...Monitoring Melissa Stevens NUR/598 Patricia Dehof April 47, 2015 Monitoring When using research methods to monitor solution implementation there is one that is commonly used in incivility research. In general, “the operational method” is commonly used to measure exposure to workplace bullying through surveys: participants indicate how frequently they are exposed to different bullying behaviors or negative acts that neither refer to the concept of bullying nor ask for bullying recognition (Giorgi, 2012). Having the ability to use different operations on one conceptual variable gives a researcher the ability to key in on the conceptual variable of interest. Using conceptual and measured variables will show the relationship between the two variables. Measured variables can be divided into two types: nominal and quantitative variables. A nominal variable is used to name a particular characteristic i.e. if a person is a male or a female. Quantitative variables use numbers to show how a person has a distinguishing effect. In the operational method two measurement scales are used, the first is the interval scale where there are equal distances between scores on a measure that are comparable to the changes in the conceptual model. Interval scales have a true zero point. A ratio scale allows for the division and multiplication of values. In an ordinal scale, numbers represent if there is more or less of a conceptual variable but, there is not an exact indication of the interval...
Words: 1537 - Pages: 7
...digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . Springer is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Business Ethics. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Tue, 3 Dec 2013 07:49:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions (2006) 65: 149-161 Journal of Business Ethics DOI 10.1007/sl0551-005-4175-4 ? Springer 2006 Corporate Psychological Defences: T. Ketola An Oil Spill Case ABSTPJVCT. protect isational morality defences the Organisational self-esteem even This an oil and moral at the paper refinery psychological integrity expense analyses and of the its parent of defences the organ the of while concessions corporation imply that is taking a change place. towards a more responsible personality of actions. used by sacrificing spectrum company KEY oil WORDS: spill, crisis management, concessions, defence behaviour, psy during an oil spill incident. A hypothetical model fences built on of de organisational defences, organisational excuses, organisational to accusations four responses...
Words: 9258 - Pages: 38
...Part One Introduction 1. The Operations Function 3. Product Design The introductory part of this book provides an overview of the operations management field and some of the prerequisites for decision making in operations: operations strategy and product design. After reading this part, the student should have an appreciation for the importance of operations to the firm, the major decisions made in operations, the linkages of operations decisions to other functions, and the need for strategy to guide all operations decision making. New-product design is treated as a cross-functional decision responsibility that precedes production of goods or services. 2. Operations and Supply Chain Strategy Chapter One The Operations Function Chapter outline 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Why study operations management? Definition of operations management Decisions at Pizza U.S.A. Operations decisions—a framework Cross-functional decision making Operations as a process Contemporary operations themes Key points Student Internet exercises Discussion questions Selected bibliography “What Is OM?” Vol. XI 2 Operations management, as a field, deals with the production of goods and services. Every day we come in contact with an abundant array of goods or services, all of which are produced under the supervision of operations managers. Without effective management of operations, a modern industrialized society cannot exist. Operations is the engine that creates profit for the enterprise...
Words: 8019 - Pages: 33
...THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT TRAVEL MARKET: TRAVELSTYLE, MOTIVATIONS, AND ACTIVITIES GREG RICHARDS* and JULIE WILSON† *Fundació Interarts (Interarts Foundation) and Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain †Department of Geography and History, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain Abstract: One sign of the growing interest in student travel both from the tourism industry and academic researchers is the global independent travel survey conducted by the International Student Travel Confederation (ISTC) and the Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS). The survey, conducted in 2002, covers the profile and travel behavior of 1630 students booking travel from student travel organizations in eight countries. This article reports the initial results of this research. The survey showed that students are frequent travel consumers with extensive previous experience of relatively long trips outside of their own world region. Most students see their travelstyle as that of “traveler,” but a significant proportion of the market characterized their travel as “backpacking.” Motivations reflecting a desire for experience are prevalent with student travelers, particularly in terms of exploring other cultures. Motivations tend to be differentiated by destination region and travelstyle and are distinct between students and other young travelers. In spite of these differences in motivation, however, the activities actually engaged in showed little differentiation between...
