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What Is Courage?


Submitted By laurenvvb
Words 625
Pages 3
What is Courage? Imagine owning countless acres of land, running a dozen restaurants, and living a carefree life with the people who love you the most. Then imagine it all being taken away by communists, one of whom is your very own step dad. My grandfather lived a fortunate life in China until it was abruptly taken away from him. He had the courage to flee China to a place where he knew nothing about the food, had no idea how to use the money and knew even less of the language. My grandfather had the courage to leave his fleeting but familiar life in China to pursue a new life in the United States. Although my grandfather’s family was fortunate and he enjoyed much of the wealth in his younger years, his teenage life in China was not at all easy. His father died in the war and his mother married a communist man. In addition to his stepfather’s disdain for the land and wealth of the family, he also brought with him a great disliking of my grandfather. Eventually the communist government took the family’s land and my grandfather was sent to a foster home by his stepfather. My grandfather, Tim, was found by his grandfather who lived in the United States and commanded that Tim move there to, so that he would have someone to care for him in his old age. Escaping China to reach the United States was the biggest challenge my grandfather faced. He made it to Hong Kong and stayed a year until his grandfather, with the help of Senator Gerald R. Ford, was able to move him to California. Tim, now on a train from San Francisco to Grand Rapids, was learning American culture rapidly. He hated almost all of it. He had read books and taken some English classes in Hong Kong but felt completely overwhelmed as he stumbled through his broken English and strong Chinese accent. He was given chocolate pudding, which he hastily spit out claiming it was the worst thing he has ever

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