...to avoid lawsuits for example we were recently informed that we need to get a CPL which is a copyright license in order to use the songs we use for our praise and worship services, we have to do this because we are using other artists lyrics and or songs. If an artist was to walk into my church or even the Foursquare Foundation and saw that we did not have a CPL license the artist would have every right to sue the church or the Foursquare Foundation can simply shut the church down, so as a precaution the leaders got together and designated a person to purchase a CPL for the church. We also pay into an insurance policy to cover the church in the event of a lawsuit or injury occurs on the church property. What is ethics? Ethics is a moral decision to do or choose to do what is right or wrong. As a leader of the church I am held to a high level of ethical Behavior. It is vital to our church or...
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...3/21/2015 Dr. Truong Thi Nam Thang Associate Professor Centre Franco-Vietnamien de Formation a la Gestion National Economics University, Vietnam Main concepts Social Entrepreneurship • value creation vs value capture Corporate Social Responsibilities Responsibilities of firm to balance 3P Minizing negative and maximizing positive impacts on society Business Ethics Norms guiding and regulating behaviors right-wrong, acceptable-unacceptable Corporate Governance Procedures, mechanisms to make sure suppliers of finance get return on investment 1 3/21/2015 Govern ment The Media Owner s Directo rs Employ ees Primary Secondary Internal Custo mers/C onsum ers Educati onal instituti ons External Society Stakeholder model Lender s/credit ors NGOs Supplie rs Service profess ionals Compe titors Busine ss organis ation Dealer s/distri butors 2 3/21/2015 Potential Ethical Implications in Business Operations OWNERS Reporting Minority shareholders Fair dividends EMPLOYEES Hiring practices Firing practices Wages & working conditions Private lives vs company lives Discrimination Honesty Unions Conflicts of interests Secrecy & espionage CONSUMERS & CUSTOMERS Advertising Packaging Product safety Deception, overselling Price fixing discriminatory pricing Collusion with competitors COMPETITORS Price fixing Unfair competition Pricing below cost Stealing personnel Industrial espionage GOVERNMENT Laws compliance Political...
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...2/20/2010 Satyam shows B-schools too need a co… Enter Keyword S ATU RD A Y , F EB RU A RY 2 0 , 2 0 1 0 1 :1 6 P M IST LOUNGE HOME | e-paper | TODA Y'S NEWSPA PER | mint CODE Travel Books Culture Style Play Slideshows Insider Parenting P os ted: M on, J an 1 2 2 0 0 9 . 2 :1 9 A M I ST Corporate News E mail del.ic io.us digg news V ine P rint Satyam shows B-schools too need a code of ethics Most of the people primarily involved in the Satyam scam have a connection with reputed business schools Business Case | Premchand Palety font s ize Livemint Home ADVERTISEMENT The Satyam Computer Services Ltd scandal has show n w hat bad corporate governance can lead to. It w ill take some time before the story of the fraud unfolds fully but as of now, it seems to be much more serious than just the w indow dressing of the balance sheet. Probably Satyam created its contradiction in the true sense w ith Maytas Properties Ltd and Blogs Videos Radio Special Report Mint Reports Webcast Archive Partners Wall Street Journal Tools Mint Mobile RSS Feeds RSS Story mint e-paper Email Alerts Festival Contest Daily Newsletter Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Facebook ADVERTISEMENT Maytas Infra Ltd, and money w as siphoned off from the computer software services firm to buy real estate and bribe politicians that eventually led to its fall. In the process, shareholders’ w ealth and confidence have been devastated. The management has put the careers of its...
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...and demand all the more.” (Luke 12:48 Amplified Bible) God has entrusted Benju with the ability to excel in education. This talent will take him into many places where he will have the chance to show and witness to others just how good God is. If he decides to become a part of New Gen, a company he already knows have integrity issues, he could lose what God originally intended for good. He must “guard and keep the deposit entrusted to him.” (1Timothy 6:20 Amplified Bible) New Gen is rolling out the red carpet to Benji, showering him with gifts to paint a beautiful picture to hang in a house built of cards. He must guard himself, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” (Matthew 7:15 New International Version) When the CEO displayed his blatant lack of morals, having no regards for the feelings of the mother of the crying infant, or when he called those same customers he cared so much about, fat and lazy, this should tell Benji exactly how he feels about people in general not just customers. As Christians we are supposed to show love and Business Ethics Case Study...