Words: 6885 - Pages: 28
...Achieving and Maintaining Strategic Competitiveness in the 21st Century: The Role of Strategic Leadership Author(s): R. Duane Ireland and Michael A. Hitt Source: The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005), Vol. 19, No. 4, Classic Articles from AME (Nov., 2005), pp. 63-77 Published by: Academy of Management Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4166206 Accessed: 10-05-2015 07:37 UTC REFERENCES Linked references are available on JSTOR for this article: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4166206?seq=1&cid=pdf-reference#references_tab_contents You may need to log in to JSTOR to access the linked references. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/ info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. Academy of Management is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005). http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Sun, 10 May 2015 07:37:52 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions I Academy of Management Reprinted from 1999, Vol. 13, No. 1 Executive...
Words: 12550 - Pages: 51
...Statements on Management Accounting BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT TITLE Implementing Integrated Supply Chain Management for Competitive Advantage CREDITS This statement was approved for issuance as a Statement on Management Accounting by the Management Accounting Committee (MAC) of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA® IMA ). appreciates the collaborative efforts of the Finance Business Solutions Group at Arthur Andersen LLP and the work of Dr. C.J. McNair, CMA, of Babson College, who drafted the manuscript. Published by Institute of Management Accountants 10 Paragon Drive Montvale, NJ 07645 www.imanet.org All rights reserved IMA Publication Number 00352 ISBN 0-86641-282-4 Special thanks go to Randolf Holst, CMA (Canadian), Manager of Knowledge Creation at Arthur Andersen, for his continuing oversight during the development of the Statement. IMA thanks the Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing-International (CAM-I) for their support in the development of this SMA. IMA is also grateful to the members of the Management Accounting Committee for their contributions to this effort. Copyright © 1999 in the United States of America by Institute of Management Accountants and Arthur Andersen LLP Statements on Management Accounting BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Implementing Integrated Supply Chain Management for Competitive Advantage TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ...
Words: 13000 - Pages: 52
...The Transformation Continues QANTAS SUSTAINABILITY REVIEW 2013 This page has been intentionally left blank TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction Governance − − − − Corporate Governance Business Resilience Group Security Group Risk and Audit 2 4 4 9 10 11 13 15 19 22 31 38 45 49 56 57 Stakeholder Engagement Financial Safety and Health Customer People Environment Procurement Community Measures Glossary The Group Strategy, supported by environment, procurement and community strategies, underpins the identification and reporting on material items. To support the Group’s core goal of delivering sustainable returns to shareholders, areas of focus are used to measure, monitor and report on the Group’s performance. Areas of focus and measures are reviewed and updated to ensure that they remain relevant. The Group Strategy drives sustainable outcomes Governance Corporate governance is core to ensuring the creation, protection and enhancement of shareholder value. Stakeholders We are committed to communicating effectively with our stakeholders. Financial Safety and Health To be recognised as the world’s leading airline group in air, ground and people safety and health. Customers Our Customers are the core of everything we do. The Group is continually striving towards providing exceptional customer experiences. Vision We strive to build a strong viable business capable of delivering sustainable returns...
Words: 27168 - Pages: 109
...Statements on Management Accounting BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT TITLE Implementing Integrated Supply Chain Management for Competitive Advantage CREDITS This statement was approved for issuance as a Statement on Management Accounting by the Management Accounting Committee (MAC) of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA® IMA ). appreciates the collaborative efforts of the Finance Business Solutions Group at Arthur Andersen LLP and the work of Dr. C.J. McNair, CMA, of Babson College, who drafted the manuscript. Special thanks go to Randolf Holst, CMA (Canadian), Manager of Knowledge Creation at Arthur Andersen, for his continuing oversight during the development of the Statement. IMA thanks the Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing-International (CAM-I) for their support in the development of this SMA. IMA is also grateful to the members of the Management Accounting Committee for their contributions to this effort. Published by Institute of Management Accountants 10 Paragon Drive Montvale, NJ 07645 www.imanet.org IMA Publication Number 00352 Copyright © 1999 in the United States of America by Institute of Management Accountants and Arthur Andersen LLP All rights reserved ISBN 0-86641-282-4 Statements on Management Accounting BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Implementing Integrated Supply Chain Management for Competitive Advantage TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
Words: 13000 - Pages: 52
