...CAREER PLANNING PROCESS AND ITS ROLE IN HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT ELIZA ANTONIU ABSTRACT: This paper addresses specific questions on career planning, activity which plays an increasingly representative role in the human resources management. People were always concerned about choosing and building careers to meet their needs and aspirations. Career planning process involves both individual and organization responsibility. In the contemporary business environment, highly competitive, we find that career management responsibility rests increasingly on the individuals. Organizations also play an important role; its need to have and maintain a competent staff, considered as the main source for obtaining competitive advantage, most advanced companies develop and apply an integrated management career system, beneficial both for themselves and for their employees. KEY WORDS: planning activities; career management; human resource; system JEL CLASSIFICATION: M12 1. CAREER PLANNING – AN ESSENTIAL COMPONENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The current economic context, marked by increased competition, integration in the European Union and especially the need to maintain competitive advantage in an increasingly uncertain business environment, have led to the introduction and the deployment of human resources activities until recently neglected. Thus, more companies in Romania have started to develop and implement organized planning and career development systems of employees. In human...
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...given to an expert or professional in a related field or work. Training is required at every stage of the work, everyone at work. In order to maintain themselves and rapidly changing technology, ideas, values and environmental updates, training plays a vital role. Training programs, the quality of work is necessary, any increase in staff at all levels of the organization. When a person moves from one assignment to another of a different nature, it is also needed. Taking into account this context, the unit is designed to provide insight into the concept of necessity and training methods, but also training assessment, retraining and organizational learning dimensions. Training is a process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. This is the knowledge of the application and gives the rules and procedures to guide their behavior. It helps to bring the attitude of knowledge, skills and staff, positive change. Training is to get more and better quality work, investment from your talent. In this regard, training is an attempt to improve their skills or increase current levels of knowledge, so that employees do better his current work involves higher duties workflow. It bridges the gap between what the employee has & what the job demands. Since training involves time, effort & money by an organization, so an organization should to be very careful while designing a training program. The objectives & need for training should be clearly identified & the method or type of training...
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...Individual Development Planning Procedures Increasing Importance of Development Planning The continuous improvement of job skills is critical. The challenges we face on the job, as well as in the general business environment, are constantly changing. In addition, fundamental changes in the technical industry will continue to accelerate. It does not take long for skills and knowledge to become outdated in this fast-changing world. “Finishing” one’s education is no longer realistic. One effective technique for focusing these development efforts is the use of Individual Development Planning, IDPs. What is development planning? Development planning is an ongoing, evolutionary process rather than a single event. In brief, development planning involves supervisors and employees discussing the work they are doing and documenting strategies to help the employee develop and grow. Achieving this goal requires a team effort. A Shared Commitment Development planning is a responsibility to be shared by the employee and the supervisor. Effective development requires mutual commitment, support, and cooperation from each of these parties. Employees are accountable for showing initiative and actively pursing development options. Supervisors are accountable for establishing the learning environment. Commitment of Employees The most important ingredient in successful skill development is the employee’s own personal accountability. Employees are expected...
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...“Following the appraisal process individuals may be identified as being eligible for a performance related reward.” Most organisations use appraisal schemes in order to monitor employee performance. Performance appraisal is a formal system of measuring, evaluating, and influencing an employee’s job-related attributes, behaviours and outcomes. The objective is to determine how productive an employee is and/or to determine if an employee’s productivity can be improved. As such, performance appraisals serve an important purpose in managing people and meeting company goals. Performance management must play a key role to any successful business it involves an analysis of: * The role of competencies – a competency is an underlying characteristic of a person which enables them to deliver superior performance in a given job role or situation. * The role of goal setting. * The role of appraisals. * The role of rewards. Pfeffer believes that effective management of people can produce substantially enhanced economic performance. He believes there are 7 practices for successful organisations. * Employment security. * Selective hiring of new people. * Self-managed teams and decentralisation o decision making as the basic principles of organisational design. * Comparatively high compensation (pay and reward) dependent upon organisational performance. * Extensive training. * Reduced status distinctions – dress, language, office arrangement and wage...
Words: 2278 - Pages: 10
...strategy of the company implemented by CEO, Rhett Roberts of Redmond Minerals. This paper will identify three ways in which the internet could improve Redmond’s human resource management functions. It will also communicate how my ideas align with Robert’s principles for running his company. And, finally, this paper will evaluate how change, engagement and employee empowerment could have a positive impact of an organization including Redmond Minerals. In supporting the new strategy that Roberts implemented at Redmond, it would involve continuing to build on the foundation of the company that he put in place. In building on this concept, the company would need to continue value its employees, have a strategic goal in what direction the company would like to go and play an even more active role in the training of employees. In continuing to value employees there should be more outreach for programs that involve diversity and inclusion. In attracting more diverse employees, the company would continue to grow and have new ideas to aid in the process of growing. One example of this is in, Mining Excellence at Redmond Minerals, one employee thought that, “…schedules should go from a five day work week to four days based upon business needs.” (pg 53.) This idea was implemented and was successful in saving the company money, executing new practices and in return passing some of that income to the employees. In continuing to value to employees, Redmond should look at the workforce and continue...
