The aspects that will be raised in this paper are the army’s training and technology, and the Roman soldier. Nonetheless, if there were to be one cause to the success of this army for more than 400 years it would arguably be the degree of organization. This notion will be highlighted and explained throughout the paper. The Roman Army developed fighting techniques that were linked to a ferocious training regime; this is a significant reason as to why they were able to defeat all the forces that the world had to offer at the time. All new recruits to the army became very fit and disciplined. Training was harsh, as were punishments for failure. In a battle, new recruits were always placed at the front of the more experienced soldiers in the army . There were three reasons for this. The first was to give them confidence as behind them were experienced soldiers who had fought...
Words: 1864 - Pages: 8
...17 4.1 Capitalization Strategy 17 4.2 Sales & Income Projections 18 4.3 Critical Factors 19 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1.1 Executive Summary The Calgary Cooperative Funeral Service seeks to create a cooperative enterprise to provide funeral services that are modestly priced and environmentally friendly within the Calgary market. Based on an initial membership the founding organizations - cooperatives in Calgary, Calgary Legions, Churches and individual Calgarians, with a combined member share/loan offering and bank loan for a combined total of $525,000, this business plan calls for the enterprise to reach positive cash flow toward the end of the 3rd year of operation. The business model seeks to establish funeral/crematoria services which is centrally located and would service the members of the founding organizations as well as the funeral needs of Calgarians as a whole. The business could be centrally located, possibly on the site of an existing Legion Hall, or adjacent to Calgary Cooperative facility. The enterprise has the potential to employ 2.5 core staff in its first year of operations, supplemented by a range of casual staff and contracted service providers, with an expansion of staff occurring with every increase of...
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...funeral, Cassius says, Brutus, a word with you You know not what you do; do not Consent That Antony speak in his funeral. Know you how much the people may be moved By that which he will utter? (III, i, 232-234) This quote suggests that Cassius does not trust Antony. He knows that Antony is going to manipulate the mob against the conspirators. Overall, he judges Antony’s character well. On the other hand, Brutus makes mistakes. One of the most crucial mistakes he makes is when he lets Antony speak at the funeral, even though Cassius warns him not to. When Cassius tells Brutus not to let Antony speak at the funeral, Brutus replies, What Antony shall speak, I will protest He speaks by leave and by permission, And that we are contented Caesar shall Have all true rites and lawful ceremonies. It shall advantage us more than do us wrong. (III, i, 238-242) The quote suggests that Brutus lets Antony speak at the funeral, thinking that it will do the conspirators well. However, letting Antony speak, was his worst mistake by far. This was the turning point which led to the loss of the conspirators. Also, this was bad judgment of character. He did not pay attention to Cassius’ warning, and had he done so, the result would not have been the same. Another reason as to why Cassius is the better leader is because he is a better general. As Brutus and Cassius are informed about Octavius and Antony’s...
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...magazine operations for The American Legion magazine. His article “ A Case for Civility,” in the February 2013 American Legion magazine, Mr. Howard states that the American political culture has become “reek with incivility.” He uses various examples of officials like former senator Richard Lugar, former president Ronald Regan, former Speaker of the House, former senator Tip O’Neil and former senator Gabrielle Gifford, as an example of cooperative forces. Mr. Howard continues that many opportunities were taken to handle the nation’s various programs and legislation in an effectively cooperative way, and the collective tragedy of when issues are out control. Mr. Howard states that with the Internet, advertising, and news media, dirty laundry grabs the public’s attention and creates a segmented society. This creates an ineffective and difficult transfer of power in our political system. To reinforce his argument, the author uses a compilation of George Washington’s views from “Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation,” which is 110 observations made by the first American president. These observations point to operating daily with more candor and contain confrontation. In Henry Howard’s article in American Legion magazine, “A Case for Civility,” has a caption that says, “Today’s partisan rancor is nothing new. However, it is getting worse, as seen on the campaign trail, talk shows and Internet. How do we bury the hatch?” Mr. Howard’s article...
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...From Republic to Dictatorship: Caesar to Octavian (50–30 BCE) Summary The Pompei-Caesar civil war was violent on a scale not previously experienced by Rome. It was bad for the Ancient Mediterranean world in general. The war disrupted its agricultural bases and was economically wasteful, in addition to bringing political uncertainty, as the petty potentates in client relations to Rome were not sure with whom to adhere, since they were uncertain who would be victorious. Additionally, much life was lost, with the elite of Rome and the outlying Italian cities being prominently represented among the victims. In 47 BCE, Caesar returned from the East, and was publicly pardoned by the Senate. Pompeii's supporters renewed the Senate with their own numbers, after which Caesar left to confront North African rebels under Q. Metullus Scipio. Arriving in the winter of 47-46, he only had half an army, and waited until the spring before destroying the Pompeiian-supported rebels at Thapsus. His forces massacred the rebels. The Rome Senate then accorded him the power of Dictator for ten years, allowing him as well a four-fold triumph: victories over the last ten years were celebrated, including Gaul, Egypt, Pontus, and Africa. Just after this he defeated a further rebellion under Pompei's son, Sextus Pompei, in Iberia at Munda. This was the last civil war battle in Caesar's time. His status as Dictator provided him commands of the army and provinces; financial control, foreign policy decisions...
