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Wendy Kaminer's Argument Against Abortion

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Pages 4
As much as I am against Abortion, women should be able to go to clinics without being threatened or told that they are killing another human being. Wendy Kaminer begs to differ. Wendy is an author and a lawyer. She claims that people should have the right to stand in front of clinics and say what they want, but government limits this, which takes away our “freedom of speech”. She goes on by saying:
… my subjective, emotional response to your language or behaviour, however disconcerting, should not be the business of law. The power to protect our emotional wellbeing is the power to regulate it, arbitrarily. We’ll be protected or persecuted by regulation depending on the biases of people in power. (Kaminer)
Here she is blaming the higher powers, such as the government, for not caring for their feelings when it comes to protesting. She is again putting the sorrow towards the protesters, because they are not allowed to say what they feel. She says that are ones human rights prevent due to protect other human rights. Here she is just making it seem like their rights – the protesters - are not as important as the patient’s rights. …show more content…
According to, an online dictionary, a buffer zone is, “a neutral zone or area between two potentially hostile nations, designed to prevent any overt acts of aggression.” Buffer zones are the spaces between the abortion clinic and the protesters standing outside of the clinic. The buffer zones are “supposed” to keep the patients safe when they walk in; but according to Kaminer, there should be no buffer zone. Her thought on this is that buffer zone prevents protesters from showing and expressing their feelings. Her doing this is making protesters seem like the victim. She turns the table around and instead of making the patient seem like a victim, she is making the patient seem like the

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