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Weibo Marketing


Submitted By yan1113
Words 438
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1. 引言 当今社会是一个高速发展的信息时代,人们对信息的需求要求越来越多,越来越及时,微博作为一个基于用户关系的信息分享、传播以及获取的平台出现在人们的生活中,而微博营销也同时出现,并具有同样的优势。正因为微博营销的这些优势能够满足各企业营销的需求,它正在成为个人展示、组织展示的最佳营销平台。
2. 微博营销概述 1. 微博营销的定义 微博营销是指企业在调查市场需求的情况下,为消费者提供需要的产品和服务, 将微博作为营销平台的入口,制定一定的品牌推广计划,利用微博发布品牌、商业活动等信息,从而使微博用户了解产品、树立品牌、加强市场认知度,提高营销的效率,并减少营销的成本,最终达到企业销售产品和提供服务的目的。 微博营销充分利用了微博本身的特点,如信息更新及时、信息交互方便和拥有强大的粉丝团等特点是其服务于企业的营销之中,提高企业的知名度和营销业绩,同时能够更大的程度上满足消费者日益增长的需求。 2. 微博营销的特点 微博营销作为一种有效地网络营销方式有其独特的特点和不可替代的优势,在很大程度上满足了广大消费者的需求,以下将对其特点进行详细的说明。 (1)操作简单 微博信息的发布一般都很短,不需要长篇大论,可以方便的利用文字、图片、视频等形式进行展示。 (2)多平台 既可以利用电脑,又可以利用手机上网发布信息、查看信息。 (3)传播速度快 信息传播方式多样性,可以跟某个网友直接对话,也可以直接转发,操作方便。一条微博一经发出,就直接在网页上呈现,就可以被所有关注企业的微博用户看到,经过手机和互联网上的互动性转发,几分钟内就能传递给世界各地所有的潜在客户,达到短时间内最大的信息接收量。可以说,微博营销是所有营销手段中速度最快,传播范围最广的一种。 (4)成本低 与传统营销方式相比,省去了企业支付给广告播出平台的费用,也帮助企业节省了推广费用,还大大节约了人力成本和时间成本。微博营销是投资少见效快的一种新型的网络营销模式,其营销方式和模式可以在短期内获得最大的收益。 (5)受众定位明确且精准 当企业在微博上发表相关品牌信息时,受众会根据自己的兴趣来选择品牌关注,并推荐给朋友或粉丝们, 使得企业品牌的目标市场受众定位明确且精准。 (6)微博内容门槛低 用户只需有一个微博号且不受固定网络的限制, 可随意运用手机或电脑等登陆微博网站,更新自己的微博内容或发布帖子。 (7)信息传递的交互式。与传统营销不同,微博营销信息传递实现了双向沟通,是多人间“传播、反馈、再传播”的动态过程。
3. 微博营销发展分析 1. 微博营销的兴起与发展 2006 年3 月伊万·威廉姆斯推出了Twitter 标志着微博客的产生。如今Twitter 已是一个价值近百亿美元的网站,据有关数据显示,截至2010 年1 月,在Twitter 上注册的用户已经有7500 万。尽管Twitter 在美国已有5 年的历史,而在中国,微博真正进入人们生活的还不到2 年。2009 年8 月4日,国内最大的门户网站新浪网推出“新浪微博”内测版,成为门户网站中第一家提供微博服务的网站,并在短短的一年多时间内迅速掀起国内微博风潮,使微博正式进入中文网主流人群视野,如今新浪微博已成为国内微博领域的领先者。 据《中国微博元年市场白皮书》数据显示,随着用户数的不断增长,新浪微博上每天都会产生海量信息。2010 年7 月,新浪微博产生的总微博数超过9000 万, 每天产生的微博数超过300 万,平均每秒会有近4O 条微博产生。而权威机构则预测,2011 年中将突破1 亿,2013 年国内微博市场将进入成熟期。因此很多企业利用微博市场进行营销,使得微博营销进入人们的视野。 2. 微博营销的现状 微博这种互联网社交服务可以在较短的时间内网聚大量用户的特性,可以成为企业开展网络营销的新市场。在国外,很多企业已经利用Twitter 广泛开展网络营销, 并取得了很好的效果。 由于Twitter在国外取得成功,从2009年起国内开通了很多微博网站,如新浪微博、网易微博、腾讯微博等。