...Getting Started 1 What's holding you back? 1 Learning to handle success 3 Overcoming the mental blocks 3 Fighting back 6 Checking your readiness 12 Case studies 13 Action points 15 2 Finding Ideas 16 Looking right in front of you 16 Cashing in on change 17 Carving a niche 18 Acquiring commercial skills 20 Working on your self-esteem 20 Choosing a trading name 21 Checking your readiness 24 Case studies 24 Action points 26 3 Creating a Winning Business Plan 27 Planning ahead 27 Making sure the plan is yours 30 Your blueprint for success 30 Getting help from the public sector 36 Getting help from the banks 36 Checklist 37 Constructing your 'blueprint for success' 38 Case studies 43 Exercises 45 4 Funding Your Enterprise 46 Getting your hands on some seed money 46 Start-up costs 46 Getting outside finance 49 Approaching the public sector 50 Approaching potential funders 54 The plan that will fix your funding 58 Presenting your case 61 Checklist 62 Case studies 63 Action points 65 5 Planning Ahead 66 Choosing a partner 66 Case studies: going into partnership 69 Measuring the competition 71 Competitive analysis 75 Finding the right premises 77 The systems you will need 79 Deciding your business status 80 Understanding the basics of taxation 81 Preparing to survive - and succeed 84 Case studies 85 Action points 87 6 Marketing Your Enterprise 89 Debunking the marketing myth 89 Creating the right personal image 90 Marketing research...
Words: 51872 - Pages: 208
...Delhi, India Abstract Global climate change is inextricably linked with the enhanced build-up of greenhouse gases. Emissions- trading in the form of carbon credits or CERs is opening up a new vista of trade opportunities with prospect for gradual reduction of emissions particularly by the developed nations under Annexure-I categories. Various national and international programmes undertaken by the government and voluntarily by the non-government agencies have positively impacted on progressive reduction of emissions in many parts of the world. The paper highlights the emerging issues linked to the modalities of emission-trading, together with scope for developing sound accounting procedures for trading carbon credits. Paper discusses the opportunities for developing a sound marketing system of carbon credits with built-in efficiency in transactions, accountability and transparency in reporting systems with focus on India. Paper also GMJ,VOL 4,ISSUE 1 & 2, JANUARY - DECEMBER 2010 underlines the need to comply with the Global Accounting Standards, Tax Planning, access to Multi-commodity Exchange Market, certification, verification and enforcement procedures for proper execution of emission-trading initiatives aimed at achieving carbon neutrality. The aspects of Carbon management with focus on carbon neutrality, sustainable energy development and implicit energy security are also highlighted. Key Words: Emissions trading, Carbon Management, Global Carbon Accounting, carbon...
Words: 19274 - Pages: 78
...unpredictability. Change is rapid and relentless. Today’s leaders face demands unlike any ever before faced. Standard leadership approaches that have served us well throughout much of history are quickly becoming liabilities. Conventional wisdom regarding leadership and many of its habits must be unlearned. The strong, decisive, charismatic, and independent leader and leadership we have idealised, strived to be, depended upon, and longed for may prove counter-productive in the new millennium and undermine a sustainable future. The challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century call for a new type of leader and leadership, indeed an entirely new and different way of thinking about leadership and of developing future leaders. This paper explores the nature of the nascent millennium and the leader and leadership qualities and capabilities expected to be crucial in the uncertain decades ahead. Eight general categories of leadership attributes have been identified as essential for the future. Those who possess or are developing these competence sets are Renaissance Leaders, individuals who are different and make a difference. A significant gap remains between current leadership competencies and those needed in the future....
Words: 43745 - Pages: 175
...OF TORONTO and Russell J. Craig AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY ACCOUNTABILITY AND RHETORIC DURING A CRISIS: WALT DISNEY’S 1940 LETTER TO STOCKHOLDERS Abstract: In 1940, Walt Disney was faced with crafting a message of corporate accountability under duress. His company, the product of his creative genius, had been forced to submit to public accountability. It had a pressing need to raise preferred equity finance for a major expansion during a period of market uncertainty, war, and reported losses. This paper conducts a “close reading” of the “Letter to Stockholders” in Walt Disney Productions’ 1940 annual report, the first such letter signed by Walt Disney. The letter’s rhetorical features, including metaphor and ideology, are examined in the context of the times. What is revealed is an accountability document skillfully crafted with the exigencies faced by Disney’s company firmly in mind. The letter offers suggestive insight to the world as Disney made sense of it. The paper contributes to understanding the use of rhetoric by top management in activities related to aspects of financial accountability and reporting. It also helps to understand better a significant public persona of the 20th century, Walt Disnev. Acknowledgment The authors wish to acknowledge the helpful comments of the reviewers. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES Analysis of annual reports, including letters by CEOs to stockholders, has a long history in management and accounting literatures. Discourse by CEOs is important...