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...employees? These days you have a diversified work force. What motivates one individual may not motivate the other. To motivate your employees you have to understand them. You can motivate them through employee recognition programs, employee involvement programs, skill based pay programs, give monetary and non- monetary rewards, provide good work environment, flexibility. 2. Which techniques you use to motivate? Provide meaningful and challenging work, Set clear targets and expectations and measure performance, Give regular, direct, supportive Feedback, Design people's roles so they can use their strengths, Enable input and choice in how work gets done, Reward them for their work 3. What is the theory of motivation? Motivation is an internal drive that activates behaviour and gives it direction. There is not one but many theories of motivation: Content theories, Process theories 4. If one beautiful girl/ smart boy who is working with you in the same floor and if she/ he is after you and don’t like to work how will you manage her/him? Call him/ her and tell him that I don’t like the person and being a HR professional counsel him and tell the consequences of being like that can affect the career. 5. How do you handle people, if some people come late and some people come regularly? Make the work timings flexible; handle it like a performance issue—show them benefits of coming early. 6. What is meant by culture of an organisation? It is a system...
Words: 15317 - Pages: 62
...There are several ways to go about training and development. I will Identify the most common and explain. The most are informal, formal, self-directed, cross-training and job rotation. Informal training and development is rather casual and incidental. Typically, there are no specified training goals as such, nor are their ways to evaluate if the training actually accomplished these goals or not. This type of training and development occurs so naturally that many people probably aren't aware that they're in a training experience at all. Probably the most prominent form of informal training is learning from experience on the job. Formal, Systematic Training and Development involves carefully proceeding through the following phases: Assessing what knowledge, skills and / or abilities learners need, Designing the training, including identifying learning goals and associated objectives, training methods to reach the objectives, and the means to carefully evaluate whether the objectives have been reached or not. A systematic approach is goal-oriented (hopefully, to produce results for the organization and/or learners), with the results of each phase being used by the next phase. Typically, each phase provides ongoing evaluation feedback to other phases in order to improve the overall system's process. Self-directed training includes the learner making the decisions about what training and development experiences will occur and how. Self-directed training seems to be more popular of...
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...First Day on the Job Cheryl L. Williams Dr. Ed Sherbert HRM 530: Strategic Human Resource Management November 27, 2011 Abstract Employees are the key elements of an organization. The success or failure of the organization depends on employee performance. Therefore, organizations must invest money on employee development (Hameed & Waheed, 2011, p. 224). This paper will discuss the issues a new manger faces with trying to attain and retain good employees. It is very important that organizations make an investment in their employees through career development, preventing burnout, and helping them achieve a work-life balance. The paper will discuss the importance of employee development (employee learning, skill growth, and career assessment). In these days of hard economic times people are looking for jobs that pay well and are tempted to move from job to job looking for more money. In order for employers to keep their best employees from leaving they must develop programs and policies to help them grow in their careers. Discuss the factors causing the employee’s dissatisfaction. First and foremost, the employee appears to be suffering from burnout. She tells Malik that she is exhausted and frustrated because the work either comes all at once or there is little work to do. Burnout is defined as a psychological phenomenon involving emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and a decline in feelings of competence about work (Stewart & Brown, 2009). Job...
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...Human Resource Management Salina Calles HCS 341 Donald Colvin March 20, 2012 Human Resources Management Careers in the health care management range from administration to policy-making roles. It is the manager’s responsibility to work with HR (human resources) in finding ways for employees to develop their careers. Helping employees with career management by making certain roles standard to improve strengths and diminish weaknesses are carried out. Career developments stance in ensuring a competitive workforce is human resources responsibility to conduct the information. It is the managers’ responsibility to make sure it is followed through. Phases that help career development are: knowing what the challenges are, what options are used to solve them and self-development. What Challenges Exist A challenges that exist in career development is deciding who will be responsible for creating activities for career development. When formal learning takes place, being planned, structured, and instructor-led courses are ways of doing this. Some organizations have assessment centers that help categorize employees based on their personality profile. Depending on the organization, the employee does not personally take part in deciding where they are placed, this is based on the company assessment tests. Career-planning workshops, which the HR department sometimes handles; gives employees information about career options in the organization. Some results have...
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...around us and people are the main recourse of an organization. today’s competitive business environment understanding the people who working in an organization is not less important then its overall success .organisational behaviour is concern with the behaviour of the people working within the company. It is the understanding of an individual or a group of people in order to help organizational improvement and its effectiveness Organisational behaviour and management theory are closely related. the activity of the people in an organization can not isolated from the role of management (Rollinson,2005) b)Importance of organisational behaviour Organisation are created by people and its missions are also set by people . People who run an organization are always trying to adopt themselves with the changing environment of the organization and often influence the organization by new skill and development .as people and organization are closely related they are learning from each other .the external forces such competition ,political, cultural environment are also help organization to learn new technical skill and communication. poet Samuel Butler said that “ any full can paint a picture but it takes a wise man to sell the picture” the skill of a Wiseman is worthless without the hard work of the fool people from this we can realize that how important it is for the manager to understand the organisational behaviour For example if manager study the organizational behavior...
