...What Barriers Are There to the Use of Diagnostic Evaluation? Gunning mentions three perspectives of evaluation on page 26 of the text. These perspectives include self, collaborative others, and society (Gunning, p.26). In addition to these perspectives, three barriers are also mentioned that arise when discussing the use of diagnostic evaluation. They include; The primacy of norm-referenced tests; Too much testing and too little assessment; A lack of teacher involvement in the assessment process. Although I feel all are in some way prevalent in Georgia, the one I feel is most prevalent is “Too much testing and too little assessment.” If you were to ask me this question five years ago, I would have answered differently. The I.T.B.S. (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) was the focal point of all testing in Chatham County. Today we do a combination of the Stanford, the GCRCT (Georgia Criterion-Referenced Test), and the Georgia Writing Test. The Stanford is a norm-referenced test whereas the GCRCT is a criterion-referenced test. The norm –referenced test compares the students taking the test to a norm group of students and is used by the county to see how we, Chatham County, and/or the State of Georgia, did compared to the rest of the testing population. The GCRCT , being criterion-referenced, shows us, the teachers, what standards each individual students have mastered (Gunning, p. 24-26). Today I feel we do a much better job of balancing the norm-referenced and the criterion-referenced...
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...What is your evaluation of the effectiveness of the U.S. health care system in the context of delivery, finance, management, and/or sustainability? What are the issues that prompted a need for health care reform? Support your answer with a credible data reference. Do not use a reference already used by another student. Health care reforms is one of the biggest issue for voters. With our aging population, complexity of illness and growing cost of health care, the government need a new approach to delivery of health care system. There is still a large population that are uninsured. There is mounting recognition that our country’s health system is greatly influenced by social determinants, socio-economic status, and environmental factors. The American people continue to face increase cost of health care and insurance premiums continues to increase. Per Cunningham (2010), the percentage of people with a high financial burden increased from 14.4 percent in 2001 to 19.1 percent—nearly one of five Americans—in 2006. The increase in financial burden between 2004 and 2006 (16.4%) occurred at a time when the economy was expanding. “These costs in turn impose a burden on all segments of society—the individuals who pay taxes and premiums, the governments whose budgets are strained by Medicare and Medicaid, and the businesses whose competitiveness is undermined by high health insurance rates” (Daniels & Roberts, 2008). Some evidence have indicated that Patient Center Medical Home...
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...Health Promotions: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Beth Fleming Grand Canyon University April 03, 2014 For many years, health promotions and prevention has been the focus for healthcare providers, especially nurses. Health promotion seeks to improve a person or population’s health by teaching about and helps people become more aware of risky behaviors associated with different diseases. It encourages individuals to take preventative measures to prevent onset or worsening of a disease or illness. It encourages a healthier lifestyle (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). The strategy is to help people make health improvements or prevention before illness occurs. Health promotion is one way in addressing health determinants such as developing personal skills, strengthening the action of communities and providing a supportive environment for health. Health promotions help to address issues that are controllable by individuals. In redirecting illness financial burdens can be reduced keeping patients and the government from having to pay to cure the illness or disease. Nurses work in all three levels of promotion and prevention (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). Nurses teach to prevent illness, work with the specialist to help lesson further illness and work in the hospital at the bedside caring for patients that have developed a chronic illness. In many areas of the world there has been a lot of evolution in the nursing field. Nurses...
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...Communicable disease is defined as “an infectious disease transmissible (as from person to person) by direct contact with an affected individual or the individual’s discharges or by indirect means (as by a vector) (Merriam-Webster, 2015).” Chickenpox is considered a common childhood illness and is usually seen in children that are younger than 10 years of age. “Varicella is an acute infectious disease caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV). The recurrent infection (herpes zoster, also known as shingles) has been recognized since ancient times (CDC, 2015).” Chickenpox, varicella zoster virus (VZV) is a DNA type of the herpes virus that is a highly contagious disease. The VZV is spread through direct contact of the virus by coughing or sneezing causing it to be airborne and by direct contact with saliva, mucus and blisters from someone who is currently infected. The blisters that have dried or crusted over do not transmit the disease. Once VZV enters the body by way of the respiratory tract and conjunctiva it replicates and is then transmitted by way of the lymph node. Shingles are a latent form of chickenpox and is generally seen is older adults, and have a similar appearance as VZV that are highly infectious to a person that has not been immunized or previously infected by VZV. Symptoms of VZV appear between 10 to 21 days after exposure. These symptoms are sudden onset of a fever, tiredness; they have no desire to eat that is loss of appetite and a...
