...What is a hero? A hero is someone who is admired for their courage, bravery, and noble qualities. Heroic acts are often celebrated because they show the strength of the human spirit and the ability to overcome challenges. In literature, we often see characters put to the test in various ways to determine whether they are truly heroic. In Homer's epic poem, The Odyssey, we see the protagonist Odysseus facing numerous challenges on his journey back home to Ithaca. In this essay, we will explore what constitutes a heroic act and whether Odysseus acted heroically on his journey. First, one of the key aspects of a heroic act is courage in the face of danger. In Book 9 of The Odyssey, we see Odysseus and his men facing the danger of the Cyclops Polyphemus. Odysseus shows bravery as he devises a plan to blind the Cyclops and escape his clutches. He says, "I tied them [ram's wool] silently together, then slung a man under each middle one to ride there, shielded right and left by the others" (Book 9.). This shows Odysseus' quick thinking and bravery in taking on a giant who could easily overpower him and his men....
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...Odysseus has everything he needs in order to take on the role of hero throughout his journey. In Odysseus’s personality, he possesses the ability to strategize. The protection and care that Odysseus gives to his men help in portraying him as a hero. Odysseus has a goal-oriented mindset, the work and effort he puts into achieving his goal shows the heroic side of him. The character traits worn by Odysseus’s personality make it easy to see the hero inside of him. Odysseus possesses character traits amongst a wide variety that make him a hero in Homer’s, The Odyssey. Having the ability to strategize in all aspects of life aids in the characterization of Odysseus as a hero; Odysseus clearly displays his abilities through his decisions over the...
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...In Homer's the odyssey there is a character named Odysseus. Odysseus goes on an amazing journey and along his way he goes through many things that mold him into an epic hero. Odysseus also proves his heroism through his behavior. During the story Odysseus often presents us with his great intelligence, his superhuman strength, and also his great leadership and bravery. However though Odysseus does not always act like a hero and does immoral things but when the time is right, the true heroic side of him will come out and we will see how heroic Odysseus really is. Odysseus is a true epic hero and has the the personal characteristics to prove it. Throughout the Odyssey Odysseus presents us with examples of his superhuman strength. That is characteristic...
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...independent definition for a hero, the following paragraphs reflect how Homer treats the theme in his great epic of the Odyssey via Odysseus as opposed to Marvel’s characterization of the seemingly novel hero Anthony “Tony” Stark in the Iron Man trilogy. The Odyssey follows the homeward bound protagonist and his men on their adventures after...
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...November 18, 2012 World Literature I Odysseus and the idealist Don Quixote What is a hero? To be a hero means winning honor through competitive combat in ancient Greece and the middle ages. In those historic eras warriors, knights, and kings were honored the most. A hero was someone with a smooth fighting technique and would face death at any moment. Heroes were the people who would lead their armies, fellow knights, and comrades into battle and earned tributes for their courage and great deeds performed during their combat. In other light, the cowards of ancient Greece and the middle ages were considered a burden and were affronted. Throughout many books authors have explained different aspects of what it means to be a hero. Homer, author of the Odyssey, and Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote, convey this characteristic frequently. In the Odyssey, Odysseus was a skillful fighter, but it was yet the proof Homer’s readers needed of his heroism. Odysseus also transpired characteristics of restraint and mercy. On the other hand, Cervantes’ character was not born a hero. He was fooled by chivalric ideas of heroism and sets out to reform the world along with his witty companion. Odysseus and Don Quixote are from two totally different eras, but both of them tried to conquer the world with their heroic acts. Not only their heroic acts made them well known, it’s also their imagination that makes them stand out. In comparison, imagination is what makes Quixote the hero, and imagination...
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...Penelope: The Strongest of All Although Homer’s The Odyssey portrays the brave adventures of Odysseus, his wife, Penelope is a brave and clever hero in her own patient and loyal ways. Like Odysseus, Penelope keeps her cool in scary situations, and uses her bravery and wits to find a way out of it. When the suitors invaded her own home during Odysseus’s disappearance, Penelope kept her bravery and outsmarted them multiple times. They all wanted to steal Odysseus's life in his kingdom along with his wife, but they didn't know that she was stronger than they thought. Penelope tricked them by promising them that she would choose one of them to marry once she had finished Odysseus's death shroud, but what they didn't know was that...