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...A. Provide twelve business terms and definitins that are new to you that are used by this company. Franshisee- Aperosn who buys a franchise Profit- revenue minus expenses Mission statement- outlines the organization's fundamental purposes. Importing- buying products from other countrie Exporting- selling products to another country Contract manufacturing- foreign company produces private label goods to which a domestic company then attaches its own brand name or trademark. Integrity based ethics code- define the organizations guiding alues, create an environment taht supports ethically sound behavoir Corporate social initiaves - enhanced forms of corporate philanthropy directly related to the company's competencies. Insider trading- uses private company infomation to further insers own fortuenes or those of their family and friends. Unified system- this happes after managers have decided a course of action now they need to organize the fimr to accomplish their goals. Middle management- this includes gernal managers, division managers, and branch and plant managers. B. Discuss the organizationl structure of the business relative to these five functinal areas: Marketing - The different forms of marketig, sales, and adverting for Gap are television, radio, credit card discounts, mail, and email. Gap spends a certain amount of money on advertising everymonth, and if they do not feel as though they are getting the response they hoped for they will pull the plug...
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...the information of hundreds of milions of other with facebook account. case Facebook goal is to serve advertisement that are more relavan to you than any where else on the web, but wit and without your consent can be also used againts you in other ways.facebook goal is user to share as much as data as posible, because the more facebook know about you, the more accurately it can serve relavant advertisement to you. Facebook want make more money, but company has checked past of privacy violations and misstep that raise doubts about whether it should be responsible for the personal data of hundereds of millions of people.Different low about privacy in US and EUROPE .there no law in the united states that give consumers the right to know what data company like facebook have complied.but in europe you can request facebook to turn over a report of all information it has about you. More than ever you every move, every click, on social network is being used by outside entities to assess your interestand behavior, and then pitch you an adbased on this knowledge.facebook privacy policy is more difficult to comprehend than goverment notices of typical bank credit card agrement, which are notoriously dense. When you visit facebook look at privacy, you cant understand your option. Facebook is working to develop revenue steams beyond display advertising. facebook is now a strong second to google in the united states in display advertising with 28% of all display ads served...
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...Florida International University College of Business State Farm® Financial Literacy Lab http://www.business.fiu.edu/sffll 305-348-1542 Business Ethics 1 BUSINESS ETHICS An analysis of business ethics involves examining the principles and/or ethical problems that may arise a business environment context. Ethics in general is a philosophy that deals with values relating to people’s conduct when it comes to the rightness and wrongness of their actions, and the goodness and badness of the motives of such actions. This examination of people’s conduct is applied to business professionals conducting business activity when analyzing business ethics. Difference between “lawful” and “ethical” Many business professionals who are confronted with problems regarding their business activities will justify their decisions based on the legality of the ensuing actions. The fact that a particular action is legal might be enough for an individual to remove herself of any responsibility for negative consequences that might result. This leads to an incorrect thinking that because the legal systems allows it, unethical behavior cannot occur. “Lawful” does not always mean “ethical.” In 2006, Nike Inc. contracted with a supplier to make its soccer balls. The soccer balls were manufactured in Pakistan before they were sold to Nike, who would then market and sell the product worldwide. Many criticized Nike for its soccer balls being manufactured in Pakistan because child labor was being used...
