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Success With Less Stress Research Paper

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Homework brings feelings of dread, anxiety, and stress to many students. Successful students often sacrifice their health and well-being for the sake of their academic future. Students can end up sleep deprived if overloaded with homework and can even resort to self-harm and illegal activities to cope with the stress. To avoid having students burn themselves out, teachers should assign no more than fifteen minutes of homework to high school students a day and only assign homework with obvious value.
Parents often hear the begrudging complaints from their children about having to sit down for hours of homework after school. These students aren’t focused and engaged in learning; they’re mindlessly completing a given task. In reality, this is not helping the student at all, and only creating an unhealthy attitude toward school. The article “Success with Less Stress” discusses a study …show more content…
Teachers sometimes assign extra homework so they can have more grades in the grade book. Also, they rarely seem to follow up on homework to explain the things students got wrong. Most homework assigned to students can be done without any deep or critical thinking and has little real value to the student. Students aren’t really absorbing the information presented to them most of the time because of outside distractions and the fact that students are generally just mindlessly repeating what they know the teacher wants. Students aren’t going to put much effort into homework if they don’t apply the concepts and there is no follow up. The article “Show Us What Homework’s For” by Kathleen Cushman states that “Students wanted teacher feedback on assignments. When a teacher did not follow up on homework, they felt they were left hanging” (Cushman par. 6). If teachers are to assign homework they should follow up and make sure the assignment is enhancing student learning and is

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