...Inventory The concept of spirituality is a part of the human experience and encompasses the search for meaning in life. It is a sense that there is a power greater than ourselves and it connects us to each other and other creatures. Spirituality is about seeking a meaningful connection with something bigger than yourself, which can result in positive emotions, such as peace, awe, contentment, gratitude, and acceptance ("Spirituality," n.d.). Philosophically the search for spirituality encompasses asking the questions “Who, what and why are we, what is my purpose and where did I come from?” ("Spirituality," n.d.). Some people seek the answers to these questions through their religion while others find them through art or nature. Sociology’s definition of spirituality is based on the study of relationships where people influence other people. Sociology describes spirituality as spiritual practices, rituals, and social morality of a group of people (Seaward, 2013, p. 34). Thus sociology would encompass the idea of religious pluralism. Religious pluralism is the concept that no one religion is the way to god. Rather it recognizes that there are religions other than Christianity that seek to commune with god ("Pluralism," n.d.). The ecumenical concept has only recently become part of western culture ("Pluralism," n.d.). People perceive their lives through the lens of their experiences based on their cultural and spiritual background. Spirituality and scientism to the writer...
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...Rebecca Anderson Professor: Dr. Darrohn English 252 07 October 2010 Spirituality in Nature In the poem “Mont Blanc” by Percy Bysshe Shelley, there is a strong correlation conveyed between nature and spirituality. Although Shelley does not specifically mention any religious connotation, the words chosen in this poem could have more than one meaning. Perhaps Shelley purposely wrote “Mont Blanc” to have more than one meaning and has left it up to the reader to interpret and absorb this poem as it is suitable to him. I interpreted the poem to be about spirituality. I have found several connections in Shelley’s choice of words indicating spirituality in nature is possible, and it is up to the reader to discover his own ability in finding his own spirituality. The lyrical lines in stanza 5 describe the strength and majestic qualities of Mont Blanc. The mountain is portrayed as one of isolation; it is a secluded place uninhibited by man (137). Shelley uses the words, “solemn power” to describe Mont Blanc (128). In the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), one definition of solemn is, “having a religious character” another is, “Associated or connected to religious rites or observances.” The word power is defined as, “A powerful celestial or spiritual being” (OED). Because of the portrayal of the mountain and the choice of words Shelley uses to describe it, it takes on a spiritual characteristic. In addition to “Mont Blanc” being portrayed as powerful, indicating how strong...
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...Spirituality affects one’s everyday life. Happiness, a sense of fulfillment, self-worth, and even physical and mental health are all affected by one’s spiritual health. So of course many would wonder where dos the spirituality supposedly comes from and how do you control or get in touch with it. There are many different aspects of spirituality and it affects everyone differently. What is spirituality? A denoted definition of the word spirituality would say that it is the experience of connection to self, others, and the community at large, providing a sense of purpose and meaning. It is the connectedness spawning from personal values and beliefs. Together, all of these factors affect who someone is as a person, how someone chooses between good and bad, and what is even considered good or bad. Commitment in spirituality can even increase positiveness in one’s physical and mental health. Physically, there is a lower chance of acquiring depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, substance abuse. Mental benefits from being spiritual are being more forgiving, loving, compassionate, and even coping with sudden life changes. The most complex and controversial part of spirituality is differing it from religion and could you have one without the other. According to research and professional studies, spirituality actually derived from religion. “The difference between spirituality and religion is the freedom to choose your own path towards enlightenment.” Many believe religion...
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...values and morals are very different from what they used to be years ago. Life has changed and people’s priorities have changed specially family’s priorities. In the world that we live in today families are no longer united, they no longer communicate and they no longer act as a family. Parents are no longer involved in their children’s life, leading to miscommunication and leading parents and their children to no longer have that bond or that communication that makes parents and children’s relationship strong (Page, Thomas, 2011). Today’s society revolves all around technology, appearances, sex, and material things especially in the lives of teenagers and young people. Teenagers no longer communicate with their parents; they would rather spend time on their computer, on their cellphones, playing video games, being on social networks, etc. The majority of young people especially teenagers not only in the United States but all over the world are spending their time in things that don’t really benefit them what so ever instead of putting their time into things that benefits them and will help in their future like school, sports, spending more time with their families and most importantly giving god some of their time, and having a spiritual life. Teenagers and young people are no longer having that spiritual connection because their parents are no longer making them be involved in church or making them be involved with god and spirituality. In a recent study made by Barbara Wintersgill...
