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Odysseus Heroic Traits

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Isabelle Kim Mr. Wiegman English 1 Honors 21 May 2024 The Epic Hero Mahatma Gandhi once said, “A true hero is not defined by their strength but by their ability to inspire and lead others.” His words inspired others that heroes are not determined by being physical but also by the capacity to motivate and guide others. In The Odyssey, Odysseus shows his heroic traits of his cleverness when he stabbed Polyphemus in the eye allowing him and his men to escape the cave. Additionally, he shows loyalty as part of his traits by staying loyal to Penelope throughout the 20 years despite being offered love by Circe. Ultimately, his pride was his fatal flaw, causing his journey to take 20 years to return home. Throughout his journey, Odysseus shows many heroic traits that define him …show more content…
These examples highlight Odysseus’ loyalty and commitment. Odysseus has a lot of heroic qualities and traits that help him throughout his epic journey, but pride serves as his flaw. His over-the-top confidence delayed his journey home. Odysseus shows his pride during his encounter with Polyphemus. After blinding the Cyclops with a handcrafted wooden sword and escaping the cave, Odysseus is incapable of resisting taunting the Cyclops by revealing his true identity and boasting about his victory. Odysseus pridefully states, “If ever a mortal man inquires how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye.”(457-460). Odysseus declares this action by thinking he will not have any consequences, however, this act angers Poseidon which delays Odysseus’ return back home to Ithaca. Additionally, when Odysseus and his men sail away from the Sirens, Odysseus wanted to hear their enchanting voice knowing the danger and consequences of hearing it. This showcases his arrogance by risking his own life and endangering his crew just because of his

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