...Week 3 Summary MGT/311 Team B William Osborn, Juli Gibson, Ramon Taboa, Terrence Griffin, Cedric Davis June 30, 2014 James Eyster Week 5 Summary: Team B This week we learned ways to help make the changes within the company easier for the employees. Changes in the workplace can consist of things such as management, change in how the work is done, and change of ownership to name a few. Most people fear the unknown so when changes are made within the company. Some common fears are losing their job, that the change will affect the culture and effectiveness of implanting that change. There are some ways that the company can help to relieve some of that fear by educating the employees on the changes that are being made. The company can also relieve some of the fear by having open communication by letting the employees ask questions and give them an honest answer. Some negative ways to implement the change are by manipulation and cooptation. By doing this it can backfire on the company when the truth comes out. Going hand in hand with a company implementing changes is stress in the workplace. There are many things that can contribute to stress in the workplace. There are various ways stress in the workplace can occur for example, workload, coworkers, management, and pay. For an employee to relieve some of that stress it may help to take breaks to get some alone time. This will help the employee rest their mind and...
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...Week 5 Internet Service providers Ashour, Kalled Week 5 Internet Service providers Ashour, Kalled 2014 2014 Internet Service Providers In Denver Colorado, there are only two main options for personal home internet service. You can either get broadband through Comcast, or DSL through Century Link. Both have their positives and negatives, and both are around the same price. Comcast is 39.99 a month, for broadband internet service. While Century Link is $29.95 a month for DSL service. I personally have DSL though Century Link as I think that their customer service is much better than Comcast. Century Link provides packages of 1.5, 7, 12, 20 and 40Mbp/s connections, though all of them are the same price. I personally have the 40Mbp/s connection and pay $30 a month for the service. The router they provide has wireless capability and has suited all of my needs. Century Link has been running a campaign that they will be installing a full fiber optic system in the Denver area over the next year. So their speeds will be increasing in order to compete with Comcast. Comcast provides up to 50Mb/s for $40 a month, on a dedicated broadband line. Meaning that you should always have 50Mb/s no matter the time of day. They do offer more expensive plans with higher bandwidth, such as 105Mb/s for $45 a month. This is where Comcast has a clear advantage over Century Link. They can offer much higher speeds for just $15 more a month. They also have plans that package HBO and Streampix...
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...week 5 Describe the neuroanatomy of and neural processes related to learning based on current literature. There is a subtle difference between learning and memory whereas learning is the process by which in one’s mind there is an incorporation of new information and abilities and memory is the way in which the mind stores the information and abilities. There is a great importance from the outset that there are many kinds of memory such as procedural memory. Procedural memory is the process of remembering how to do certain things. Declarative memory is another memory where one can remember actual semantic information. These two memories are often unrelated in many instances. A prime example of these two memories would be a basketball player may have the perfect three point shot, but does not need to be fully aware of the physics that goes into shooting a three-pointer because procedural memory comes into play. To some extent this describes the difference between declarative and procedural memory. Even though that they are totally different form one another they both are a kind of memory. You can describe learning as a process in which experiences are incorporates into a person’s memory. This definition can be broad and encompasses not only the most traditional type of learning such as school learning. Learning can also be described as people forming memories of significant events that have occurred in the past. However, biologically, learning encompasses all of these aspects...
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...Customer number 1 Interested in a Camera Photo • What is your age? 38 • What is your gender? Male • What is your household size? 2 people • What is your household income? $40,000.00 • What is your profession? Handling heavy machinery • What is your education level? High School Diploma Psychographic Questions • What did you find interesting about this product? It’s capability of taking photos • What are your thoughts about the product? It has a great resolution Buying Pattern Questions • Do you ever purchase electronics? YES • Where do you go when you are looking for electronics? On Web • How often do you purchase electronics? Once in a while • How long does it take you to make a buying decision? A few days • What is your typical budget for electronics? $200-$500 • How far would you travel to make the purchase? Around Windsor Benefits Questions • What features do you look for when you purchase electronics? Its quality • What specific benefits do you look for in electronics? Reliability • What motivates you to purchase electronics? Universal Trend • What needs are you trying to meet when you purchase electronics? Enhancing lifestyle • How do you hope electronics will make your life better? Time saving Customer Number 2 Interested in a gaming console • What is your age? 22 • What is your gender? Male • What is your household size? 4 people • What is your household income? $30,000.00 • What is your profession? Student • What is your education...