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...CHAPTER DEVELOPING AN EVALUATION PLAN 4 As program staff start planning for program development and begin addressing the components of the logic model, they should keep in mind that as the logic model takes shape, the development of evaluation plans will follow soon after. The logic model can act as a guide to assist you in determining when your evaluation plan should be developed. As you identify the accomplishments and outcomes in your logic model, the next question to ask yourself is, “How will I determine if I met my accomplishments and reached the outcomes I identified?” The evaluation plan will provide a framework for why the evaluation is to be conducted, what is to be evaluated, and how the evaluation will be conducted. After you have assessed the community needs and determined what services/activities will be implemented to address those needs, the evaluation plan is the next step in your planning process. Empowerment Evaluation Before learning how to develop an evaluation plan, it is important to look at the purpose of conducting a program evaluation and understand the type of evaluation models available. This section of the chapter introduces the empowerment evaluation model and the benefits of using this model for program development and improvement. Gutierrez (1994) defines empowerment as the “process of increasing personal, interpersonal, or political power so that individuals, families, and communities can take action to improve their situations” (p. 202)...
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...WEEK 4 JOURNAL SELF EVALUATION To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/ece-332-week-4-journal-self-evaluation/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ECE 332 WEEK 4 JOURNAL SELF EVALUATION Reflect on your coursework so far. What have you learned so far that you think will be the most helpful in your future career? In what ways can you see yourself using that newly discovered knowledge? Which assignment challenged you the most? In what way did the assignment challenge you? What assignments did you find the most interesting and engaging? Why? At this point, do you feel prepared to utilize the information you have gained thus far? Why or why not? Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your journal entries. Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ECE 332 WEEK 4 JOURNAL SELF EVALUATION in order to ace their studies. ECE 332 WEEK 4 JOURNAL SELF EVALUATION To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/ece-332-week-4-journal-self-evaluation/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ECE 332 WEEK 4 JOURNAL SELF EVALUATION Reflect on your coursework so far. What have you learned so far that you think will be the most helpful in your future career? In what ways can you see yourself using that newly discovered knowledge? Which assignment challenged you the most? In what way did the assignment challenge you? What assignments did...
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...out what the outcome would be. Process evaluation pinpoints the areas of the program that have been achieved and it also looks at the complications the program experiences. Even though a program may have a great outcome, you may still have an inaccurate process. Process evaluation views the environment where the program is managed. Process evaluation is measuring the difference between what is a plan and what is the reality. Process evaluations also view the inside operations of a program. Outcome evaluation, on the other hand, helps to show all of the effects of the programs purpose. This evaluation may show if the goals that were set have been reached and is accompanied with any advice to help make the program better. This outcome evaluation is a non stop way of planning and gathering data. Outcome evaluations can help evaluate the instruction and show that the program is seeing a change in the community. It is possible to combine the process evaluation and the outcome evaluation. I feel it is a good idea to do both evaluations because you can never be too careful. Classmates what is your opinion about using both evaluations at the same time? Process evaluation lets a non profit organization see how the program is made, the structure, and helps to support the program. This evaluation records the progress of a programs performance. Process evaluation helps the people on the board to see if the outcome of a program was reached. The main focus is on the what and...
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...Process and Outcome Evaluations 2 Evaluating the programs of any organization is important not only to support how well or how poorly a program performs, but also how the internal and external processes work to meet the mission, goals, and objectives of any agency. Without some form of evaluation, there is no way to decide which direction the agency should go in the future, what changes need to be made, and what challenges were identified in the past that need to be addressed. The two primary evaluations used in most organizations are process and outcome evaluations. Understanding the differences between these two evaluation techniques is essential to properly estimate the state of an agency. Process evaluation looks at the actual process of delivering services and the supporting operations, including any alternative processes which may make the organization more efficient and effective. Both qualitative and quantitative measurements are used to see how well the program is meeting its purpose in the short-term, how well the process works, the details of the program operation, how the target population is changing or remaining the same, and what assessments will be used to be able to plan and later perform outcome evaluations of the program. Knowing how a program works is a crucial step to being able to identify the outcomes. Process and Outcome Evaluations 3 Examples of process evaluations from the multimedia presentation in the University of...
