...Name: Hagar El Zohiry Class Section: 91066 October 27, 2015 Loyalty is one of the major themes discussed in both “The Odyssey” and “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” Loyalty is seen through Penelope and her husband in the book, and McGill and his friends in the film. In this paper I will explore and compare the theme of loyalty in both the film and the book. Loyalty is seen in many aspects of the book, one of which is Penelope’s wait for her husband for twenty years without committing any act of infidelity. Moreover, she was in a very dangerous situation because of the suitors, and she didn’t just give up in order to survive. Instead she used her intelligence and fooled the suitors by telling them that she will choose after she is done with the shroud....
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...As we are coming to the end of the Odyssey, Homer explains to the reader how Odyssey reestablishes his relationships with his son and wife. Because Odysseus left on a journey when Telemachus was just a baby, Telemachus’ relationship with his father almost does not exist until Odysseus returns home. It is clear that Telemachus has a lot of love and dedication for his father as he is overjoyed to see his father. He cried for a long time. Odyssey, on the other hand, seems calm and has a much more serious reaction when meeting his son for the first time in quite a while. The idea of a father and son relationships in general is an important concept in The Odyssey. We can see that Telemachus grows from a powerless child who will not take responsibility...
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...This whole scene of Odysseus and Penelope’s Reunion shows the powerful bond and faith they have for each other despite being separated for about 10 whole years! Penelope then does a test to verify Odysseus's identity; she designs a test that only her husband (Odysseus) can do. The man that can string and shoot through 12 axe heads with Odysseus’s bow and arrow will officially become her new husband. This test that Penelope designed shows her smartness and ways of protecting herself from the suitors who have invaded her and Odysseus's home, this test that Penelope is doing is a message to Odysseus: if he is indeed back, he will show himself through this unmistakable sign. In book 23 from the Odyssey, it tells that Telemachus, Odysseus’s son, got the closest than any suitor while stringing Odysseus's bow, showing that Telemachus is following in his dad's footsteps. His attempt shows that he shares his father’s courage; this is also a reminder that Odysseus’s legacy was in his son the whole time, even when he was gone. This connection between Telemachus and Odysseus is important in this scene because it shows how Telemachus still has loyalty to his father....
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...Penelope, Odysseus’ wife in The Odyssey, stands out as a woman beyond that claim. In Odysseus’ 20 year absence, she reigns over Ithaca, creatively staves off suitors, and raises a son, Telemachus, all while being faithful and devoted to him. Many of these obligations are not unlike what modern women grapple with. However, what sets Penelope apart is that she is accomplishing them at a time when women were seen as property and unable to have reigning duties. "The hero is the man or woman who has been able to battle past his personal and local historical limitations” (Campbell). Because of Penelope’s success in the face of adversity, she is a true heroine. Although inundated with suitors, she maintains her heroic loyalty to Odysseus in his absence. Contrastingly, her cousin, Clytemnestra, is unfaithful to her husband, Agamemnon, while he is fighting the Trojan War alongside Odysseus. Penelope knows that it is not conventional or acceptable to remain unmarried if one’s husband is considered dead, but her deep love and devotion to Odysseus keeps her inventing new means to avoid marrying any of the suitors. Because she is born to a prince and holds the royalty title, and anyone she marries will become King of Ithaca. For that reason, Penelope does not have to fear the same fate as Andromache, Hector’s wife in The Iliad. Hector was of royal blood, but Andromache was not; therefore, upon his death, she became someone else’s concubine. Penelope’s reason for not marrying is not...
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...In Homer’s the Odyssey, a man named Odysseus spends years and years trying to get home to his family. On his long journey, he encounters a number of different situations that test his true character. The reader finds out who Odysseus really is based on the situations he is put in and how he chooses to handle these situations. From being stuck on an Island with Calypso, a nymph goddess, to almost being eaten by a vicious cyclops, to seeing his wife for the first time in 20 years, Odysseus stays true to his character. Throughout the epic, Odysseus shows constant signs of bravery, leadership, intelligence, cleverness, and wholehearted faithfulness, and these things are what makes him such an admirable character. Bravery and leadership go hand in hand because bravery is a trait that all good leaders have. Odysseus showed amazing bravery and leadership skills throughout the Odyssey. One place where Odysseus’s bravery and leadership are revealed the most is when Odysseus and his men encounter Poseidon’s Cyclops son, Polyphemus. Odysseus used his leadership skills and bravery to help his men escape the wrath of Polyphemus while...
