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What Are the Main Definitions of Management? Why Are There so Many Definitions in the Literature and Does It Matter?


Submitted By checkitj
Words 2157
Pages 9
Throughout time, the term and understanding of management has been questioned, modified and tested. Today, management can be developed and placed nearly anywhere in a workplace and is essential in the efficiency and effectiveness of any company. From the early thoughts Sun Tzu, Scientists like Fredrick Winslow Taylor to the theories of Mcgregor; the true definition of management is not yet set in stone. This report’s goal is to study and describe the many definitions of management, try to comprehend the reasons for their individual differences and/or similarities and it will also observe business ethics throughout this evolution. The theory of scientific management was the creation of Frederick Winslow Taylor (1911, pg 7): ‘Management is an art of knowing what to do, when to do and see that it is done in the best and cheapest way’. The theory and its belief was that there is one best way to do a task and by using scientific methods that ‘one best way’ can be established. F.W Taylor ‘was the first to synthesize and systematize the best that was known about the management of men and to point out the techniques by which art might be advanced in the future’(Aitken,1960,p.35), thus showing that Taylor was ahead of his time with his thinking about management and understood that management was an art. Hoxie argued however, that “Scientific management, fully and properly applied inevitably tends to the constant breakdown of the established craft and craftsmanship and the constant elimination of skill”, showing the alternative view that scientific management may have been increasing productivity but was actually more damaging to the workers. Several decades later Urwick and Brech (1945, p.89) observed a similar situation when the ‘The trade Unions seized on ...opposition of the American unions to scientific management and took the view that it was synonymous with the

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