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...Strategies for Information Systems Evaluation- Six Generic Types Stefan Cronholm and Göran Goldkuhl Linköping University, Sweden scr@ida.liu.se ggo@ida.liu.se Abstract: The aim of this paper is to contribute to the decision of how to perform evaluation depending on the evaluation context. Three general strategies of how to perform evaluation are identified: Goal-free evaluation, goal-based and criteria-based evaluation. Two general strategies of what to evaluate are identified: IT-system as such and IT-system in use. From the three “how-strategies” and the two “what-strategies” we derive a matrix consisting of six generic types of evaluation. Each one of the six types are categorised on a ideal typical level. For each type there is suggested evaluation process model. Keywords: IS Evaluation, IS Assessment, Information Systems, Goal-based evaluation, Goal-free evaluation, Criteria-based evaluation 1. Introduction All over the world there is a huge amount of money spent on IT (e.g. Seddon, 2001). It is therefore important to evaluate the outcome. Evaluation is never an easy task and consequently there are a lot of suggestions for how to evaluate IT-system. Much of the literature on evaluation takes a formal-rational view and sees evaluation as a largely quantitative process of calculating the likely cost/benefit on the basis of defined criteria (Walsham, 1993). There are also interpretative approaches (e.g. Remenyi, 1999; Walsham, 1993). The interpretative perspective views...
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...Policy evaluation can be better defined as a process by which general judgments about quality, goal attainment, program effectiveness, impact, and costs can be determined. It is an assessment of whether a set of activities implemented under a specific policy has achieved a given set of objectives. Once public policy has been operationalized through the formal adoption of laws, rules, or regulations, and the bureaucracy has taken action to implement the policy, some form of evaluation needs to be accomplished to determine if the policy has achieved the desired outcome or impact. Public policy represents the expenditure of limited public resources and or restrictions on certain types of individual or organizational behavior. Consequently, the public has a right to expect that their government officials are accountable for the validity, efficiency, and effectiveness of those policies. Policy evaluation is therefore an absolutely critical stage in the policy process whereby we can determine whether a policy’s effects are intended or unintended and whether the results are positive or negative for the target population and society as a whole. In essence, policy evaluation is the process used to determine what the consequences of public policy are and what has and has not been achieved. Elected officials, policy makers, community leaders, bureaucrats, and the public want to know what policies work and what policies don't, and the purpose of evaluation is to determine whether an implemented...
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...Course Evaluation Quintella Lauderdale Design and Process of Curriculum Development HSN 544 Alice Kindschuh July 18, 2012 Course Evaluation Introduction Course evaluations have been around for a long time. In fact, the first teacher course evaluation referred to as a teacher rating scale, was published in 1915. Shortly thereafter there research on the subject of student evaluations and teacher effectiveness flourished. This began in the mid-1920s. The research slowed down throughout the 1960s and student evaluations were done on a voluntary basis. In the 1970s scholars began to scrutinize the validity of the student evaluations of teachers (SET). At this time, research was strictly focused on clarifying previous research and performing new research. From 1973 to 1983 there was an increase in SET use from 29% to 86% in US colleges and universities. SETs have a widespread use today in higher education. The use of SETs has spread and has also become popular in U.K. and Australia (Densona, Loveday, & Dalton, 2010). Recent research initiated by Frick, Chadha, Watson, & Zlatkovska, developed a new course evaluation instrument for assessing Teaching and Learning Quality (TALQ). TALQ assesses teaching, learning, and the quality of learning. In other words, the assessment is for the teacher, the student, and the curriculum. A course evaluation can be a paper or electronic evaluation of a course and the instructor responsible for teaching the course. They...