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...The Odyssey Final Being a hero is doing things for the greater good, no matter how much suffering it entails. Homer explores this theory throughout his book through Odysseus and his struggle to make it back to Ithaca to see his family, Telemachos and his journeys to find his father, Penelope and her patience, awaiting her husband's return, and Athena, who so selflessly guided everyone to peace. The main storyline of the text involves Odysseus wanting to find home and see his family again. This whole story encompasses nostos, a feeling of homecoming. Throughout The Odyssey, Homer investigates what it truly means to be at home and what makes a home. Odysseus is presented with many opportunities for a new life, from living with Nausikaa in The...
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...1 English 9 Honors 14 May2016 The Power of Loyalty What is the value of loyalty? In the epic poem “The Odyssey” by Homer, the virtue of loyalty leads to positive and negative results. Loyalty is a devotion to a cause. In this case, Odysseus. Loyalty and disloyalty were demonstrated with Penelope, the suitors, and Odysseus’ crew. Penelope's loyalty to Odysseus can be seen throughout the epic poem. She remains a devoted wife to her husband. While the suitors invaded her house she told them to wait so that her “Weaving will not be useless and wasted... Thereafter in the daytime she would weave at her great loom, but in the night she would have torches set by, and undo it. So for three years she was secret in her design”(2.93106). Penelope was making a shroud for Odysseus’ father and told the suitors, who were competing to marry her, that when she finished she would choose one of them to marry. She every night she would undo what she had done that day to postpone having to marry a suitor. Twenty years had gone by and Penelope had not heard a word about Odysseus, yet she still waited for him. In this she shows the reader her true devotion to her beloved husband, Odysseus. In book ten, Odysseus’ men were disloyal when they accused him of keeping riches in the bag of Aeolus. This resulted in a dire event. They had sailed for nine days and finally they could see their “People tending fires, we were very close to them. But then the sweet sleep came ...
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...irrelevant fields. In Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey, many conflicts occur between Odysseus and his enemies, however the entirety of them have legitimate reasons. Odysseus injures Polyphemus out of necessity for the survival of his crew. Also, he kills the suitors as compensation for tarnishing his home. Similarly, the servants and other such characters are killed for betraying Odysseus’s household and supporting the suitors. To begin, Odysseus drugs and blinds Polyphemus, not...
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...mature like cut diamonds, emotions construct not only minds but also the hearts and souls of everyone. To be able to express anything close to explicit human emotion, especially when it comes to converting such into words, is an otherworldly art only prodigies can master. And when it comes to prodigies, history raises the classic words of The Odyssey by Homer, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and Antigone by Sophocles and puts them on a pedestal of perfect implementation. Throughout the course of these stories, there is one uncut emotion that makes today’s world go round: love. Often times in life people search for the perfect partner -- a true love and a happily ever after. In The Odyssey, Odysseus and Penelope could be considered a power couple even in modern-day society. Although Odysseus is gone for twenty years, he never forgets his faithful wife in Ithaca. This love seems to help him persevere through the many hardships that he encounters on his journey home. On the other hand, Penelope, of course, maintains balance in the scale of affection by unraveling his shroud and delaying her marriage to the suitors...
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...Rizal Technological University Boni Campus Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN ODYSSEY AND BIAG NI LAM ANG Presented by: Noveno, Sherjun C. Palon, John Paolo T. Presented to: Prof. Lynn M. Besa February 17, 2015 INTRODUCTION Skepticism is as much the result of knowledge, as knowledge is of skepticism. To be content with what we at present know is, for the most part, to shut our ears against conviction; since from the very gradual character of our education, we must continually forget and emancipate ourselves from, knowledge previously acquired; we must set aside old notions and embrace fresh ones; and as we learn, we must be daily unlearning something which it has cost us no small labor and anxiety to acquire. Skepticism has attained its culminating point with respect to Homer, and the state of our Homeric knowledge may be described as a free permission to believe any theory, provided we throw overboard all written tradition, concerning the author of the Iliad and Odyssey. Lots of arguments have appeared to run in a circle. “This cannot be true because it is not true; and that is not true, because it cannot be true.” Such seems to be the style, in which testimony upon testimony, statement upon statement, is consigned to denial and oblivion. Odyssey is one of the two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. It is, in part, a sequel to the Iliad. The poem is fundamental to the modern Western canon and is the second oldest...
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...Immense loyalty between loved ones often proves tremendously painful. In Homer’s epic The Odyssey, devoted husband and wife are in the position to part for twenty years. While separate, they face challenges that possess enough power to make or break their relationship. Odysseus must stay faithful to Penelope while also doing what is necessary to ensure his arrival home. Meanwhile, Penelope is stuck living with persistent, selfish suitors who exploit their power over her. She has no choice but to allow their abhorrent behavior. In order to prove their loyalty and love, the two must make arduous sacrifices causing excruciating pain. Therefore, Homer highlights the value of loyalty in this epic through the painful sacrifices characters undertake...