随着微博用户的增长国内一些企业看到了微博营销具有潜在商机,并通过微博营销进行产品推广,取得了一定的效果。目前,微博营销主要是企业通过微博发布消息,更新内容,与用户之间进行有效的互动,实现营销目标的一种新兴网络营销方式。 3. 微博营销的发展趋势 通过国外微博营销的应用以及对企业的影响,大致可以预见中国微博发展的大方向,然而由于中国交际关系文化的特殊性,让人期待微博在中国的土壤上将开出怎样的奇葩。 (1) 意见领袖由名人到群像。所谓群像,指的是大众、主流。有关数据显示,社会化媒体营销已经有明显的去中心化特征,淡化名人在微博中的话题作用。这是一种反向思维的营销方式:由微博用户发起活动,或者由他们自动转发、评论,去引导进行某一活动,而企业对微博的运营则需要更多的创意、更生动、更有大众传播性。建在品牌定位基础之上的创意,可以吸引人们自动关注并传播,而话题类信息比促销类信息的传播生命周期更为长久。微博既然给了企业一个温暖的具体形象,接下来就看企业如何去塑造这个形象的性格,如何去交朋友了。 (2) 电子商务。根据新浪方面的数据显示,新浪微博网友最想加入的应用是电子商务。而相应地,新浪先是与淘宝达成了合作关系,其后投资了麦考林,这两家公司很可能成为新浪微博的电子商务提供商。对于企业而言,社会化媒体营销再整合电子商务, 又是一个新的契机,前者强调的是线上互动和线下服务相结合,而后者则是引导直接销售。国外有一个优秀的案例: 用户只要在Facebook 上安装一个鲜花礼品公司1-800-Flowers 的App,就能花一美元在朋友生日时送上一枝虚拟鲜花,接着1-800-Flowers 会统计“寿星”收到花的种类和数量,最后将这些“虚拟鲜花”变成真的鲜花送到寿星家中,更有趣的地方是,在包裹鲜花的包装纸上印满了送花朋友们的Facebook 头像。 (3) 助力本地实用性中小企业。本地实用性企业主要包括服务业, 如餐饮、租赁、速递等等。这类高频次的生活消费需求,人们通常能迅速做出购买决策且不需多做比较。而微博将这个决策过程再度进行了精简,从消费者寻找信息到企业和消费者信息的双向耦合。这种企业在微博上虽然没有大企业的粉丝规模, 却能做到精准的到达率和极高的转化率: 那些为数不多的粉丝都是极高黏性的顾客, 它们可以将微博作为直接的销售窗口。因此,也可能催生完全基于微博生存的小企业, 它们将微博作为唯一的信息发布以及销售窗口,可以理解为更加简洁和个性化的网店。 (4) 更加人性化的售前售后体系。很多企业不止拥有一个微博账号,它们要求不同部门的员工以个人名义注册微博,解决顾客售前售后问题。不同部门的员工形成一个梯队,进行更加人性化、趣味性的交流,甚至随着微博平台的发展,形成类似网络游戏里的虚拟“工会”或者“家族”。然而,其间员工拥有多少自由空间需要企业的有效内部控制。 (5) 个人消费门户。随着个人消费者与企业的互动越来越频繁,消费者可以通过微博构建自己的个人消费门户,即可以根据各自的消费习惯对不同企业账号进行分类关注。每当有消费需求时,可以浏览相应组群企业的产品信息以及其他用户的评价。而若微博平台整合搜索引擎应用,那对企业而言又是新的机遇。
4. 微博营销发展问题及策略 1. 微博营销发展中问题 由于各方面的原因使得微博营销的发展受到限制,以下为一些具体的问题: (1) 站拥有各自微博平台,难以实行统一。作为一种新型的营销方式,企业的微博营销在国外也只是刚刚起步。随着新浪在2009 年8 月开始微博内测,搜狐、网易、腾讯等门户网站相继开通了微博服务,甚至连人民网、凤凰网等媒体也开设了微博。在众多网站都拥有各自微博的情况下,都为了抢占用户,反正都无法进一步扩大,人数稳定在一个局部范围,也无法统一各个平台的信息资源。 (2) 被动寻找户。在微博的世界中,最能反映受关注程度就是粉丝的数量,拥有多少粉丝就代表你受到多少关注。这就使得企业的微博营销中被动地去给本身关注的粉丝进行传播,而并不能去主动地寻找目标受众进行主动营销行动,这种偏于单向的营销关系并不适合长远发展,影响受众的品牌忠诚度的提升。 (3) 受众人群极限。前面提到过微博人数的情况,已经发展到了一个相对饱和阶段。进一步开发效果微乎其微,在新鲜期过去之后,有不少用户在恶性竞争中彻底离开微博的世界中。 (4) 缺乏效果评估。