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...Program Evaluation Overview 1 Program Evaluation Overview The unstable, unpredictable, and ever fluctuating economy makes a good atmosphere for organizations to reap the benefits of a program evaluation. Competitive success in the everchanging marketplace will only occur when an organization puts into place continuing program feedback and program adjustments or adaptations (McNamara, 2006). There are several program evaluation models and methods available to any organization, making the stakeholders the key decision makers of the identity of scope and type of evaluation that will lend itself toward the futures goals and vision of the organization. McDavid and Hawthorn (2006) explain that there is a need for any organization conducting a programs evaluation to generate specific material for planning, design, implementation, and assessment to obtain desired results and to solve any problems or issues. To develop an evaluation focusing on relevance, utility, and design that specifically matches the organization’s needs, the stakeholders must not only address the issues at hand. They also must select an individual or team, which is internal, external, or combination of both to makeup the goal-oriented a program evaluation team. What is a Program Evaluation Boulmetis and Dutwin (2005, p. 4) define a program evaluation as the systematic and structural process of data collection. With these an organization can discerne if and to what degree organizational goals are achieved...
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...Scenario Evaluation Plan Deanna Potter HSM 270 Septemeber 3, 2015 Florence Wisn Scenario Evaluation Plan One of the most important steps that need to be developed and implemented in a program is the evaluation plan. The evaluation plan will tell if a program has been a failure or success. Having the right tools with accurate reporting, plus making sure no bases has played a role in the evaluation, will tell you if the programs missions and goals have been achieved or not. PEACE Domestic Violence agencies have a purpose, and the purpose of the Peace Domestic Violence Agency is helping provide the victims with support, shelter, advocacy and education. Giving the victims and those who are affected by domestic violence empowerment will also help them to break away from the abuse. There is a wide range of evaluations that can be used, and it would be best to do some research on the different types to see what works best for the agency or organization. The evaluation plan that would work best for the PEACE Domestic Violence Agency would be a project-wide evaluation with an empowerment approach. A project-wide evaluation will work with the agency's domestic violence program because it not only involves the victims it also involves the staff in the evaluation development and implementation processes. With PEACE being committed to reducing domestic violence and sexual assaults, they can do that by educating the victims and the community. Education will help make a difference...
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...[pic] |Name |Nomagugu A Masuku | |US nr |16368894 | |Degree |Monitoring and Evaluation Methods | |Module |Managing an M&E Portfolio | Declaration: 1. Plagiarism is the use of ideas, material and other intellectual property of another’s work and to present is as my own. 2. I agree that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft. 3. I also understand that direct translations are plagiarism. 4. Accordingly all quotations and contributions from any source whatsoever (including the internet) have been cited fully. I understand that the reproduction of text without quotation marks (even when the source is cited) is plagiarism. 5. I declare that the work contained in this assignment, except otherwise stated, is my original work and that I have not previously (in its entirety or in part) submitted it for grading in this module/assignment or another module/assignment. 6. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Failure to observe this rule will result in a zero mark for the entire assignment, regardless...
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...9 Strategy Review, Evaluation, and Control 1) Most strategists believe that an organization's well being depends on evaluation of the strategic-management process. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 286 Topic: The Nature of Strategy Evaluation Objective: 9.02 Explain why strategy evaluation is complex, sensitive, and yet essential for organizational success. 2) Adequate, timely feedback is important to effective strategy evaluation. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 287 Topic: The Nature of Strategy Evaluation Objective: 9.02 Explain why strategy evaluation is complex, sensitive, and yet essential for organizational success. 3) Too much emphasis on evaluating strategies may be expensive and counterproductive. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 287 Topic: The Nature of Strategy Evaluation Objective: 9.02 Explain why strategy evaluation is complex, sensitive, and yet essential for organizational success. 4) Strategy evaluation should have a long-run focus and avoid a short-run focus. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 287 Topic: The Nature of Strategy Evaluation Objective: 9.02 Explain why strategy evaluation is complex, sensitive, and yet essential for organizational success. 5) According to Richard Rumelt, consonance and consistency are mostly based on a firm's external assessment. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 288 Topic: The Nature of Strategy Evaluation Objective: 9.02 Explain...
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