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What Are The 50s Wear Today

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Women in the 50s wore the dior dresses or the snug fit, while others liked the dresses with no waistline, that they called the ¨sack dresses.¨ simple tailored coats in chiffon, lace and organdie floated over narrow summer dresses. Loose coats in thin silk were worn over suits. Revers became almost waist-length, leaving a horse-shoe opening over a blouse. The straight hip-hugging jacket did not seem to make much headway in its extreme form, modified versions of the same feeling were seen in the prevalence of low buttoning and low placed pockets. Many suits were open to the waist, and buttoned below it. They wore heels, and sandals. Their bathing suits they wore was 1 piece, it covered their whole stomach. They hair style is different from today. Women today wear leggings, …show more content…
Our shoes we wear today are totally different from what they wore. We have Jordans, Nike, Rainbow flip flops, converses. Shoes today cost more than they did in the 50s. We get our clothes from like Victoria Secret, Hollister. clothes today are expensive compared to the 50s. Makeup today is different from the 50s. Bathing suits we wear today are 1 pieces but mostly 2 piece. After World War ll (1941-1945), Americans settled into what they have hoped would be a long lasting peace. Well it wasn't that peaceful. The war ends and 5 years later The United states & Korea found themselves in another shooting war against each other. ¨The U.S. military forces were under the supervision of the United Nations and were pitted against the Communist North Koreans and Chinese.¨ The United States also became locked in a cold war with the Soviet Union during the decade. There were no guns fired, the threat of a confrontation leading to all-out nuclear war remained ever present throughout the decade. In many ways this fear was demonstrated. For one thing, a Red Scare Swept the country, during which people suspected strangers and neighbors alike of being "subversives," or supporters of communist principles and

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