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...The Odyssey Final Being a hero is doing things for the greater good, no matter how much suffering it entails. Homer explores this theory throughout his book through Odysseus and his struggle to make it back to Ithaca to see his family, Telemachos and his journeys to find his father, Penelope and her patience, awaiting her husband's return, and Athena, who so selflessly guided everyone to peace. The main storyline of the text involves Odysseus wanting to find home and see his family again. This whole story encompasses nostos, a feeling of homecoming. Throughout The Odyssey, Homer investigates what it truly means to be at home and what makes a home. Odysseus is presented with many opportunities for a new life, from living with Nausikaa in The...
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...Homer of Greece was a blind bard known for a sensational memory and his ability to entertain an audience with the portrayal of his words. Two well known epic poems he told were The Odyssey and The Iliad. Both of these poems are very different from any story or poem written in ancient Greece. The structure, development, and the art of how each epic was told is the reason why each work is different and why each is called an epic. Especially the Odyssey it is the pentacle of an epic poem and contains everything needed to be considered so. The Odyssey is the great story of Odysseus and the sequel to Homer’s other epic the Iliad. The main character Odysseus is put through a lengthy journey on his return home to Ithaca from the battlefield of Troy. Over the span of 24 detailed books Homer tells Odysseus’ path and what he must face to get home. From the raging seas created by Poseidon, Odysseus’ lengthy stay with calypso, and his travels through the underworld. These and other conflicts that Odysseus faces are part of the elements to which make the odyssey and epic poem. In the first book of the Odyssey, Homer introduces a very important element of his Epic poems, the Muse. According to Aaron J. Atsma of the Theoi project, during the ancient time muses were the goddesses of music song and dance. In the odyssey when Homer is referring to the muse in the first book, saying “Sing to me of the man, Muse…” The muse he is referring to is known as Kalliope, the muse of epic poetry. This is important...
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...Introduction: Odysseus, the legendary Greek king of Ithaca is considered heroic in many's eyes due to his unwillingness to give in to his many enemies. Odysseus’ journey of predestination home from Troy is taken mentally alone, however not physically. Though many are faced with journeys consisting of simple and/or difficult tasks, either way a journey does not always conclude in returning home. I have found in each battle Odysseus has faced, Odysseus’ love for his wife governs for his return home. In the theoretic settings of Gods and monsters, Homer’s Epic poem is sought at a time of war, brutality, and victory. In the Odyssey, Homer uses Odysseus to provide historical and factual provisions that faith within yourself and a significant other is the key to salvation....
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...literary culture that is characterized for its epic stories and epic characters that follow along the definition of an epic hero. An epic hero is a brave and noble character in an epic poem, admired for great achievements or affected by grand events. Dante’s Aligheri’s Inferno and Homer’s The Odyssey respectively have two characters that fulfill what is like to be recognized as a brave and noble character. Throughout both poems, we can see how each character has unique qualities that make them outstand and set them up as a leader, but at the same time, they have the flaws of any human being. It is clear when a character overcomes the status of any human being and sets the lead as a hero. An important trait of an epic hero is the fact that starts a journey; it may be of a personal matter, such as Dante, or of societal matter, like Odysseus. In The Odyssey, Odysseus is a war hero travelling home after a period of twenty years. In this epic, Odysseus is brought out as a hero with superhuman courage. In most cases, he has been shown fighting with supernatural forces. One characteristic of this journey that is different from Dante is that the hero in this epic fights against external forces. Odysseus faces many challenges while traveling home. To begin with, he is cast on an island that is surrounded by waters. Some situations appear to have no immediate solution as one is surrounded by problems. Secondly, he is strongly opposed by the god Poseidon and the seas. The reason for this...
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...Has Odysseus really changed all that much from his postwar travels by the time he meets the Phaeacians? In Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus’ actions do reveal his behavior, but not necessarily in the way one would think. But Odysseus is often stuck in a sort of loop, in which some aspects of his behavior are dynamic, and others remain static, depending heavily on the situation the character is placed in. When Odysseus meets the Phaeacians, he displays changes in behavior as he begs for mercy, yet remains static with his overbearing pride. So, how does Odysseus manage to exhibit such different types of behavior? Well, the first example appears when he first meets with the Phaeacian royal family, specifically Queen Arete. “And then, / [Odysseus] flung his arms around Arete’s...