Words: 2014 - Pages: 9
...Lab4 Chris Hann Zy Powell 1. Dictionary attacks and rule-based search attacks. 2. Cross-site scripting allows for attackers to bypass client-side security mechanisms normally forced on web content by current browsers. 3. You can do this by disabling scripting when it is not necessary. Do not trust links to other sites on email or message boards, and do not follow links from sites that lead to security-sensitive information directly through its address. 4. The attacker can use redirect vulnerability, where a webpage uses a script to redirect the user somewhere other than the intended site. So then the hacker takes advantage of the script and you are sent to an external page instead of an internal one. 5. It can be denial of access, data loss or corruption, and unnecessary account privileges. 6. Blind SQL injection ask question that can only have a yes or no answer. Yet with normal SQL injection ask questions that will confuse the applications into returning answers in error message and. 7. Because XSS is a hacking technique in which a malicious user enters a short snippet of JavaScript into a textbox so that this script will be saved in the database. Therefore when a user retrieves and displays this later, the browser will execute the script. 8. When a user tries to enter their credentials, the url is explaining that the password is wrong. 9. By removing all unwanted input and accept only expected input, and you would...
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...BYP8-6 (A) The people who will suffer from the negative effects of me not complying with Gena Schmitt's instructions would of course first be myself for not following directions. I could possibly lose my job. We can let the insurance company know that a customer's check is in the mail and that will get us passed the $200,000 cash balance. However, if I lie and the insurance company finds out we do not have the money as we claim we can all lose our jobs. (B) The ethical consideration that are in this case is lying. It is not right to lie and especially to an insurance company that let you borrow a big amount of money. If they have the power of close down the business then they should be told the truth in order to establish trust. (C) The only alternative that we have is to tell the truth because we can get burned either way. We do not know for sure whether the check was going to be received the next day or not. P15-1 (A) Douglas Company Maulder Company Income Statement Income Statement Year End 2009 Year End 2009 Dollars % Dollars % | | Net Sales $1,549,035 100% $339,038 100% Cost of Goods Sold 1,080,490 69.7% 241,000 71% Gross Profit 468,545 30.2% ...
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...Determining Your Perfect Position Sonya Brantley LDR/531 January 11, 2012 Professor Ruthie McDaniel Determining Your Perfect Position Agape Hospice is a reputable organization offering nursing care, physician services, social services, home health aides, trained volunteer services, bereavement services, spiritual support, and counseling. The services are offered to the northern region of Louisiana. As an employee of Agape Hospice; the perfect position would be director of marketing. My leadership style demonstrates a concern for people as well as task; with task being the priority. To be an employee for a Hospice group, the concern for people is very important. However; accomplishing a task creates security and a sense of accomplishment in the organization. Hospice provides “comforting care that emphasizes quality of life” (Hospice, 2011, pg. 1). This requires a concern for the needs of people. The mission of hospice is “serving faithfully as your partner through the final stages of a journey we know as life” (Hospice, 2011, pg 1). Hospice requires a sense of passion and concern with emphasize on task to accomplish a goal of security and serenity. Leadership style The leadership style most associated with my role in an organization is trait approach. Trait approach focuses on the personality, motives, and values of the leader. Trait approach is an adequate leadership style for a director of marketing because motive is an important issue in hospice...
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...University of Phoenix Material Appendix E Part I Define the following terms: Term | Definition | Racial formation | Is an analytical tool in sociology, developed by Michael Omi and Howard Winant, which is used to look at race as a socially constructed identity, where the content and importance of racial categories is determined by social, economic, and political forces. | Segregation | The separation or isolation of a race, class, or ethnic group by enforced or voluntary residence in a restricted area, by barriers to social intercourse, by separate educational facilities, or by other discriminatory means. | De jure segregation | Segregation that is imposed by law. | Pluralism | The plurality of religious traditions and cultures has come to characterize every part of the world today. | Assimilation | Assimilation is the process by which individuals from one cultural group merge, or blend, into a second group. The concept of assimilation originated in anthropology and generally refers to a group process, although assimilation can also be defined and examined at the individual level. | Part II Answer the following questions in 150 to 350 words each: * Throughout most of U.S. history in most locations, what race has been the majority? What is the common ancestral background of most members of this group? In most all locations in the U.S. history the Caucasian race has been the majority or the “white” race. The common ancestral backgrounds of most...