企业在微博营销过程中,并没有有效地效果评价方法。在网络这个虚拟世界中,可以充满大量虚假信息,比如大量“水军”的出现,如果单看粉丝数量或者转发次数,已经并不一定能真实反映效果。对于微博营销效果的评估,OCCI 互联网数据中心创始人胡延平认为,“单一的微博是没有生命力的,微博只有和门户网站结合起来才能爆发出生命力,即无门户无微博。在此基础上,不同微博平台之间应该开放打通、共生共存,但中国的从业者显然不愿意这么做。”他认为,微博只是一个创新产品,不是革命性应用,企业微博营销的价值还难以评估。 (5) 手段单一,缺乏创意。现在微博营销的形式有限,而且内容上大家相互模仿,缺乏个性化创新设计,同质化现象严重。并且有时带有明显地低劣推销意思,没有让受众感受企业的文化和企业形象,长时间会伤害现有受众。 2. 微博营销的发展策略 微博营销是企业在网络营销上找到的另一个广阔发展平台,但是目前发展的制约因素也给企业微博营销上带来了一些困扰。针对上文分析出制约微博营销发展瓶颈的原因,以下提出几点建议: (1) 不仅看数量,也要看质量。企业往往过分追求在微博上发布信息的频率,有时几乎每分钟更新几条信息。这就导致受众无法区分出有效信息来,在如此繁多的信息中,很容易使用户产生厌烦心理。因此,在微博营销的内容上要求必须追求内容的质量,保证企业发布出来的信息是精炼、有效的,这个说起来容易,真正做起来却很困难。所以,需要企业根据受众感受调整内容发布,重视信息质量。 (2) 利用事件营销,建立创新点。利用在微博的信息具有即时性,信息发布快捷的特点,集中精力在一点上进行事件营销,这样既可以增加大众的关注,又可以更好的宣传品牌形象,改善受众对企业的品牌态度;再者,企业也可以组织具有奖励性的活动,让大众积极参与进来,提升企业的影响力,也会进一步吸引更多“粉丝”的关注。 (3) 树立正面品牌形象,吸引更多关注。微博是一个新兴的平台,其发展速度已经超乎人们想象。企业在微博上树立良好口碑正面的品牌形象是十分有必要的。比如,某企业负责人说:“就是因为一个小姑娘的言论就使得公司倒退20 年。”这一事件已经说明在微博上树立品牌形象的重要性和及时性。良好的企业文化和企业形象,可以在互相传播中使得更多的受众了解,并形成顾客意愿和购买力。 (4) 完善绩效评价体系,提高有效受众群。传统的营销方式己经形成了一套相对完善的量化评价指标,而微博营销还只是刚刚起步,还没有一套成熟的效果评价体系,争议也比较大,目前缺少有效的效果评估机制的情况下,微博的粉丝数量就成了评估企业微博营销效果的一个重要依据。但大量的机器人粉丝、僵尸粉丝的产生,给企业微博营销带来困扰,即粉丝数量在增加,但销量并不见长,效果也难以评估。戴尔公司的经验是,可以聘请专业的公司进行市场数据的采集,定时向企业反馈营销效果,为企业以后的战略决策提供科学的依据。当前大众初步认可的效果评估体系主要包括以下三个方面。首先,微博传播内容的价值,微博营销效果的好坏首先得看它传播内容有没有价值;其次,意见领袖的转发和评价数量,意见领袖通常拥有大量粉丝数量,其转发和评价直接影响到微博营销的传播效果;最后,用户反馈,受众的参与程度也是企业微博绩效评价的一个重要方面,用户的感受是最直接反映出传播效果的方式。 在这个快速发展的“微博时代”,对于企业来说,寻找的不仅是表象的繁荣,更是可以开拓的蓝海。在这个时期,谁能找出问题的所在,并加以规避和解决,就意味着占领了市场的先机。不管从国外戴尔在Twitter 上的营销,还是国内在微博上的营销,都证明了微博营销的方式可行,只是目前快速发展过程中出现了制约发展的情况。找出原因,对症下药,相信微博营销真正的春天还没有到来。
5. 总结 微博营销是一种刚刚起步的营销模式,其以信息源的发布者为核心,体现企业的核心地位,是一种群体网络资源,其发展的潜能必将是巨大的。如果说电子商务已经成为一座金矿,那么微博营销将会和博客营销,BBS 营销、论坛营销、资讯营销一样成为企业挖掘金矿的现代化工具。 微博营销相较于传统营销有其优越性,也有其缺陷。只有正确的了解它,找到正确的策略面对其不足,才能在很大程度上促进企业营销的发展。 微博营销作为一种电子商务的营销工具,随着其发展会出现专门从事微博营销服务的企业,会有一大批微博营销的专业人士组成团队形成股份制的公司,这将是互联网产业的又一蓝海。

