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Personal Narrative: What I Learned In My Writing Class

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I’m going to be honest, I do not enjoy writing. I find it tiring, frustrating and immensely difficult. I struggle with fully conveying what I am trying to say, and find all the little rules infuriating. I get why this class is important though. As someone who struggles with writing, it is important that I develop the skills to properly make an argument, research, or form a proper paragraph. And I legitimately think this class has taught me a number of valuable lessons when it comes to writing.
The first thing is clarity. Before this class, I had the bad habit of artificially extending my essays by using fancy-sounding convoluted language. This worked in high school, I was able to get away with this method in order to artificially extend the length of my paper and make myself seem more intelligent than I actually was. When I started this class, I quickly learned that doing that was a bad idea. Over the course of the quarter, I have tried to be much more concise and to the point with my writing. This can be seen especially well in my research essay, where I try to avoid unnecessarily repeating myself and get right to the point after bringing in data. While I still do fluff out my …show more content…
Partially because of my personality, as well as my writing style, I tend to ramble about things that interest me. I frequently will find myself attempting to make a good point, only to halfway through realize I’ve switched to another topic entirely. A good example of this can be seen in my initial essay 3, where I just keep making claims without fully fleshing them out, leading to a messy unorganized mess of a paper. I have learned how to better control this. In essays 4 and 5, I made absolutely sure that my topic was very narrow, and forced myself to focus on one thing and one thing only. This led to an overall better argument than essay 3, and made sure I gave myself the ability to write about one topic without getting

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