...of judgment. I just think people need to start shifting into joy and happiness. As corny as it sounds, we need to make a shift.” ("Ellen Quotes," n.d, para. 1). This means that if people spent more time doing things that pleased versus judging people out of fear and about things they do not understand nor agree with the world would be a better place. Ellen a native of Louisiana never would have thought that her standup comedy would lead to her being one of the top female talk show hosts in the world. She has overcome many adversities in her career from coming out publicly as a lesbian, gender stereotypes, and for being an activist in the LGBTQ community. Through it all she has always kept her quirky sense of humor and her tomboyish style. Ellen Degeneres During her interview with Oprah, Ellen described her coming out story she went on to say, “I think I've told you about a dream I had. I was struggling with the idea of coming out—what it would do to my career and to me—and in this dream, I was holding a tiny finch in the palm of my hand. I could feel how much I loved this bird and that it was safe in my hand, and I was reaching in to put it back in its cage—one of these thin, bamboo, beautiful, multitiered cages—and as I was putting the bird back in, I realized that the cage was against a window and the bird could fly out. The bird realized it at the same time I did, and I became the bird. And the bird looked at me and wanted to fly out, but I looked at the bird and said, "But...
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...Ignore------------------------------------------- 1. Understanding the hierarchy and different players required in the implementation of Lead Logistics provider. Can SCORE model be used to understand the above topics? 2. Role of Each Player in successful implementation of the LLP 3. Setting up a Business canvas model to analyze the LLP 4. Finding and addressing of gaps for the sponsor company i.e. requirements to develop so as to come up with solutions Eg:- Strategic partnering with the clients, Evaluation of 3 PL and others for its partners, Increasing Visibility in the entire system, Evaluation of performance or KPI’s and possibilities of course correction, Some self developed indices to understand the entire chain. 5. Recommendations Questions:- 1. How will I triangulate the model? ------------------------------------------------Please Ignore------------------------------------------- For Monday’ Presentation on Progress:- Thesis Research Topic: “Developing methodology and framework for supply chain analysis in the apparel industry” Keywords: Methodology and Framework, Supply Chain Analysis, Apparel Industry Problem Statement: Requires coming up with framework to analyze the supply chain for apparel industry clients of the sponsor. The framework should start from Manufacturer and end till customers. 1. Inbound logistics of the manufacturer will not be the part of the analysis. 2. Outbound logistics of the manufacturer to...
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...25 Liquidity: Current= 3.5 Market: Book Value per Share= 0.009277 Gap (In Millions) Profitability: Gross Margin= 65% Activity: Payable Turnover=13.6 Leverage: Debt to Assets= 0.61 Liquidity: Current= 1.76 Market: Book Value per Share= 0.00625 Urban Outfitters is an average profitable company with a gross margin of 37% where Gap’s is above average at 65%. Gap’s margin is higher because of the name brand, Gap is able to sell their clothes at a marked up price and make money because they are made much cheaper. Urban Outfitters on the other hand has a harder time selling products and getting a good return because they have a lot of “green” and ecologically friendly clothing which costs more to produce. When it comes to the activity of the companies Urban Outfitters is more efficient in turning over their product at 28.2 where Gap’s is only 13.6. Urban Outfitters most likely has lower inventory on hand so it turns more quickly. It also appeals to a wider range of young people who tend to shop on a whim as appose to a Gap shopper who shops on a need basis. In terms of leverage Urban Outfitters is doing much better in terms of debt to assets having at only 25% as appose to Gap at 60%. When it comes to Liquidity Urban Outfitters again comes out on top. Gap has a much lower current, short term, liquidity meaning if the company for some reason needs to raise money it would have a very hard time coming up with the money because they do not have as much capital available. This...
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...• Gap Inc. has the components of a global retailer: centralized, standardize, and vertically integrated o (They look for countries that will except their company as is without much change… this is true to Gap Inc. the biggest change in their merchandise came during the move to Japan where they altered their clothing size to fit them) • Although most of gaps revenue (about 89 %) comes from domestic sales, it has expanded internationally to the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, France, and Japan • Gap Inc. has acquired several other brands in order to expand its target market while still staying true to its original Gap aesthetics • An example of this took place in Germany. While moving its company there they realized it was not brining in revenue, in fact it was the companies smallest international business. Gap, Inc. decided to acquire H&M in order to optimize their growth. • Brands Include: Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, Intermix, piperlime, and athleta • More then 150, 000 employees and approximately 3700 stores worldwide • -400 franchise stores • -United Kingdom: In 1987 gap opened their first store outside the United States, which was located in London. Today there are approximately 189 stores located in Europe • Canada: gap Inc. largest international market. In 1998 Canada was introduced to its first gap store. Gap has continuously kept the strategy of opening big stores, their biggest, and extensive advertisement strategies in Canada • -Germany: 1990s,...
