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What´s Primordial Soup Hypothesis?

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Pages 3
The primordial soup hypothesis is saying that life formed in a sea or lake and contained protein, which would eventually evolve into animals and plants. It also is stating life began over three and a half million years ago. Both A.I. Oparin and J.B.S. Haldane came up with the idea separately, but it was first presented in 1920. The theory says that a single, simple molecule was energized by lightning and the rain created the organic soup. In 1950 they did an experiment, they mixed gasses that were at the beginning of earth, and they found that if they shocked it with lightning they could create all of the amino acids. This means they proved their hypothesis because they had made amino acids, which make proteins, out of gas on the early earth …show more content…
It states that the bonding of salt and iron created pyrite, which would eventually turn into the first living cell. Which would create many cells after considering they’re asexual. The idea was first presented in the 1980’s and in 1998 he conducted an experiment which created a small amount of life which helped prove his theory.

The Deep Sea Vent Hypothesis was created by scientist Nick Lane and Bill Martin.
It says that the deep sea vents release certain chemicals that would make the ideal conditions for making hydrogen and carbon dioxide. After making that it would slowly be able to create very small life, starting with the cell and building up. Lane also stated that the photo cells would’ve been the first living things and everything would begin to form after it. The RNA World Hypothesis Was created Francis Crick and Walter Gilbert in 1986. He discovered that RNA could be changed to DNA if you reverse the transcription. He said that RNA was needed for all life, and if evolved or mutated it could create new life, He proved this by testing the effects on something without RNA. One woman even wrote a book completely about his theory, called “Life

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