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What I Learned In My Writing Class

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Coming into this semester I was nervous about Writing 001 because I knew I would struggle and face many challenges. I was right to be scared, but there were so many moments during this course that makes me happy and glad I took this course in particular. Previous to taking this class I had pretty terrible experiences with my English teachers which made me dread going up to the instructor and asking for help. I would rather struggle in silence than to just simply go up and ask for help. This has hindered me from succeeding in classroom settings and negatively affected me in assignments. I would feel alone and if I felt lost there was really no one I could ask for help. I would like to think that I saw some type of a breakthrough with my lack of confidence in …show more content…
Over time I saw myself wanting to give some type of input from the readings because I knew that even if I was wrong I would still make some kind of contribution. I also learned a new more beneficial method of how to make my writing process go much quicker. Instead of feeling stuck and frustrated on what to write Dr. Snyder told us to just go ahead and put our thoughts and ideas on the paper. It did not matter how sloppy or unstructured it first was because it was just a way of getting started on our essays. This sparked a lightbulb in my head and I stopped dreading to write essays because I knew that I didn't have to edit and correct as I went but just had to type and that's simple enough. Once I started typing freely everything else became easy and simple, thinking became easier I was thinking much faster than I could keep up typing. I was overflowing with ideas and it made me happy to write because there was no frustration or anxiety with my assignments. By fixing my writing method I managed to become a better writer and thinker. Once I was done putting all of my free ideas down there came the rereading and

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