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Spirituality Concept Analysis Paper

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Spirituality: A Concept Defined “We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us” (Campbell, n.d.). At the core of human existence, discussions surrounding spirituality and the search for a meaning in life are historically documented. Despite the debates, many people still don’t understand what it means to have spirituality due to a lack of a consensual definition. One thing that is known, for people of all ages, genders, religions and cultural backgrounds, having spirituality has proven to improve quality of life and patient outcomes. The purpose of this concept analysis is to gain a deeper understanding of the concept of ‘spirituality’ in order to enhance and influence how …show more content…
The attributes of spirituality include: hope, inner strength, trust, meaning, purpose, forgiveness, belief, faith, values, love, and morality (Royal College of Nursing, 2011). A component of connectedness is also found in literature review, describing a connection with oneself, a higher power or supreme purpose (O’Brien, 2013 p. 81). This connectedness can be vertical, a relationship with a higher power or horizontal, the relationships with others and the environment. Activities such as touch, prayer and presence are used to demonstrate connectedness. It is shown that these attributes may lead to a deeper meaning of life as demonstrated in the following case …show more content…
Maria, a 36-year-old, Hispanic woman, has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Maria is despondent and doesn’t know how she will be able to take care of her children, let alone pay for cancer related treatments. She expresses her spirituality as a belief in God and says it gives her meaning in life yet, she is also angry with God for inflicting her with such a devastating disease. Maria tells the nurse her frustrations. The nurse actively listens, then asks Maria if she would like to see the chaplain or if she would like the nurse to contact her parish for emotional and spiritual support. The nurse also connects Maria with cancer support systems, social and financial services to help elevate some of the stress and burden she is feeling. Maria expresses appreciation for connecting her with multiple support

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