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...fault with you. Your fame, belive me, has reached the vaulting skies” (19.127-128). This is what Odysseus says to Penelope when he first saw her after 20 years of separation. In The Odyssey, there is a big question that many people have. Is odysseus loyal to penelope though the whole book? Although Odysseus slept with different goddesses, he is still loyal because, he took the hard way home, he risked his life on his way home, and lastly he protected penelope when he finally made his way home. In The Odyssey, Odysseus tries to return home and comes upon many people and obstacles on the way home. The whole way home Odysseus has one thing on his mind and that is to return home and see his dear family....
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...EXAMINATION OF DUTY AND SELF CONTROL IN THE ODYSSEY Aashna Jamal INTRODUCTION Under the rule of Zeus, events did not occur in isolation but in interdependence causing there to be a flux in the totality of events and the whole drama being played on a cosmic plane. The central theme of Zeus’s rule is the preservation of his “ oikos” or household management where the prevalence of order over Chaos is of utmost importance. In this paper, using the Odyssey as a case study, I will examine the thematic importance of the decisions taken by a hero in accordance to or defiance of self control and pietas and the consequences they lead to. These expectations are clearly marked out for the reader who waits in anticipation to garner the fate of the hero. I will analyse the themes of self control and pietas or duty in the Odyssey and discuss their special significance in this epic. I will then briefly talk about the Hindu concept of duty or Dharma with reference to the Ramayana. I however do not intend to use the concept of monomyth coined by Joseph Campbell also referred to as the hero's journey(which is a basic pattern that its proponents argue is found in many narratives from around the world.) in comparing these epics. The example of the Ramayana will only serve my purpose of highlighting the theme of duty in mythologies across the world. Lastly, I will conclude with the importance of inspecting these themes because of their significance to the plotline. Georg Wissowa notes that pietas was...
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...Open Letter to a Young Negro (by Jesse Owens) All black men are insane…. Almost any living thing would quickly go mad under the unrelenting exposure to the climate created and reserved for black men in a white racist society…. I am secretly pleased about the riots. Nothing would please the tortured man inside me more than seeing bigger and better riots everyday. Those words were spoken by Bob Teague to his young son in Letters to a Black Boy. He wrote these letters to “alert” his son to “reality” so that the boy wouldn’t be caught off guard—unprepared and undone. Are his words true? Does a black man have to be just about insane to exist in America? Do all Negroes feel a deep twinge of pleasure every time we see a white man hurt and a part of white society destroyed? Is reality so stinking terrible that it’ll grab your heart out of your chest with one hand and your manhood with the other if you don’t meet it armed like a Nazi storm trooper? Bob Teague is no “militant.” He’s a constructive, accomplished journalist with a wife and child. If he feels hate and fear, can you ever avoid feeling it? Whether it’s Uncle Tom or ranting rioter doing the talking today, you’re told that you’ll have to be afraid and angry. The only difference is that one tells you to hold it in and the other tells you to let it out. Life is going to be torture because you’re a Negro, they all say. They only differ on whether you should grin and bear it...
Words: 7102 - Pages: 29
...Ancient Greece The Parthenon, a temple dedicated to Athena, located on the Acropolis in Athens, is one of the most representative symbols of the culture and sophistication of the ancient Greeks. Part of a series on the | Modern Greece.Septinsular Republic.War of Independence.First Hellenic Republic.Kingdom of Greece.National Schism.Second Hellenic Republic.4th of August Regime.Axis occupation (collaborationist regime).Civil War.Military Junta.Third Hellenic Republic | History by topic.Art.Constitution.Economy.Military.Names | History of Greece | | Neolithic Greece.Neolithic Greece | Greek Bronze Age.Helladic.Cycladic.Minoan.Mycenaean | Ancient Greece.Homeric Greece.Archaic Greece.Classical Greece.Hellenistic Greece.Roman Greece | Medieval Greece.Byzantine Greece.Frankish and Latin states.Ottoman Greece | | Ancient Greece was a civilization belonging to a period of Greek history that lasted from the Archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries BCto the end ofantiquity (c. 600 AD). Immediately following this period was the beginning of the Early Middle Ages and the Byzantine era. Included in ancient Greece is the period ofClassical Greece, which flourished during the 5th to 4th centuries BC. Classical Greece began with the repelling of a Persian invasion by Athenian leadership. Because of conquests by Alexander the Great of Macedonia, Hellenistic civilization flourished fromCentral Asia to the western end of the Mediterranean Sea. Classical Greek culture...
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