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What Are Stereotypes Identify Americans?

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1). The article I picked for this journal is Americans Annoyed By "All This International Shit" On the Internet. I thought this article was quite funny and really reflected a lot of stereotypes that describe Americans. I think because I am an American myself, I can appreciate and laugh at these stereotypes, because I believe they are true for a lot of people, but I also know they are exaggerated and not completely accurate. I think articles like this are amusing because they are just innocent and funny, and not meant to attack anyone and instead just point of some flaws and stereotypes of people. Some stereotypes in the article are that Americans like to remain ignorant to international affairs that do not concern the United States, Americans thinking everyone in the world does (or, at least, should) speak English, and Americans believing all American news is important should be reported by all countries in the world. I think these stereotypes are relevant to geography because they show what other people think about Americans, which is interesting because every country has certain stereotypes that we should be aware of. We should also remember that these are just stereotypes, and don’t necessarily accurately reflect a country or its people. These stereotypes are important, however, …show more content…
I think the article I picked applies most to the “movement” theme of geography. This theme involves the movement of ideas and information across the world, and I believe stereotypes falls under the category of ideas and information being spread around. Stereotypes come about from information being spread to people about a certain group of people, or in this case, a country of people. These stereotypes exist because the world has an impression of Americans that they clearly share and that is passed around, which is relevant to geography because geography includes information being sent around the world, through different means, like being put on the internet, or being spoken out

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