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Hup Seng

...Action Program A company clearly stated that it will use it to achieve its marketing goals specific tactics precise details of the marketing strategy, also known as the marketing plan. Plan or strategy to take the best positioning and selling goods and services to specific customers. The plan or strategy that Hup Seng used to promote their product is advertising. Hup seng promote their product through television, radio, newspaper and social media. Television Hup Seng will put an advertisement to let people know about their product on television channels. For example: TV1. TV2, TV3, NTV7, Channel 8 and Channel 9. Not only local television channels because Hup Seng product also allocate to others countries such as Africa, United State, Russia and others Asia country . So that Hup Seng also will put an advertisement on foreign television channels. Radio Besides promote on television channels, Hup Seng also uses radio channels to promote their product. For example: Hitz FM, My FM, One FM, Ai FM, 988 FM, Hots FM, Melody FM and so on. Nowadays, people will listen to radio while they are driving, doing homework, working, doing housework and more. So that Hup Seng put an advertisement to promote their product by using this way can let younger generation know about them. It also gives others race to know about Hup Seng product such as Malay, India and not only Chinese. Newspaper Putting an advertisement on newspaper is another way to promote Hup Seng product. Hup Seng will...

Words: 327 - Pages: 2

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Marketing of Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai

...[pic] Marketing MK 201 Marketing of Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai [pic] Lecturer: Kathryn Medico Student: Lu Yizhi [ luyi080789 ] Duy Hung Pham [ phdu271188 ] Class: 2A March 12th , 2012 Acknowledgement For the successful completion of our report, we would like to express our deep gratitude to all the people who give us help and advise. First and foremost, we are going to give our appreciation to Mr. Wang, the Assistant Sales Director of the Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai. He spent his personal time replying our email to answer our questions and gave us a lot of valuable information and instructions which keep our report going in the right direction. Secondly, we would like to thank our Marketing lecturer, Miss Medico, she provided us with many useful resources and guidance at every stage of writing the report. Clearly, we cannot finish this report smoothly without her help. Last but not least, we would like to thank all our friends for their suggestions and inspiring. Contents Aknowledgement 2 Introduction 4 Background of Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai 4 The Lifecycle Stages of Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai 5 Target Market 6 The Promotion Mix of Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai 7 Advertising 7 Publishing pamphlets and magazines 7 Online advertising 8 Public Relations 8 Communicating with public by Internet 8 Participate in public service 9 Sales Promotion 9 Hotel packages promotion 9 Discount 10 Conclusion 10 Reference...

Words: 2734 - Pages: 11

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...Internet and Social Media Marketing Student’s name - Asmar Karimova Student’s Programme - International Management Module – Principles and Practices of Global Business & Academic Skills Seminar Leaders – Karl Zehetner & Gergely Tamasi Words count - 2550 MSc in International Management 2015-2016 Table of Contents 1. Intorduction………………………………………………………………………….1 2. Discrimination of internet and social marketing………………………………….2 2.1. Advantages of using social media to market business……………………………3 2.2. Risk of using social media to market business…………………………………….4 3. Internet and social media marketing in China…………………………………....4 4. Internet and social media marketing in Turkey ………………………………….5 5. Internet and social media marketing in Russia…………………………………...5 6. Internet and social media marketing in India……………………………………..6 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………….6 References 2 Abstract Nowadays developments in technology introduce many new ways for communication, such as, internet, social networks. Some developments in the global sense are very effective on social marketing’s demonstrating its prevalence and acceptance. All these new formats bring changes in cultural and economic areas. Today’s potential customers spending their time on the internet and social networks for purchasing their needs. Digital or online marketing is far from traditional ways to make marketing. Businesses use this popularity of social media for the marketing of their goods and...

