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Westward Expansion Analysis

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As a nation, when we began to expand out west, people from all over the United States began migrating out west. We learn that this trip was one of great difficultly, with dangers around every corner, the survival rate for the trip was always low. People in search of land and gold would make the cross, documenting what they see and find. Robert Robe and Mary Bailey documented their diiferent journies westward bound, but many of the same difficulties occured. Though both had different experiences, the same concerns, attitudes and prejudices arose from their dangerous quest out west. As the dangers of the unknown mounted on unsuspected travelers, westward expansioners had shared similar concerns throughtout their journey. As time went on, food supplies would often diminise. Some groups had difficulty finding a steady source of food. When game was abundant, the groups were resolved to take advantage of the plentiful game (Robe, Robert). The conditions on the road were very poor as a result of newly established trails and rural areas. For many travelers like Mary Bailey, it had been the first time they have slept …show more content…
Neither party was fond of the weather. The type of weather often dictated the mood of the group throughout the rest of the day. For example, Mary Bailey describes her morning after a night of rain as "very pleasant, delightful weather. Feel much better today." This is a feeling that would be shared across the camp as travelers would wait out the rain for fear of being stuck in the mud. After arriving to Sacramento, Mary Bailey began to regret her trip to California as she had been well off in her native land of Ohio and lost so much during the trip. The road out west was not made for everyone, some prospered more than others, and this lead to groups developing prejudices for different aspects for life on the

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