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...increases in the Net Asset Value and Equity per Share. Milton Friedman’s maxim states ‘the business of business is business’ and that the ‘only social responsibility of business is to increase profit’. Businesses which follow this approach argue that it is not the duty of the business to be concerned about social welfare and indeed this may well detract from the primary means by which the company should be contributing to society; that is by operating in an efficient economic matter. Alternatively some businesses take the view that working cooperatively in an environment, paying attention to and contributing positively to environmental and community needs, creates a more sustainable operating situation for the long term pursuit if busines goals (such as profit maximisation) Cadbury’s is a good early exapmle of an organisation that held this view and much of today’s human resource models in the UK and Ireland owes a lot to the progressive policies of this organisation. Ideas that staff should be well treated; products should not be harmful and that the company should reinvest back into the society in which they operate has had clear benefits got organisation’s like Cadbury’s for over a century. There are different factors to consider that affect the importance placed on society’s welfare by the manager, and why they might choose to be interested in the well being of society at large; these considerations are: The economy and...
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...Eric Thongori | Mr. Njagi | Date Issued | Completion Date | Submitted on | 4TH September 2013 | 21/1/2025 | 28/1/2015 | Qualification | Unit | BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN BUSINES | UNIT 37 UNDERSTANDING BUSINESS ETHICS | Assignment Title | | In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found. | Criteria Reference | To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: | Task no: | Page numbers: | P1 | Explain the ethical issues a business needs to consider in its operational activities | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Learner Declaration | I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.Learner Signature: Date: 27/1/2015 | Introduction Task 1 (P1): Explain the ethical issues a business needs to consider in its operational activities. Business Ethics is the moral principles of the right and wrong things that an organization can do. The aims are controlled by organizations within the business, for example, Social services/a private business. An honorable behavior is behavior of right or wrong. Business moral values include the practices and behaviors’ (good or bad) within the organization. Business managers in these organizations create decisions...
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...Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Kenneth H. Niuman University of Phoenix Ethical and Moral Issues in Business How do you differentiate between ethics and morality.?How does ethics impact governance in business organizations. Ethics and morals may seem the same on the face of it, but if one were to analyze, there is definitely some difference. Morality refers to an adopted code of conduct within an environment and a set of agreed upon rules for what is 'right' and 'wrong'. Morals have formed the spine of modern society, religion and every individual's conscience. The conceptions changed in time and take on a new meaning. For example, killing a human being is immoral in any society but when on the battlefield soldiers are given medals for killing their enemy soldiers.. In a way, morality is in sync with ethics. While one is abstract in understanding, the other is defined and in the form of written code. Morality addresses the ethical queries on the moral outcome of a specific situation. The code of conduct formulated probes prohibitions, controversial behavior, standards of belief systems and social conformity of morally 'right' behavior. Moral codes define 'appropriate' and 'expected' activity. Community morality is usually defined via commentaries and codes of authority. Morality is better understood as an assimilation of beliefs about the essentials to lead a 'good' life. It is not to be confused with religious or fanatic or political preception. Moral codes are...
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...Reflective Commentary Infosys In today’s world organizations are having trouble to maintain long term sustainability. Corporate Social Responsibility is most vital component which helps organizations to benefit themselves while also benefiting the society. CSR is an internal built in process by which organizations manage business process and make efficient use of the resources. It helps to balance the business in terms of economics and social goals. It monitors all business processes. Corporate Social Responsibility by definition, as given by Baker (2004) is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. In this essay I would like to discuss about various Corporate Social Responsibilities policies incorporated by Infosys Limited, India. Infosys is multinational provider of business consulting, technology, engineering, and outsourcing services. Corporate Governance and Shareholders Corporate governance is now focusing on creating a value for shareholder. The shareholders delegate decision making authority to the managers assuming that the managers will take actions which will best suite the shareholders interest. The core objective of corporate governance is to maintain long term relationship with shareholders. A good corporate governance is implemented to ensure: (i) independent and proactive...