Words: 3093 - Pages: 13

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Xiaomi Growth

...big USP. By building its own Android-based OS called MIUI, XIAOMI phones got new exciting features not found on standard android devices as well as plenty of customization options. Xiaomi has also managed to harness the power of social media by not only broadcasting their messages and announcements but by actively engaging with their customers. In its early stages, the company pioneered flash style sales which were done with little or no advertising. Flash sales basically mean selling limited quantities during limited periods. These created a sense of anticipation and urgency – great factors to win consumers’ minds and hearts. Once it created a strong and loyal customer base it harnessed the power of active social media. Word of mouth marketing worked very well for Xiaomi and they continued to take full advantage of it. Xiaomi’s real invention is its business model....

Words: 545 - Pages: 3

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Marketing Plan

...The Marketing Plan Karen Ingram BUS 330 Principles of Marketing Instructor: Rokesha (Kay) Green October 5, 2015 The Marketing Plan Marketing has been around for many years but it is always changing and progressing. Marketing is about communicating the value of a product to consumers to promote or sell a product or service. Marketing makes the product unique even though there are similar item offered by competitors. Some activities of the marketing department include product development, advertising, promotion, distribution of sale, customer service, and public relations. Value is the main concept on which marketing is based. Value refers to how good an item is. Value is driven by personal needs and desires. Customer value is the value a specific exchange has for the customer as opposed to for the company (White, 2012). Marketing function determines customer value because it refers to the value of an item the customer receives. A marketer’s job is to develop an offering and to price it in such a way that its value attracts customers, yet it still makes a profit. This paper will introduce and market the product iTunes using the STP approach, discuss major environmental facts and trends in China, and contain a marketing plan for iTunes using the four p’s of marketing. A product that is sold in the United States and has sales opportunities in China is the intangible service iTunes from Apple. ITunes is a store in the form of an app that can be downloaded to ay electronic...

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Xiaomi Entering Indian Market

...r MGMT330 Strategic Management Final Project Xiaomi Entering India’s Mobile Market Analysis Content 1. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 2. General Environment analysis of the Mobile Industry in India --------------------------------6 3. Business model of Xiaomi with India market analysis--------------------------------------------9 4. Comparison between Samsung and Xiaomi -------------------------------------------------------11 5. Recommendation---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 6. Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 7. Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 1. Introduction 1.1 Background information of Xiaomi Xiaomi, a leading smartphone brand in China, has been trying to enter India’s mobile market in this year. India is a developing country which has a potential market for smartphones. There will be a detailed explanation and analysis of how Xiaomi enters India’s mobile market. We will also evaluate its strategy and provide some opinions or recommendations. We will describe the business model of Xiaomi and the original strategy that Xiaomi used in mainland China first. Then talk about the mobile market of India and the general environment...

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Consumer Cognitive Decision Behavior

...Consumers will through various channels to understand different brand and model which make consumer select the most suitable product for them. First, the customer will search the information through the internet or mobile magazine. In this time, the consumer can understand the information, review, and the dynamic of the latest mobile phone. If the consumer had chosen a good brand, they can learn more the detail product information from the official website. For instance, Meizu company has their own official website and offering a clear guideline on the website for the consumer to research, including function, pictures, prices and so on. Moreover, Meizu Company will promote their product in the social media such as TV, Facebook, and Weibo. Meanwhile, they also offer the promotional or latest products information in the pages to increase consumer’s awareness of Meizu...

Words: 753 - Pages: 4

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Compare Kfc Between Thailand and China

...------------------------------------------------- Course Title: Marketing Management Assignment Title: Observation Assignment Date Submitted: 25 October 2014 25 October 2014 Declaration of Originality: The work contained in this assignment, other than that specifically attributed to another source, is that of the author(s). It is recognised that, should this declaration be found to be false, disciplinary action could be taken and the assignments of all students involved will be given zero marks. In the statement of collaboration, I have indicated the extent to which I have collaborated with other students, whom I have named. CLEARLY PRINT Name: | Student ID No: | Signature: | Nisa Unothai | 566110520011 | | Lin Xiao (Rebekah) | 576110520002 | | QinXueFei (Sophie) | 576110520006 | | Li Minyi (Maple) | 576110520007 | | Zhou zhiyu (Jayce) | 576110520010 | | Padcharee Klahan | 576110520015 | | | | | | | | Tasks 1. Select the specific Brand of fast food chain or coffee shop chain e.g. KFC, Starbuck Group 3 selects Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC in short name) which is an international brand providing fast-food restaurant in many countries. 2. Discuss the similarities and differences of their implementations of marketing mix strategies between two countries e.g. Thailand versus China or Australia. A comparison table format including texts, pictures and video link are recommended. Use components of marketing mix strategies below as...

