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Web Site of Midland Bank


Submitted By ferdawshi
Words 571
Pages 3
Problem in the current web site of Midland bank

The first problem that I found in Midland bank’s web site is that it’s a full of unnecessary images and the images sizes are very large. These images are just capturing the whole pages that create bad effect of the pages.

For example , this picture doesn’t mean any effective sense here rather it just reduce the sizes of take proper information on the page. These pictures also increasing the page loaded time and it is hamper for any web site and customers feel disappointed when they browse the sites.

Therefore, another problem are the site has lack of information. The information are not organized nicely and the site is not look like a standard financial service’s web site.

Moreover, in this website meta description is not mention clearly. Visitors will be confused about the description while they visit the site.

Then, in this site they don’t mention about reward program or the ranking position of their bank. Additionally, they just put their sponsor’s picture in their site but they don’ mention about their designation and other information about their sponsors that is very difficult to recognize their sponsors through visiting web site.

In my observation another findings they don’t take important information in their site and the information that provided in their web site is not organized clearly. They uploaded many unnecessary pictures instead of providing important information.

For example, this picture is not needed to upload broadly. Instead of this if they organize their homepage with full of information it will be meaningful.

Another finding is that, their web page loaded time is too much long. The web site takes almost 60s for loading their page that is not good at all for their web performance.

From the website I found that their page loaded time when their page size is 8.7 mb. This is obviously harmful for their website and visitor will be must disappointed when they visit their site.

The important fact is the web site is not developing at all because day by day this web site’s performance goes down. Below this picture shows this. In October 23 it takes time 7.13s to 13.55s all around but in November 3 it takes 14.18s for loading. It created negative effect on their site.

The important fact is the web site is not developing at all because day by day this web site’s performance goes down. Below this picture shows this. In October 23 it takes time 7.13s to 13.55s all around but in November 3 it takes 14.18s for loading. It created negative effect on their site.

The below images shows the graph of loading page and this graph shows its decreasing the performance of loading web site.

Pictures Hiding the product Tab: Simple and informative websites uses small meaningful pictures and those pictures are shown in the corner of the website so that it can not hamper to view other important sub categories. See the below screenshot as reference

Pic: Big size images hides the “Our Product” link

Poor website performance:

The responding time on 10th November 2014 was more than 60 seconds. Below screenshot is given as reference

It happened due to adding big images in the website and also request was high on that time so it means they have a poor gateway/server.

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