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...Equal Pay Should Be The Only Way! The issue of equal pay between genders is still a problem in today’s society. Not to mention the argument of equal pay between genders of different ethnicities and minorities. The unfairness in this is, no matter the age, a white man is paid much more than a black or Mexican man. A white woman is even paid more than both ethnic genders. A women of color is paid less than their male counterpart, not to mention the gaping wide wage gap between women of color and a white man. The many factors leading into why the wage gap exists or still exists is that men are stronger, and deserve bigger salaries. This is the main idea of sexism, and that women should earn less than then men. When in some cases, the women have...
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...consider to be the most important prophetic scriptures in the entire bible. This passage details the prophetic chronology of Israel from the time of Daniel until the second coming of Christ. Much of Daniel’s vision of the seventy weeks can be seen in both historical and biblical events such as the rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem by decree of Artaxerxes I in 445 B. C. (Miller 1994). the triumphant entry of Jesus on the 8th of Nisan (Strong 1995), and the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus in 70 AD. It is interesting to note there is a gap in Daniel’s prophecy between the sixty-ninth and seventieth weeks. When Jesus read from the scroll in Luke 4 he only read part of the scripture “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lords favor” (Isaiah 61: 1-2a NASB) and he stopped. The remainder of that scripture declares a day of vengeance of God. By not completing the scripture Jesus was saying part of the prophecy is fulfilled in your presence today and part is yet to come. The seventieth week will resume with the revealing of the Antichrist and continue until the return of Christ at his second coming. Daniel 9:24 gives us the complete prophecy. Verse 25 describes the first sixty-nine weeks. The events that occur between the sixty-nine and seventieth weeks are detailed...
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...Marketing Management Assignment Gap Model of Service Quality: The Taj Hotels Submitted by: Syndicate 6 Sneha Oswal (11020541127) Sunil Kumar(11020541131) Sudhir Bairwa (11020541128) Swapnil Gupta (11020541132) Supratim Sinha (11020541129) Swati Thakur (11020541133) Sumit Bhattacharya(11020541130) INTRODUCTION The Gap model provides an integrated framework for managing service quality and customer driven innovation. The hallmark of this model is its anchoring on the customer and integration of the customer throughout all gaps within the model. Every gap and every strategy is used to close the gaps in the model and meet or exceed the customer expectations. SERVAQUAL is the service quality framework. It has 5 dimensions: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles. SERVQUAL measures have been applied in and adapted to many industry settings. The 5 gaps are: •Gap 1 is the distance between what customers expect and what managers think they expect - Clearly survey research is a key way to narrow this gap. •Gap 2 is between management perception and the actual specification of the customer experience - Managers need to make sure the organization is defining the level of service they believe is needed. •Gap 3 is from the experience specification to the delivery of the experience - Managers need to audit the customer experience that their organization currently...
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...Over time there has been a switch in gender success throughout education; coming into the late 1980’s underachievement by girls was common; girls were less likely than boys to obtain one or more A-levels and were less likely to go on to higher education. Coming in to the next decade of the 1990’s there was a sudden reversal; girls were now doing better than boys who were now underachieving. In 2006 10% more females were obtaining 2 or more A-levels than males. Women are now getting better degrees than men. Sociologists have looked into this gender diversion from a social perspective. What made this reversal so sudden and why did it occur? Feminists believe that the education system is patriarchal and dominated by men, just like the work force is. Feminists argue that the education system is just a primary preparation for leading into the future work force. They believe there are still gender differences in subject choice in schools. Sociologists Heaton and Lawson (1996) argue that the ‘hidden’ curriculum is a major source of gender socialisation; within education, various subjects are aimed at a certain gender group; for example cooking would be aimed at girls doing house work and cooking. While most schools now title this course, Food Technology, feminists believe that the subject is still designed to 'snare' girls into adopting a mode of behaviour a patriarchal society accept and that the gap between girls and boys is still there in today’s society. Feminists also believe that...
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...The best user of personal and professional skill is the person who uses them both with right choice of appropriation. Another thing to notice is the level of competence of the person and motivation and drive towards achievement. If objective are set unrealistic and without having interest in it, it is high probable to fail in achieving the set goal. Read more: http://www.ukessays.com/essays/management/advance-professional-development-plan.php#ixzz2HK3Taz8P (TASK-3) What is the purpose of personal development plan? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Personal development plan (PDP), is an individual personal written report about the trade and characteristics he or she have on the basis of skills audit. The report also reflects the short coming in the personality in the form of particular personal and professional skills. On the basis of such reports evaluation for future personal development plan could be made easy. A good creatively draft PDP also tells the readers about person who wrote the PDP for him or herself. A PDP is not more than a description of personal skills audit of present competences and awareness for future learning through prescribe training programme. Another purpose of PDP is to allow a personal to elaborate oneself in detail and reviews the capabilities one possesses and to what extant theses skill or competences has been uses by this vary person. On this evaluative basis...
