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Mexican Immigrant Stereotypes Research Paper

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Throughout time in America, a significant number of crimes are committed by African Americans. To this day, many people come to the conclusion that committing a crime is expected of them and that they will continue to do so time and time again. As society sees this, stereotypes are created and justice is not always given because of created bias towards race, and the outlook on background. People of color are viewed to have a higher chance of committing more crimes and to be sent with higher charges than their white counterparts. These harmful stereotypes given to people of color have been going on for a long period of time and are increasing to this day. One example of a common stereotype is the poverty that is heavily inflicted on African Americans. This causes a significant amount of them to seek survival through stealing. It is easiest to suspect and convict African Americans of committing these crimes based on the stereotypes …show more content…
An incident like this can create and spread stereotypes towards the whole race. This point also illustrates how Mexican immigrants unfairly face suspicion due to the stereotypes of drug trafficking in Mexico. With this understanding in mind, the trend of stereotypes originates from history. Throughout the migration of Mexican immigrants to the United States, these stereotypes have persisted, becoming deeply embedded in American culture. This has been deeply ingrained into American culture, which has created these stereotypes inflicted by history and false accusations of violence and crime, proving the harm of stereotypes. The differences among ethnic groups, such as education, employment, and healthcare, affect the justice system. Employment advantages vary throughout different races. This is heavily seen when opportunities are given to a white person over a person of

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