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...Running head: RACIAL EQUALITY James Shahan University of Phoenix February 15th, 2014 Racial Equality There exist different ideas and ideologies that surround the subject of race and racism. Opinions vary as to what racism is and what it is not. Racial equality is one such ideology. By definition, racial equality denotes the uniform or equal treatment of members from different races. The term loosely applies to both biological and social equality (Painter, 2006). Racial equality differs markedly from racial equity which denotes an ideal situation where markets and other systems work equally for all racial and ethnic groups. This essay centers on racial equality as a tool for social justice looking at the activities of various organizations and groups in promoting racial equality. There are many organizations and groups that serve to ensure social justice. These groups and organizations push for racial equality among different racial groups. They target a specific marginalized community or race and fight all aspects of institutional racism that might affect these groups. Most of these groups serve as civil right agents that advocate for the rights of these minority groups. National Urban League (NUL) is a good paradigm of a civil right group that fights for the rights of the minority. National Urban League as a civil right group fights against racial inequality for the African-Americans. This group advocates for equal rights for the African-Americans...
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...9 chapter current controversies and issues Introduction The Clash of Values in Social Policies Welfare Euthanasia Government: How Much Support for the Needy? Target Populations: The Struggle for Support The AIDS Epidemic The Homeless Welfare Recipients Professionalism in the Human Services The Role of Human Services Workers Whom Do Human Services Workers Serve? A Basic Reading and Thinking Skill Ranking American Values References 324 Human Services in Contemporary America - © Cengage Learning c u r r e n t c o n t r ov e r s i e s a n d i s s u e s 325 INTRODUCTION You may have gathered by now that the human services field is quite complex. Complete agreement regarding philosophies, methods, goals, services, funding, or anything else just does not exist nor, from our point of view, should it. There are times when controversies and differences are stimulating, healthy, and valid and lead to creative solutions. At other times, they are repetitious, meaningless, and destructive. Too frequently they consume time, energy, and resources that might better be used providing needed services. To this end, we highly recommend that students become familiar with the books in the Opposing Viewpoints series, published by the Greenhaven Press, that deal with issues of concern to human services workers. The purpose of this chapter is to present a sampling of basic controversies and issues in the field of human services that have not yet been resolved and may never be resolved...
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...Credit card corporations and banks are wealthier than ever before, while at the same time as the majority of American citizens are getting themselves into additional debt. Citizens who are in a tight spot find their selves needing credit cards. Today’s society is continuously struggling to get rid of debt, although while attempting to eliminate debt we sometimes generate extra debt. The one foremost trouble we all encounter dealing with credit cards is debt. Credit card corporations are not looking out for your concerns and willing to help. There is no positive side to credit card use. You will spend more if you use credit cards. Even by paying the bills on time, you are not beating the system! However, most families do not pay on time. The average family today carries $8,000 in credit card debt according to the American Bankers' Association. (David Ramsey, 2009) The one thing I dislike about credit card corporations istheir always-raising interest rates. Minimum payments just are not enough to cover the finance charges. You do not want toutilize credit cards because you will create a spending routine that is awful, in addition, you will bring upon yourself debt that can have an effect on your credit score ratings or become a victim of identity theft. To use a credit card correctly, you must make purchases you are able to pay off upon is getting your monthly bill, but some Americans do not. A large amount of people lack discipline and are liable to abuse credit cards...