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...At dawn on August 19th, 1942, “six thousand and one hundred Allied soldiers, of whom roughly five thousand were Canadians”, landed at the French port of Dieppe in their first major test of the defense of the German-held coastline (Government). A combination of inadequate planning, insufficient fire support, and lack of communication, through air, naval, and land made for a very poor attack, and one of Canada’s worst defeats in World War Two. First of all, the Battle of Dieppe was poorly planned. It was designed to test new equipment, and gain the experience and knowledge necessary for planning a great amphibious assault that was one day necessary to defeat Germany. Also, after years of training in Britain, some Canadian politicians and generals were anxious for Canadian troops to experience battle (Government). The plan called for five separate attacks along 16 km. The principal assault was on Dieppe. “The four others were subsidiary flank attacks. The flank attacks were to be delivered simultaneously in: nautical twilight at 4:50 A.M” (Christie 9). They would have relied on surprise. The main attack would have came 30 minutes later. It all started at blue beach, where “they arrived late in their bid to take out enemy artillery and machine guns guarding the Dieppe beaches” (Canadian). From the start, the enemy pinned down the Canadians, and shot them up until the raid was over. Then at Green beach, “the part of the unit, tasked with reaching a radar station and anti-aircraft...
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...financial services industry. A volatile climate has left many financial firms struggling to keep both their clients’ trust and investor’s credibility. In addition to the above, many factors including strong competition, technology, the economy, and social trends have started to have a significant impact on the financial industry. To succeed, investment companies need to offer a wide gamma of products coupled with expert advice. Therefore, Intersect Investments needs to consider carefully its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as part of its strategic planning process. This paper will analyze benchmarking research made on companies dealing with transformational issues such as Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Co. Apple Computers and Legion Paper Co. Some of those organizations are global leaders within their respective industry. Therefore, any benchmarking analysis is relevant to the current situation at Intersect Investments. Coca-Cola Synopsis by Bruce McCormack It has become a cliché to state that tough times demand tough measures. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 redefined this cliché for most businesses on Wall Street and throughout the world. One such Wall Street business, Intersect Investment Services, tried boldly to overcome the toughness of the times without making a drastic strategic shift, but found itself barely managing to survive. After four years of such struggles, Intersect is now looking to vision change to improve its brand image and...
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...very eager to find a story that when he found out that Ellie was on the same bus, he didn’t miss the chance. During their trip to New York City, the duo gets into several adventures. And during their adventures, you’ll see how “sex” is being repressed. You’ll also observe how the Code by the Catholic Legion of Decency restricts showing the “real” story or what’s actually happening in the movie. You won’t be seeing “adultery and illicit sex,” “seduction or rape,” “vulgarity,” etc. in the movie because of the “moral and societal” code. One of Ellie and Peter’s adventures is when they had to hitchhike for a ride when either of them didn’t have enough money to continue riding the bus. Peter said that he could get them a ride by using his “hitchhiking fingers”. He tried a million times but it was not successful. So, what Ellie said that she wanted to give it a try. And something completely unexpected happened. She pulled up her skirt and showed off her leg. What we consider to be normal today would seem vulgar to the eyes of someone who’s in the 20’s. Even the actress Claudette Colbert didn’t want to do the scene. Both Ellie and Peter had a “moment” that the Catholic Legion of Decency would not accept. When they were hitchhiking, they had to sleep on a haystack in a deserted barn. Even though you know there were “sparks” going...
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...on a TV commercial. Internalization is when an individual agrees with an issue both on the surface and internally. Groupthink on the other hand is a psychological experience that transpires when, in spite of the fact a group desires harmony or conventionality, irrational or dysfunctional decision-making occurs to eliminate conflict. This happens because group members failed to evaluate the alternatives properly, eliminate or suppress other viewpoints by isolating the discussion and the facts of the topic. The reader should comprehend these separate entities upon the completion of reading this essay describing a meeting of the members of the American Legion Post (Latané, 1981). The Meeting On December 5th, 2014 while visiting relatives living on Staten Island, I observed a meeting at American Legion Post number 1544 located in Staten Island New York. The members of the meeting were arranged in a specific organized setting where the cabinet members sat at a dais in the front of the meeting hall facing the rest of the members who sat in chairs in rows facing them. There were...
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