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Penelope's Loyalty In The Odyssey

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Immense loyalty between loved ones often proves tremendously painful. In Homer’s epic The Odyssey, devoted husband and wife are in the position to part for twenty years. While separate, they face challenges that possess enough power to make or break their relationship. Odysseus must stay faithful to Penelope while also doing what is necessary to ensure his arrival home. Meanwhile, Penelope is stuck living with persistent, selfish suitors who exploit their power over her. She has no choice but to allow their abhorrent behavior. In order to prove their loyalty and love, the two must make arduous sacrifices causing excruciating pain. Therefore, Homer highlights the value of loyalty in this epic through the painful sacrifices characters undertake …show more content…
Odysseus voluntarily puts himself through misery in order for him to receive help for his onward journey home. For a great portion of his nostos, Odysseus is stuck with the lustrous goddess Calypso. Of course, she is very fond of Odysseus and forces him to sleep with her at night. During the day he is left alone to cry out for his wife. “Off he sat on a headland, weeping there as always, / wrenching his heart with sobs and groans and anguish, / gazing out over the barren sea through blinding tears” (Od. 5. 93-95). For a whole seven years, Odysseus is stuck on Calypso’s island. During the day he weeps and at night forcefully sleeps with her. By following Calypso’s commands, Odysseus is sacrificing his happiness to feel immense pain and misery. He is making such a tremendous sacrifice with the hopes that Calypso will eventually assist him home. Although Odysseus is physically disloyal to Penelope by sleeping with Calypso, he still preserves his internal fidelity by taking on countless battles to arrive home. Odysseus sacrifices his life when he takes responsibility and fights dangerous battles. Odysseus is given certain instructions by Circe to help him back to Ithaca. Odysseus must pass through the island of the Sirens, as well as survive through Scylla and Charybdis. “But now, fearing death, all eyes fixed on Charybdis / now Scylla [snatches] six men from our hollow ship, / the toughest, strongest hands I had, and glancing / backward over the decks, searching for my crew / I could see their hands and feet already hoisted” (Od. 12. 265-269). Odysseus is following Circe’s instructions to pass through the Island of the sirens, along with Scylla and Charybdis. This is a very dangerous task for Odysseus to take on, especially since he is putting his life at risk. As well as sacrificing his safety, he is also sacrificing his men’s

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