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...After reviewing the editing changes that WritePoint suggested, I realized that I had very few grammar mistakes. One mistake I made was with the word e-mail. I originally left out the hyphen in between the ‘e’ and the ‘m.’ I was unaware that was needed. Another mistake I made was the use of a phrasal verb ‘find out.’ A phrasal verb is two words together that mean something different from their individual meanings. Leaving a space after a comma was another mistake I incurred. Although it is just a simple mistake that I overlooked, it still affects the professionalism of my paper. It was also revealed that you do not capitalize the word president unless you are referring a specific president or stating the President of the United States. I also learned that if two words function as an adjective, they should be connected with a hyphen. For example, real time should be real-time. My review from WritePoint was better than I thought regarding my editing changes. Regarding the revision changes, according to WritePoint brought out that I use the passive voice. When writing an essay the passive voice can tend to agitate the reader because your paragraphs become officious and tedious. You must remain consistent with the active voice while writing. For example I wrote, “Within the same study it was indicated that 35% of Americans watched political videos online.” To remain consistent with an active voice throughout the sentence the writer should write, “Within the same study statistic...
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...How are the corporation's stock investments reported on the financial statements? If one owns a large business, it is probably common to place one’s money into investments in order to ensure a higher interest rate than simply placing funds into a bank account. In any company, in this case, McDonalds, it is important to account for and report investments and the method in which this information is reported can greatly impact the income statement and the balance sheet. Firstly, it is important to acknowledge that investments are long-term assets. On the McDonald’s balance sheet, it indicates that there are no short term investments. Thus long term investment means that they may not be transferred into cash, sold or even used within a year or less. When looking at the McDonald’s balance sheet it is important to note that long term investments can include bonds, common stock, long-term notes, investments in tangible fixed assets not currently used in operations and investments set aside in special funds (investopedia.com). On the McDonald’s balance sheet the long term investments are reported at their market value. What is the difference between equity and debt securities? There are several basic differences when looking at equity and debt securities. These might include the type of financial interest each category represents, as well as how they generate profits for investors, or the way they are traded as well as the risk level involved in each. Despite these differences...
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...Title of Document Your Name DeVry University BUSN115 Introduction to Business and Technology Professor ZZZ Lemonade Stand Informal Business Report INTRODUCTION In this section, provide a brief introduction to your lemonade stand to provide a potential investor with necessary background material. Your introduction should indicate your subject or purpose and why it is important. You might summarize some of the main points you identified in Part I of this assignment. BRANDING STRATEGY In Part I, you decided part of the brand when you developed your pricing strategy. Continue with the other parts of the marketing mix (place, promotion, and product), and discuss how the lemonade stand should be branded utilizing this marketing mix in this section. Draw upon Chapter 13 to support your points, and compose your response in complete sentences with APA citations where applicable. For this section and all sections in which research is incorporated, please keep the following in mind: An in-text citation uses the following format: (Author’s last name, year). It should appear at the end of the sentence in which information gathered from your text appears. Be sure to place quotation marks around any material that comes word for word from your source. When directly quoting, you must also include the page number in your in-text citation: (Author’s last name, year, p. #). Here is an example: (Williams & Tollet, 2008, p. 49). OPPORTUNITIES FOR NEW LOCATIONS Your stand in your...
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...Identify and describe the stage of the life cycle the brand, product, business or organization is in? The product I have chosen to discuss this week is the Philips Compact Disc (CD). Although this product is fairly common, I believe it to be unique from other examples such as the cassette tape and the Apple iPod. The main difference is that although this product is indeed in the declining stages of the product life cycle, I strongly believe the product will continue to remain relevant for the next several years due to the way Philips has re-designated the CD’s usage. The insights below prove that this product is a unique example of how companies can prolong the life of a product while evolving with newer technologies. The compact disc was first introduced in the early 1980s and was initially marketed to Japan. Although sales were initially slow, the CD gained popularity in Asia due to efficiencies with file transfers and considerably better audio quality with music recording. By the mid-1980s, the compact disc gained popularity throughout Europe as a primary means of recording music. As sales continued to increase over the next decade, Philips viewed the CD’s niche market as primarily a vehicle for the recording and selling of music. This form of file transfer allowed musicians to record more tracks on an album and continued to provide better clarity than cassette tapes and other forms of file storage. The CD’s popularity eventually spread to the United States where sales...
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