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What Did The Results Identify As Your Strengths?

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Section 2: Reflect on the assessment results from above. Your complete summary and reflection should be between 250-500 words.
1. Write a summary of your assessment results. Answer the following questions in your summary:
a. What did the results identify as your strengths?

I found that I have more areas of strength than I do areas that need improvement after doing this assessment. Rewriting my class notes helps me to remember the information for my course work better when I’m working on an assignment and try to remember everything without taking down notes. Writing down my notes on paper rather than typing them into the computer also help to retain knowledge easier. Understanding the main concept in the course lectures helps to be more successful on my classwork. …show more content…
Many skills that I have learned during this class so far, I try to implement into my daily life. Also remembering to set aside time almost every single day to study will help when it comes time to take a test and it will also help to ensure I understand the materials for the test and any other assignments. By doing the latter I have a better chance of making a good grade on the test and/or assignment. I’ve also realized that when I’m studying it helps to have some my favorite country music playing in the background. Another thing I have learned is that it is easier for me to learn by trial and error because I tend to be more successful when I do things on my own instead of someone telling me how to do it without showing me. Having a structured environment is very important to my success as well. I believe structure is needed in one’s life because it gives a person confidence, self-independence, and a schedule to live

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