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...Spirituality in the Workplace ABSTRACT In this paper I will attempt to study and understand the need for spirituality in the workplace. Workplace Spirituality is awareness, interconnectedness with one another and a higher existence, a sense of fulfilment, and value and meaning to one’s calling. Spirituality in organizations is an area gaining increasing popularity. The growing interest, however, is on how spirituality improves organizational performance, and the impact of spiritual influences in a workplace. Introduction: In today society’s organizations want their employees to be able to come to work and manage their emotions while working with coworkers and customers. However, employees are constantly under stress which may reduce the effectiveness of his or her work ethics. Workplace spirituality is the method of incorporating one’s personal idea of “spirituality” in their daily work schedule. Spirituality can give employees a sense of balance and security and therefore improve their organizational efficiency and effectiveness. With spiritualty now incorporating itself in to the workplace it is helping the organization enhance its performance and increase the development of business ethics. The importance of a business to incorporate spirituality within the workplace will continue to influence the culture of business in the anticipated future. What is Spirituality? Webster’s College Dictionary defines spirituality as the quality or “state of being...
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...Spiritual Assessment NUR 645E Grand Canyon University April 3, 2013 Abstract Evidence has linked a strong relationship between spirituality and medicine. There is a positive correlation between a patient’s spirituality or religious commitment and health outcomes. A spiritual assessment as a part of a health assessment is a practical step to incorporating patient’s spiritual needs into practice. The FICA Tool and HOPE Questions provide serve to assist clinicians in the spiritual assessment process. By examining the research done using these tools, it has been determined that the FICA Tool is easy to use and provides basic data on a patient’s spirituality. The FICA tool is both reliable and valid. The HOPE Questions are easy to use and provides details on a wide range of aspects related to multicultural beliefs. The HOPE Questions is not supported by research thereby it is not valid or reliable. Key Words: spiritual assessment, FICA Spiritual Assessment Tool, HOPE Questions Spiritual Assessment Taking patients spiritual needs into account is an integral component of providing holistic care. Research has linked positive health outcomes with patients whose spiritual needs have been addressed. However, spirituality is not always considered an important part of a patient’s well-being; leading to spiritual assessments not being completed. To aid in addressing a patients spiritual needs, there are spiritual assessment tools available. Some of the tools available...
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...Spirituality in workplace or workplace spirituality is a widely discussed topic among the business as well as the religious world. As the discussion of this topic is growing, one can find various debates going on as to what exactly the term “Spirituality” means. It has lead t to different perceptions and attempts to define spirituality on the basis of the very strong personal nature of the word. It is still argumentative that whether one should encourage spirituality in organizations and who will get the true benefit of it. However, it is to be noted that many modern organizations are planning to and still implementing spirituality- based culture within firms. Regarding this fact, it would be better for one to recollect the words of the Nobel Prize winning French Novelist, Essayist and Playwright, Albert Camus when he said: “Without work, all life goes rotten. But when work is soulless, life stifles and dies” (Albert Camus quotes). This underlines the significance of spirituality in workplace. As spirituality is a controversial topic, one needs much care and attention when evaluating the role of spirituality in workplace. Therefore, the purpose of this study id to explore what workplace spirituality means how one can implement it in one’s work environment. Many modern articles have identified the growing interest of the corporate world in spirituality. This probably leads to the question “Why is there such an increased interest in workplace spirituality?” (Krishnakumar & Neck...
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...Project Purpose and Topic Overview The purpose of this photovoice project is to recognize that there is a lack of education and training around the use of religion and spirituality interventions for social workers. Under the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics, social workers are mandated to practice cultural competence and to expand their practices to fit their diverse client population. This is one of the keys to being an ethical social worker. In a recent large-scale study done by the Pew Research Center, over 75% of participants in the United States identified that they are affiliated with a religious faith (2017). From this study, it is fair to assume that some form of religion and/or spirituality will play a role...
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...Spirituality in Nursing: Where Do I Fit In? Abstract Spirituality has many definitions. For some it is a belief in a greater power, a sense of being connected with all living things, or the development of values. For others it is the way to find peace and comfort for their lives. Spirituality is an important component of the care provided to patients by health care providers. Before spiritual care can be given the provider must understand the patient’s spiritual needs. However, this is not always possible due to barriers that arise. Spirituality in Nursing: Where Do I Fit In? Spirituality has many definitions. For some it is a belief in a greater power, a sense of being connected with all living things, and the development of values. For others it is the way to find peace and comfort for their lives. Spirituality is often associated with religion, and some say they develop their spirituality through music, art, or by connecting with nature. Others say they find spirituality through acts of compassion and selflessness. One’s religion is different than spirituality (Munoz-Garcia, 2008). Religion is beliefs and behaviors based on religious traditions or denominations. If a nurse does not understand the difference, the patient’s spiritual needs may be neglected. History Spirituality in healthcare dates back to the earliest of times. Some of the earliest images date back to approximately 7,000 years ago. These images portrayed the nourishment and protection...
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...Spirituality: A Concept Defined “We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us” (Campbell, n.d.). At the core of human existence, discussions surrounding spirituality and the search for a meaning in life are historically documented. Despite the debates, many people still don’t understand what it means to have spirituality due to a lack of a consensual definition. One thing that is known, for people of all ages, genders, religions and cultural backgrounds, having spirituality has proven to improve quality of life and patient outcomes. The purpose of this concept analysis is to gain a deeper understanding of the concept of ‘spirituality’ in order to enhance and influence how...
