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Weapons In Ww2

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Have you ever wondered how a war was fought? What causes all the casualties and destruction? World War II used a large variety of means of destructions among numerous countries that partook in the global feud. By the end of the war, it ended up being the most destructive war in history. It's not so hard to understand why because of all the methods and weapons that tore up the environment. You can't have a war without people…. And guns. The infantrymen were equipped for battle with rifles, some with armor piercing rounds that would tear through what regular projectiles could not. Rifles were fitted with bayonets.They were long, sharp knifelike shanks attached to the underneath of the end of the barrel. Soldier used them to impale enemies at close range. Much of the rifles used in World War II were originally used in WWI as well. Other firearms included, smgs, pistols, and even in some cases flame trooper kits. These flame troopers used large flamethrowers that spewed flames and fried anything in its wake. Also the infantry had hand held explosives along with mines. Mines could have …show more content…
In my opinion they were like large sky facing cannons. Furthermore, artillery weapons were highly effective against armored vehicles. Enemy tanks, for example, could fall victim to these long range powerhouses, and it would not be pretty. Artillery units were built for different reasons, purposes and with variant projectiles. For example, there were longer ranged, shorter ranged and even explosive shells. Also, mortars were also part of the artillery category. Those were used to take out ground troops. Artillery was used very commonly for their extreme effectiveness. Without artillery there would have probably been a different outcome of the war or maybe something invented in place of it. Also there would be more confrontation combat that involved more infantry. So, the war would've ended up with more blood and

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