Words: 15612 - Pages: 63
...Project Management Methodology Guidelines Project Management Methodology & Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Successful Projects Project Management Methodology Guidebook Table of Contents Table of Contents 1. Project Management Overview ............................................................................1 1.1. Background ..................................................................................................1 1.2. An Overview of the Project Management Philosophy and Mission...............1 1.2.1. The PMO’s Mission............................................................................2 1.2.2. What Is A Project? .............................................................................2 1.2.3. What Is Project Management? ..........................................................2 1.2.4. What Is A Project Management Life Cycle? ......................................3 1.2.5. Deliverables Typically Produced for Each PMBOK Knowledge Areas4 1.2.6. Project Management Life Cycle and Knowledge Areas .....................5 1.2.7. Elements of Successful Project Management .................................15 1.3. Project Approach Selection Technique - Selection Indicators ....................15 1.3.1. Indicators for User Workshops ........................................................15 1.3.2. Indicators for Interviewing................................................................15 1.3.3. Indicators for Questionnaires................................
Words: 26282 - Pages: 106
...JOB DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIALS Laura Wyckoff Carol Clymer a guide for job developers Second Edition A PUBLICATION OF PUBLIC/PRIVATE VENTURES JOB DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIALS A Guide for Job Developers Second Edition Laura Wyckoff Carol Clymer Second Edition © copyright 2005. Public/Private Ventures. All rights reserved. 2 JOB DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIALS Acknowledgments .............................................................................. 6 Developers, Writers, and Funders........................................................ 7 About Job Development Essentials......................................................... 9 Before You Begin ............................................................................. 11 CHAPTER 1: LAYING THE GROUNDWORK ............................................. 13 Preparation Checklist Educating Yourself Resources for Research Starting a Dialogue Tips for Preparing Preparing an Attitude Planning for Initial Contact Common Mistakes About Your Performance CHAPTER 2: MAKING INITIAL CONTACTS .............................................. 25 Six Facts A True Story Outline for an Initial Call Keep the Dialogue Going Steps for Handling Objections Determining Needs, Offering Services Getting the Specifics Employer Contact Record Checklist for a Site Visit Common Mistakes About Your Performance table of CONTENTS PAGE 1 OF 3 JOB DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIALS 3 table of CONTENTS PAGE 2 OF 3 CHAPTER 3: DEVELOPING THE EMPLOYER...
Words: 24387 - Pages: 98
...MASARYK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Social Science Department of Psychology M. A. Petra Vondráčková ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOUR ON THE INTERNET Thesis Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. David Šmahel, M.Sc. et Ph.D. Brno 2012 I declare that I have written this thesis independently and all cited resources have been listed in the references. Praha 20 November, 2012 Petra Vondráčková Acknowledgements I would like to thank my supervisor David Šmahel for his invaluable help and guidance, and also for the opportunity to get the valuable experience in doing the research in psychology. Many thanks also to my colleague Jaroslav Vacek for inspiring discussions that we have had on this topic. I would also like to thank the co-authors of presented texts. In addition, special thanks are due to the people who were willing to participate and shared their own experience with Internet use and addictive behaviour on the Internet. Content 1. Introduction 8 2. Theoretical background 10 2.1. Behavioural addiction 10 2.1.1. Defining the concept 11 2.1.2. Classification of behaviour addictions 12 2.1.3. Behavioural addiction in the context of diagnostic manuals of mental disorders 13 2.1.4. Similar traits of behavioural and substance addictions 15 2.2. Internet addiction 24 2.2.1. Historical background and main research areas 26 2.2.3. Identification of Internet addiction 28 2.2.4. Prevalence rates of Internet addiction 32 2.2.5. Correlates of Internet Addiction 35 ...
Words: 31833 - Pages: 128