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What Comes to Mind


Submitted By teenjade
Words 534
Pages 3
When Two Become One
(What Comes to Mind Reflection Paper) One science wizard says, “Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.” A brilliant saying that reflects to the reality of our thinking. Just like combining two indifferent things into one comprehension. Who would have thought that there could be psychology in marketing at the first base? Of course we could not immediately observe It but through excavating it we would appreciate its importance. It was the first day of class this year that help us prevent from mind-bugging school work. A seminar entitled “What Comes to Mind?” gave us an opportunity to be relieve somehow and made our mind refreshed. I could say that this is not new for my perplexed mind given the fact that I am business course student. That’s why I never got excited. I’m a bit well-educated from these because I have a Marketing subject plus I already took up a Psychology subject. These two may come from different category which is the first is business and the latter is science. Psychologists invest their time studying mental functions and behaviors. Marketers invest their time communicating product and service values to customers. Beneath these broad strokes of practice are patterns, intertwined and working together for greater impact. Marketers can learn a great deal from psychologists, especially when looking at buying habits, brand emotions and the psychological influence what we see, hear and smell. One topic that psychology is correlated with marketing is Consumer Behavior. Major questions such as “How will you advertise your product?” is its main concern in Marketing. With increasing competition characterized by technological innovation capable of removing product differentiation almost overnight, companies and organizations not providing excellent customer service as their value-added

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