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...Should CSR be used as a Marketing Tool by Producers in the Cosmetics Industry? ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to prove that CSR can be used as a positive approach in the area of marketing and promotion, particularly in the cosmetic industry. The paper substantiates this hypothesis by drawing on theory from scholarly articles and literature and analysing data from annual reports. A portion of the research is dedicated to the Body Shop, based on analysis of their annual reports, as well as the reaction of different stakeholder groups based on several literatures. The paper finds that there are positives and negatives in using CSR and promoting it using marketing depending on the consumers’ perceptions. It also finds that there exists an information asymmetry between producers and consumers in terms of CSR for their products. The paper supports previous ideas that CSR is useful in benefitting the company brand and value and that it can also be used to influence a consumer’s purchase decision of the cosmetics. INTRODUCTION In conceptual theory, CSR is how a company incorporates “social, environmental and economic issues into their values and business operations in a transparent and accountable manner” (FAITC, 2012). In simple terms, CSR is the actions that a company undertakes or doesn’t undertake during their business functions to benefit society and their stakeholders. There are many arguments for and against CSR and also differing views on whether it actually “pays”...
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...Kodak vs. Fujifilm Me Professor Swinney Strayer University January 19, 2014 Abstract I began writing to show how business can quickly go out of business, if the owners do not keep an eye on its public. Kodak failed to meet its customer’s needs, so the company could not keep up with demand. I have gone shopping and found myself searching for an item I have seen advertised in another store. Only to be told that the item is out of stock or the store does not carry that product. This is what happens when supply does not keep up with demand. The company goes under, under the strain of their competitor’s pro activeness. Kodak needed to make changes sooner rather than later when their management made decisions that could help or hurt Kodak. Fuji constantly made changes and made the necessary changes to meet their customer’s needs. As a business owner being able to reach and understand each customer will help in sells so profits will rise. Many people continue to shop where products are cheap and convenient. Staying in business is like knowing and meeting different people with different wants and needs and then helping them with finding an inexpensive means of finding them. That is the nature of business and a way to keep a customer satisfied. Building a relationship with customers is the most important aspect in business. If the business does not speak directly to its customer’s...
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...Critical Analysis: "The Social Responsibility of Busine Critical Analysis of "The Social Responsibility of Business" from Milton Friedman In this essay I evaluate Milton Friedman’s essay: “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits” in 1970, on the Social Responsibility of a business and his theory, which is called the “Efficiency Perspective”. In every article and book that I have read about social responsibility, Friedman’s “Efficiency Perspective is placed centrally. During my research I found that Friedman is often criticised for being too classical. Friedman believes that manager’s foremost objective or even moral obligation to the firm should be to maximise profits always. There is however one condition that makes his perspective more complicated, not only for me, but also for several well-known authors. According to Friedman, the managers obligations should be carried out: “…while conforming to the basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those embodied in ethical custom”. This leads to one of the main questions of my essay: To what extent does Friedman’s “Efficiency Perspective” give foundation for responsible and moral international management behaviour? And need we any concern if it fails to do so? To fully answer the questions, I first need to explain the two different parts of the first question: responsible international management behaviour and moral international management behaviour. In businesses nowadays they...
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...Risk-Management Guidance". Read The Executive Summary of the article Enterprise Risk Management — Integrated Framework at the COSO website: • On the home page, click the Guidance tab. • Select the Enterprise Risk Management link. • Click MORE. • Select the Download (English) the free executive summary link. Research additional information in the Guidance and Resources sections at the COSO website. View the Riordan virtual organization. Create a corporate compliance plan consisting of no more than 2,450 words for Riordan. Focus your plan on managing the legal liability of officers and directors of Riordan. The plan must also address how to handle situations when laws are violated or in question (such as when to call in legal counsel, what rights the employees have, or who to turn to when actions are taken against Riordan). Your plan must also include the following: • Enterprise liability • Real and intellectual property • Governance principles of regulatory compliance requirements • The specific international laws or aspects of the law that must be adhered to by Riordan and an outline of these steps for employees to adhere to these laws Format your Corporate Compliance Plan as if you were going to distribute this to the officers and directors of Riordan. Outline the prevention and management guidelines of the legal aspects listed above. Implement enterprise risk management based on the COSO’s 8 interrelated components. COSO can be used to structure your plan. Be...
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