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Short Term Goal

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From my assessment, I need to re-align my goals and objectives in a way in which I am intrinsically and extrinsically satisfied. After reviewing the webinar, the Roadmap to Success, and the online article by James Gonyea, I am convinced I am at a standstill and a turning point in my career path. I enjoy helping and serving people, I discovered I would like to remain in the healthcare industry for the long haul.
Identify your long-term goals.
After careful thought, my short-term goal (8 months) is to complete my degree which is my primary task at this point in my career goals. For my short-long-term goal (1-2 years) I envision myself as an activity director of an assisted living facility, a healthcare compliance manager, or community service administrator.
Where would you like to be one to five years from now?
In the next five years, I foresee myself as gainfully employed as a director or manager at a public health facility, community service director, or an assisted living facility activity director.
What is the industry and role you would like to pursue for your career? …show more content…
Obtaining a degree in healthcare administration may lead to an array of different positions in several areas such as health insurance specialist, social and community service manager, and practice managers. I am focusing more on the social and community service management goals starting with assisted living. These positions would allow me to interact with various healthcare professionals, in turn, will help me obtain the knowledge and skills I need to achieve my goals and ambitions. Social and community service managers typically coordinate programs to help

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