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Reading Writing Me

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Jackie Rios
Ms. Thompson
AP Language and Composition
22 October 2015
Reading, Writing, and Me I remember my mom staying with me in my kindergarten class many days of the year to hold my hand while I tried to write my name and other kindergarten words. I was taught how to read, write, and even learn how to speak two languages, all at the same time. As I learned to read I remember my parents and teachers reading books aloud to me. The type of books that were read to me, always had happy endings and everyone lived happily ever after, such as in Corduroy, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the beast, and other similar stories. It wasn’t until around first grade when I was able to read the books on my own, and around this time I was also exposed to …show more content…
The setting of the book takes place in the foreign country, Afghanistan. This book is my favorite for due to its unique setting and how not many books are written using a similar setting, except for war stories. Even though the setting includes war, it is not the main idea, the main idea is the hardship of a beautiful friendship between to young boys. While reading this book I was able to discover a new type of genre, realistic fiction. In discovering realistic fiction, I also discovered that it was one of my favorite genres. From there one I tried to discover more popular, similar, and different genres, such as historical fiction, biographies, nonfiction, and much more. At this point, my interest in reading books grew and so I just kept on reading book after …show more content…
As I continue to read books, articles, speeches, and write essays, poems, and presentations, my literacy development increases, as I realize my mistakes and revise them, and learn not to make those same mistakes again. Also, the more reading and writing I do, I realize new factors that make up a text efficient For example, this year I have already increased my knowledge, as I now use rhetorical devices and strategies to enrich my writing and I’m also able to identify them in a writer’s work. The more I use reading and writing, the more I learn and the better rhetor I

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