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Wealth and Power


Submitted By fbthrasher9
Words 399
Pages 2
Wealth and power have a large impact on sports. Athletes seem to need great power and strength when it comes to competing. The salaries of the athletes are over the top outrageous. This causes some of them to begin to care more about the money and less about the sport. This often leads to bad behavior like gambling and other illegal acts and they soon become bad role models to the people who idol them. Sports started off as an innocent form of physical form of physical recreation and has been manipulated and influenced by people with more money and power than others. Sports are a distraction from your everyday life, more like a stress reliever for many. True social functions that consist of sports help can help society function better, but the perks of the higher society having better access and more money to sponsor or facilitate the events opens the door to manipulation. Many of the fan, athletes, and imagined communities own or have invested in the places that house the sporting events, and are allowed favoritism. Conflicts between parents arise about a bad call or favoritism being shown to one child over the other. When it comes to decision making time of who is right or wrong, if the person of authority is close to one family and have money tied up in the place, who do you think the person is going to side with? You are right, the person who has the ability to keep the place open. Wealth and power does have a huge impact on any person involved in the sports events, whether it is the fan, athlete or the community. Young kids and adults look up to athletes. Wealthy fans are willing to pay any price for the tickets due to their passion for the sport, making it unfortunate for the average fan who can not afford the more expensive tickets. Baseball, bicycling, track, swim, and many other sports are just some that have experienced corruption. The athletes take performance enhancing products to help them perform beyond what humans should be capable of doing. The fame and money cause the athletes to make bad decisions just to stay in the game. Wealth and power took a physical activity and dominated it, and this will continue to go on until the end of time. Money does make the world go around.

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