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...energy that can be manipulated to restore balance. The Christian worldview believes that we have been created by God in his image (Shelly & Miller, 2006). Spirituality, religion and personal beliefs surrounding worldview questions, can all impact healthcare today. This paper will discuss the meaning of spirituality in the context of healthcare and the questions relating to individual worldviews. Meanings of Spirituality Spirituality can mean different things to different people. It can be the exploratory component of religion (Borg, 2013). There are some who will say that spirituality is meditation, being in tune with nature or talking to spirits, others will say that spirituality is being linked with something greater than them. This often involves seeking for the meaning of life. It can also be said that true spirituality comes from the Holy Spirit of God. As a result the person experiences emotions such as: love; joy; peace; kindness; goodness; faithfulness; gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5: 22-23). The importance of spirituality is that it shows people that there is more out there than our life on earth. Sociological Perspectives The spiritual and religious world has changed in recent years. Fewer people go to church and more consider themselves to be spiritual rather than religious (Lorimer, 2014). Spirituality can be linked with thoughts and emotions such as: love and compassion; forgiveness and...
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...When speaking about religion and spirituality the are many similarities and differences. They are often connected but quite different. According to Hays & Erford (2018), “Spirituality refers to the connections individuals have with themselves on the universe as a whole” (p. 8). Essentially, spirituality is what gives an individual understanding of being spiritual, and give them an inclination of something outside of this physical world. On the contrary, Hays & Erford (2018) defines religion as, “An organizing construct of spirituality, consists of the behaviors and practices of individuals’ faith” (p. 8). Religion involves rituals and a set of beliefs that one applies to their life to establish a relationship with God. In addition, religion...
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...Spirituality and Prayer Christian Spirituality and What is Spirituality and Where is it Found? The Catholic and Christian stance on the idea of spirituality states that spirituality is something that is mainly related to religion and that there are different ways to go about forming a spiritual tradition. Not everyone will experience a sense of spirituality the same way. Some people have a life changing experience; some reveal it through an artistic expression, while others have already been accustomed to it from previous generations. I realized that the Christians also see spirituality as a way of discipleship. It is through this discipleship that you will come to realize that this is “the way” you lead a Christ-centered life. It seems that Christians use discipleship and spirituality hand-in-hand. Although I personally believe that while spirituality can be found within in a religion, it does not always have to be associated with one. Spirituality and prayer are two different things; spirituality does not always pertain to a God or some kind of higher being. However, according to Johannes Metz, Metz says that, “Every attempt to know him [i.e. Christ], to understand him, is therefore always a journey a following…Following Christ is therefore not just a subsequent application of the church’s Christology to our life; the practice of following Christ is itself a central part of Christology…In this sense every Christology is subject to the primary practice” (12). The Church...
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...Spirituality is about the concept of soul that deals with issues of inner beliefs and feelings. It included a belief in a power operating in the universe that is greater than oneself and an awareness of the purpose and meaning of life and the development of personal plus absolute values. In another word, it is the way you find hope, comfort, meaning and inner peace in your life. Some examples of the characteristics of spirituality would be the acts of compassion and selflessness, altruism, and the experience of inner peace. (Spirituality, n.d.) Religion is defined as the human quest for, experience of, and response to the holy and sacred. In religion, the religious expressions are in thought – the intellectual expression, in action – the practical expression, and in fellowship – the communal expression. These are also known as the ways that universal human activity expresses itself. (What is religion?, n.d.) Secularism is a wider view to the world that assures the independence in connection with all its strengths, qualities, values and behavior towards all sects, religion and other spiritual actions. Apparently, there are 3 different historical types of secularism - secularism that is against, secularism that is compliance too, and secularism that is bias towards religion. (What is secularism, n.d.) Although spirituality and religion have their own definition, but the truth is both of them are actually closely associated with each other. However, we often heard people said...
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...without a spiritual life.” -Buddha What is spirituality? According to dictionary.com; “spirituality is the state or quality of being dedicated to God, religion, or spiritual things or values, esp. as contrasted with material or temporal ones. ” Personally, I believe that we are all spiritual beings that were put here on earth to fulfill a purpose and serve the Lord. To me, living life without a spiritual life is like living without morals. It’s like living a sin everyday. Who would want to live a life of sin? I don’t think a child of God would want to live like that. We live in a world of chaos. The earth is full of temptation and sin. Having a spiritual life sets boundaries to the good and bad, depending on your beliefs. Having these beliefs helps man stand ground and stand up for what he believes in. Believing can help a man to the right path and the right lifestyle. Believing in God can really help us in our struggles. Listening to the gospel and how Jesus lived a holy life can also help us in making our life better and spiritual. Having this spirituality can stable us to be who we are supposed to be. We can be much more holy when we start to build our spirituality. In order to build our spirituality, we need to do God’s will, such as; going to church, helping others, and preaching the good word of the Lord. By doing all of these things, we can be enlightened to the path that can lead us to the God. Spirituality doesn’t always apply to religion. Non-believers...
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