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..."generation gap"(2011). Generation gap can be defined as a difference in the outlook and beliefs between Chinese immigrant parents and their US born children, which results in a conflict between the two generations. The gap is mainly caused by the cultural and social dissonance of values between the family and a larger society(Zhou 2011:475). The second generation children often get caught up in-between the world of two different values; they assimilate through school and peers into an American culture, whereas at home they are exposed to very different values. For example, respect for elders and obedience,also referred to as a "filial piety", are central values in the chinese culture(Zhou 2011:477). American culture emphasizes freedom and independence, which chinese parents portray as threatening to their parental authority(Zhou 2011). Another discrepancy between is around education. Chinese parents view education as the only mean to yield upward social mobility. As they say, their goal in life is “to live in your own house, to be your own boss, and to send your children to the Ivy League”(Zhou 2011:476).In this process, they use practices such as choosing career pathway for their children that align with their specific...
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...Enterprise software selection case study: Harley Davidson Motor Company Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Paper outline 1. Brief background of the company 2. Problem statement 3. Scenario description 4. Process Considerations made A. Technical aspects B. Involved stakeholders 5. Software selection process 6. Considerations in software selection conclusions 7. Conclusion Harley Davidson Motor Company: Enterprise Software Selection Case Study Having been founded in 1903, Harley Davidson Motor Company has grown to become one of the leading manufacturers of motorcycles globally. The company produces up to 28,000 motorcycles annually, sold by dealers in over 67 countries around the world. The company has an ambitious plan to increase its production capacity significantly. As a result of the company’s growth and enlarged global presence, there is management has realized that the future calls for an integrated management system that will not only improve the company’s processes but also fit within its budget and enhance its returns growth. This underlay the start of the process to identify the most appropriate information management system for Harley Davidson Motor Company. The process was largely reliant on teamwork, which played a leading role in structuring of the IS function. The organization, rather than have a Chief Information Officer, constituted a team of three directors to offer leadership on information systems integration...
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...Overall, it allows teachers to grow and change. This is not a theory that initiates a move to “close the Achievement Gap” such as in Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. CSP does not compare or contrast academics and success to a student’s background and upbringing. I believe that this is an important factor in the differences between CSP and CRP. Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy refers to wanting teaching to be present in their reflections and actions and always consider their diverse student population. Critical Media Literacy was another topic within the past weeks. Critical Media Literacy is a way of teaching and learning. Past readings would argue that “a critical media pedagogy can help young people to identify concepts such as hegemony and ideology and understand that the mass media are not neutral entities” (Morrell, 2005). CML offers students with everyday...
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...consumption purchases * Industry Value Chain – Fig 2.3 Page 2.9 * Value chain is being altered which increases value for the consumer as the retailer “middle man” is being cut out. Where merchandiser has direct access to the consumer. Banking industry has followed suit to create BPAY, Paypal etc. * Product Segmentation * Clothing * Small Goods * White Goods * Food * Music * Movies * Services * Industry Life Cycle – Fig 2.8 Page 2.19 * Early stages of the Growth Cycle * Remote Environment * POLITICAL – Change in legislation – ie. Tariff attached to every purchase. Negative * ECONOMIC – Exchange rate fluctuations – most online shopping growth is coming from intl. Labour Costs – need to reduce in order to make retail shopping more competitive. Positive * SOCIAL – Better Security – with entering personal banking information for online payments. Work/Life balance – Convenience and time poor. Positive * TECHNOLOGICAL – More efficient. Very dependent on advancing technology. Cost of production is reduced as the “middle man” ie. Retailer is reduced. Positive * ENVIROMENTAL – Logistically – more trucks on the road to make deliveries. Increased Packaging. Negative * LEGAL – Actually changing the legislation – to allow companies to ship to Australia. Positive More positives than negatives – industry will grow at faster than average rates. PG 2.35 Porter’s...
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...it will hurt the company a great deal. GAP is a well-known clothing store for people of all ages. Being very popular, they have a wide and very diverse audience. They recently released an advertisement that did not sit well with a majority of their audience. It was viewed as racist and many people made sure that GAP knew they were not okay with it. Even though it was a misunderstanding and it was not GAPs intention to come of as discriminate, they still got a lot of criticism for it. Racism is a major problem in America and even though GAP did not mean to offend anyone, they should be more careful about the way they advertise. If...
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...ensure that all its employees are working together towards the same goal. An organization has to plan its goal, organize its resources, lead its employees toward the goal and monitor it activities to ensure that they are running smoothly. These four steps are imperative as they help the management team to come up with an efficient and effective plan on how to run the organization. Planning Planning involves analyzing the organization’s current position, determining what the future might look like for the organization, finding out what direction the organization needs to take in terms of corporate and business planning, what obstacles the organization might encounter and what type of resources it will need to accomplish its objectives (Bateman & Snell, 2009). During the planning stage, an organization defines its goal and makes decisions on how it will accomplish the goal. Without a plan an organization might not be able to accomplish the other functions of management. At SOE planning involves looking at our current needs, identifying gaps and making plans to bridge those gaps. Some of the planning that the organization has had to make recently is to open up new locations to cater for consumer demand. To achieve this goal, the management team has had to consider the organization’s current financial situation, how the additional facility will benefit the organization and the affects expected on the labor force and supply costs. This goal will help the organization to...
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