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Oroton International Strategy

...OROTON International Marketing Report Student: Erin Burgess Student: Kellie Burmeister Student: Mark Bell Lecturer: Suzanna Mahinder Due date: 25th August 2013 OROTON page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 3 THE OROTON BRAND ....................................................................................... 3 OROTON PRODUCTS........................................................................................ 3 THE CHINESE MARKET .................................................................................... 4 OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................................... 4 TARGET MARKET .............................................................................................. 5 MARKET RESEARCH ......................................................................................... 5 ENTRY STRATEGY ............................................................................................ 6 PRICE STRATEGY ............................................................................................. 7 PRODUCT STRATEGY....................................................................................... 8 PROMOTION STRATEGY .................................................................................. 8 DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY ................................................................................

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Unilever Casestudy

...Digital Marketing As discussed in your chosen case study, outline the main strengths and limitations of the case’s digital marketing strategy. In the Unilever case study, the company decided to distribute samples of a new cereal bar, the Marmite, to drive awareness of the new product by increasing connections to the brand’s Facebook page by a Facebook sampling ads campaign. The activity on Facebook was part of an integrated campaign that included print media to raise awareness as well as additional sampling initiatives through digital transvision screens and escalator panels. The ad’s headline was “Free Marmite Cereal Bar”. Strengths One of the reasons why the campaign was so successful was the user-friendly set-up: Once users clicked on the call-to-action button in the ad, they were given the unique opportunity to fill out their shipping address within the ad, providing them with a quick and easy way to request a sample without leaving their newsfeed. It is less time consuming as one does not have to go to the store to buy the sample but just order it through Facebook. This also makes it convenient for the customer and therefore the probability of satisfaction towards the brand increases. Another success factor was Unilever’s use of Facebook Targeting to target its ads to mums and adults 16 to 44 years old. Targeting on Facebook allows the most likely customers to be reached based on information they list in their profiles. Unilever delivered 33,000 samples...

Words: 1968 - Pages: 8

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Ikea Case Study

...Case study : How IKEA adapted its strategies to expand & become profitable in China Executive Summary: IKEA is known globally for its low prices and innovatively designed furniture. In China, however, it faced peculiar problems. Its low-price strategy created confusion among aspirational Chinese consumers while local competitors copied its designs. This case study analyses how IKEA adapted its strategies to expand and become profitable in China. It also assesses some lessons the company learnt in China that might be useful in India, where it plans to open its first store by 2014 and 25 stores in 10 to 15 years. Swedish furniture giant IKEA was founded by entrepreneur Ingvar Kamprad in 1943. He began by selling pens, wallets and watches by going door to door to his customers. When he started selling his low-priced furniture, his rivals did everything to stop him. Local suppliers were banned from providing raw material and furniture to IKEA, and the company was not allowed to showcase its furniture in industry exhibitions. What did IKEA do? It innovated to stay in business. It learnt how to design its own furniture, bought raw material from suppliers in Poland, and created its own exhibitions. Today, IKEA is the world's largest furniture retail chain and has more than 300 stores globally. In 1998, IKEA started its retail operations in China. To meet local laws, it formed a joint venture. The venture served as a good platform to test the market, understand local needs...

Words: 1932 - Pages: 8

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Ikea Analysis

...understand the IKEA environment we will look at IKEA’s marketing strategy, beginning with its products, services, and other attributes that contribute to its value proposition. Following, exploring how IKEA creates a well-defined market position, and how they differentiate their offerings from competitor offerings. Included in this report is an assessment of IKEA’s strategy by analyzing its sources of value in its value chain, an explanation of its intangible products and benefits, and why IKEA considers its customers to be critical stakeholders. This report concludes with an establishment of several key performance measures that enables management to integrate IKEA’s values in its operations. Introduction In 1943 Swedish entrepreneur Ingvar Kamprad founded the now furniture giant IKEA. He began by going door to door selling pens, wallets, and watches. When he began selling his low priced furniture, his competitors immediately tried everything to stop him. The local suppliers were banned from selling him raw materials, and he was not allowed to showcase his furniture in industry expeditions. So Ingvar began to innovate, building his own furniture and buying raw materials from other countries. As the company grew globally, IKEA realized the need to adapt to the local needs of each country it was selling in. IKEA has identified and met the strategic barriers through a unique marketing and operational strategy. IKEA Marketing How do IKEA’s products, services, and related attributes...

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