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Wellness Creed


Submitted By notintothis
Words 1086
Pages 5
To many people, being healthy means being physically healthy. This well known dimension, even though not the only one, is very important. I try to keep my physical wellness up by keeping a balanced diet, and exercising regularly. An activity that I have been participating my whole life in is dance. I feel that dance is an activity that produces endurance, flexibility, and strength as the above definition says. Physical wellness also involves getting enough sleep, dealing with stress, and making smart and safe decisions. All of these things are very important in keeping up my physical wellness.

Needham High School is a culture, and in it there are many subcultures. I believe the most distinct and large subculture that exists at Needham High School is sport teams. People associate and are friends with those who participate in the same activities as them. I myself am especially close with the girls I dance with, and I most of the girls I consider my best friends are those who I have been dancing with throughout my life.

Intellectual wellness involves the interest in learning new things, and being open minded on different situations in the world. This includes being updated on current events, the T.V. shows I choose to watch, reading a good amount of books, my enjoyment of playing mind-stimulating games such as different card games and clue, and reading a variety of material. This dimension also emphasizes an importance in seeing both sides to issues, which I think is extremely important and try to always do in my life. One last thing that I believe is important to my intellectual wellness is that I value my education, and feel it is very important in life and for a future carreer.

The intellectual dimension relates well to the locus of control. One can either have an interanal or external locus of control. I am internal, meaning that the outcome of my life is mostly in my control. It is based on my own doing and the skills, knowledge, and abilities I possess. I work very hard in school, to achieve the best skills and acquire information to help me in life. I study hard for tests, believing that the hard work I put in directly correlates with how I will do.

Spiritual wellness to me is that factor that I feel like I have a purpose in life, and that life is very meaningful to me. I have been raised as a Catholic, and have been preparing to receive my confirmation this upcoming fall. Even though I would not consider myself a very religious person, the morals and values that I have been taught from being a Catholic and from my parents, such as helping those in need, being respectful to everyone and everything, and being a nice and caring person are very important to me. These values reflect in my daily actions, if it be doing community service or just holding the door for someone.

Being strong in the emotional dimension of my wellness account of me being able to be aware and accept a wide range of feelings in myself and in others. I am freely able to express my feelings by talking and reaching out to my family and friends. I also am someone who people come to when they have a problem, because I am able to listen to someone expressing their feelings to me and offer support and advice. For this reason, I have been able to develop and maintain close relationships. I also feel that I am very self-aware of other people’s feelings, and not oblivious to how my actions could affect someone else’s emotional wellness. If I do something wrong, I am quickly able to accept responsibility for my actions, and do whatever I can to fix it. This is because I know that everyone, including myself, makes mistakes. Along with this, when I make a mistake or do something not perfect, I can laugh at myself and at life, which makes life a lot more enjoyable!

The occupational dimension of wellness emphasizes being happy with the career/job you have. Right now, my career is a student at Needham High School. Deciding if I am happy as a student is something that was very difficult for me. I know that I enjoy my life right now, and I do have lots of interest for certain things I study at school. For example, I’m really interested in history and learning about different cultures and the past, and for this reason I really enjoy history class. I also loved biology last years, and enjoy science. However, there are many times when school stresses me out, I’m unhappy with it, and I am studying things that do not interest me. I do not get much sleep from school, and do not enjoy English. However, I do realize that I am very lucky to be able to receive such a good education, when there are many children in the world who cannot. I also realize that school is necessary for getting a job later in life. School has a positive effect on me, and will lead to many positive outcomes later on in life.

Occupational wellness also involves what I want to be when I grow up. I really like different sciences, and helping other out, if it be a volunteering opportunity or one of my friends. When I grow up I would love to be able to combine these passions, which I have found is possible. After taking the career choice survey on naviance, I have discovered such jobs such as a genetic counselor, psychologist, and other therapist jobs (physical therapist, etc.).

I personally connected with both the iceberg model of wellness, and the wellness energy system model. I thought the iceberg model was spot on about how outside viewers can only see aspects of my wellness. People see the “what” in what I do, but they don’t see the “how” or “why”. As well as people can see the state of health I’m in, but do not see different levels of my wellness such as the behavioral/lifestyle level, the psychological/motivational level, and spiritual meaning/being realm. I also thought the wellness energy system represented my wellness, because I strongly agree that what you put into your body and mind correlates with what comes out. The input/output system involved with this model is one that I think is clear and representative of my wellness.

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