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...Kshithi Bhanu Singh Second English St. Stephen’s College What are the constituent attributes of a Greek Epic Hero? Explicate with reference to Odysseus and Achilles. The definition of an epic hero is very wide and varied. It includes a lot of attributes and criterions, but for a particular hero to reach the epic stature, it isn’t really necessary to fulfill all the demands and to come up to all the standards. In a very conventional sense, an epic hero is supposed to possess these qualities or is supposed to come up to these standards: 1. Is an important figure from history or legend. 2. Is usually favored by Gods or even partially descended from Gods i.e. semi-divine nature. 3. Takes part in a cyclical journey or quest, faces adversaries and returns home with significant transformation. 4. Illustrates traits, performs deeds and exemplifies certain morals that are valued and held dear by the society/ culture from which the hero comes. 5. Usually embodies cultural and religious beliefs of the people. 6. Has no superpowers, but is smart, brave and has fears too; which he must overcome to protect his friends, family and / or nation. 7. Can also be a warrior of some sort who performs extra-ordinary tasks that most find difficult. 8. Is also a polished speaker who can address councils of chieftains or elders with eloquence and confidence. Literature is replete with examples of epic heroes. Classical Greek literature in particular has produced...
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...Philosophies (Women)- Women play either a motherly role or that of a seductress. They are weakened along with being lost without a guide and a support. An example would be Penelope, wife of Odysseus since she is a mother, but while Odysseus is gone, and when suitors come along, in a way she tempts them in terms of power (of the role of king) and as a woman, but she actually never gives in to any of the men. The purpose of women was mainly to lament the losses for their men and also persuading for their safety. Criticism- Homer had written the Odyssey with a bit of over-the-top reiteration, along with the missing component of a sense of unity. However, even when Odysseus wasn’t on a scene, the lines of the story still indicate that he is...
Words: 1924 - Pages: 8
...A summary of Civilization: Greek Era What really is education? It is not literacy, nor information. Education is a logical attempt towards human learning. There are two types of leaners, passive learners and purposely engaged learners. Purposeful engagement is said to equal successful learning; so instead of spending time getting interested, find what is interesting. Making connections is what creates learning. Everything we learn may not be interesting, but it is important to make connections to something that is. Find meaning in what is taught and interpret the idea, thinking deeply and meaningful about ideas helps discover new learning and interest. Intellect performance shows what we know what we are trying to portray. During the highest peak of the Greek era the society valued body and mind intellect; creating some of the most famous philosophers known to time. Main Ideas and Values of Ancient Greek Civilization Ancient Greek civilization has contributed too many parts of today's society. The teachings and doings of Ancient Greeks have contributed important lessons that many societies still use to base their own laws and ethics on. The Ancient Greeks realized values of loyalty, glory, intelligence and hospitality were important to incorporate into everyday life. Ancient Greek civilization valued dualism, truth and “good society”. Helping your fellow man was an important aspect of ancient Greek society. They offered food, shelter and protection to travelers without...
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...CORC 1110 Paper # 1- Character Analysis of Odysseus’ Godlike/Human Status Homer’s The Odyssey may feature several heroes, but none are as prevalent as Odysseus. Odysseus has proved himself to be a magnificent hero in various ways. He has shown the heroic traits of courageousness, loyalty, and he saved thousands of innocent lives. However, Odysseus is not necessarily a godlike figure. He is in fact a role model, with a goal to reach his home through resisting temptation and using his intellect and physical strength. While he is brave, clever, and demonstrates self restraint the faults in Odysseus’ character bring him back to being a mortal man. Odysseus is godlike in both a physical and spiritual sense. Physically, he was created handsome as his creation is described: “Then Athena, born from Zeus, made him look taller and more muscled, and made his hair tumble down his head like hyacinth flowers…So Athena herself made Odysseus' head and shoulders shimmer with grace” (6.236-244). Aside from his godly physique, Odysseus is physically strong and capable as he overcomes the extreme dangers that occur throughout the journey and comes out alive after it all. Being able to face dangerous people and creatures is evident that he is a courageous man given that any mortal man wouldn’t have been able to survive a journey after so many challenges. From the spiritual aspect, Odysseus demonstrates godlike behavior by remaining faithful to his wife and family during the voyage. Remaining...
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