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...1.0 Background of the study: 1.1 Introduction: Human resources (HR) are the backbone of an organization. Moreover, the continuing prosperity of a firm is likely to be enhanced by employees who hold attitudes, value and expectations that are closely aligned with the corporate vision. HRM policies and practices can be strategically designed and installed to promote desirable employee outcomes, which include the enhancement of the in role and extra role behaviors of employees. Every organization is made up of people. Acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to high levels of performance, and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization are essential to achieving organizational objectives. 1.2 Objectives of the study: (a) Broad Objective: To evaluate the training & development activities of steel industry and to identify the need and implementation of performance appraisal. Finding the ways of creating more effective appraisal and T & D system for KSRM is another objective. (b) Specific Objective: v How T& D is done in a big steel company like KSRM v How performance appraisal is done in KSRM v To identify the importance of T & D and appraisal in a company like KSRM v Identifying the problems that occurs during T & D and performance appraisal v To put forward some recommendation 1.3 Methodology: Data Collection For preparing this report data have been collected from both primary and secondary...
Words: 11245 - Pages: 45
...mentoring is on the rise within the workplace. Several organizations have adopted the process of coaching and mentoring as development tools to develop those employees who are seeking future advancement. Also, they are setting the foundation for future leaders. The adaption of these developmental tools within an organization is providing employees with the necessary feedback and support to establish and plan their career. Coaching and mentoring provides an employee with the necessary leadership and management skills they would need to strive up the career ladder within an organization. These processes are both ‘helping’ activities, employed either as distinct interventions or together as part of a package of personal development? Coaching and mentoring are deemed a highly effective way to help employees through talking, sense of direction and guidance, self esteem, efficacy and accomplishment. The differences in the application stages of these processes are naturally reflected in the results. Coaching and Mentoring In my opinion, Coaching and Mentoring are excellent programs for organization to have in place, especially for personal whom are seeking future advancement and want to excel in their careers with the organizations. A recent CIPD (Chartered Institute of Development) surveys have reported that the use of coaching and mentoring as development tool are increasing within organizations. According to those who responded, 72% use formal mentoring schemes and 63% undertake...
Words: 2003 - Pages: 9
...Resource Development 1. * Meaning and concepts of Human Resource Development, Human Resource Development (HRD) is considered as a vital part of Human Resource Management and it is defined as "an organized learning experience within a given period of time with the objective of producing the possibility of performance change." HRD aims at overall development of human resources. HRD is more concerned with the training and development of employees. Human Resource Development (HRD) means to develop available manpower through suitable methods such as training, promotions, transfers and opportunities for career development. A) Describe the major functions in Human Resource Development (HRD) Frame work of an organization. – 2011 * OR - Features of Human Resource Development, The nature / scope / function / characteristics or features of HRD are as follows :- 1. Training and Development: HRD involves training and developing the employees and managers. It improves their qualities, qualifications and skills. It makes them more efficient in their present jobs. It also prepares them for future higher jobs. 2. Organizational Development (OD): HRD also involves Organizational Development. OD tries to maintain good relations throughout the organization. It also solves problems of absenteeism, internal conflicts, low productivity and resistance to change. 3. Career Development: HRD also involves career planning and development of ...
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...practitioners operate at several different levels, tasks and responsibilities varying according to their level and status. For example people in senior roles such as – HR managers will be involved in departmental management corporate strategy and HR policy formulation. Those in the middle ranks may specialise in a particular field and have sectional responsibility. The lower levels such as HR officers and administrators carry out operational level tasks such as administrative activities. To be an effective HR practitioner you need to posses particular skills have underpinning knowledge and posses certain behaviours. The activities within these roles are wide & varied. Producing and maintaining secure and confidential records, monitoring absence, staff training, advertising vacancies are to name only a few. Liaising with colleagues and sharing information, producing data for such purposes, and the day to day running of the HR department. Supporting managers; on the implementation of HR policies and procedures, inline with the organisations values and all the relevant regulations. The HR function supports the improvement in processes and policies such as; employee development, performance and reward, recruitment and selection. With such changes HR help staff and managers understand the need for and benefit of change, their role in these processes and the expected outcomes. It’s about providing an efficient service to managers to help them run the business. The CIPD HR Profession...
Words: 2035 - Pages: 9
...ANSWER 1. Describe the nature and causes of the problem faced by Samad. The nature that faced by Samad is a lack of career planning and development from past management that causes high turnover among electrical engineers engineers in the company that his work. Turnover means that the rate at which an employer gains and loses their employees. High turnover may be harmful to a company's productivity if skilled workers are often leaving and the worker population contains a high percentage of new workers. The causes are the electrical engineers felt no ladder up in the job that in technical of engineering aspects, and there is no career development. To be a successful company, the organization itself must have the ability to attract and retain highly skilled employees. So, that organization must be able to compare between what employees want and what employers are willing to give. This participatory approach to human resources and the perception of a common understanding among human resources managers and executives offer benefits through flexible and innovative care of their employees. In addition, Samad found in the area of wage surveys, Electronic Applications are paid 5 to 8 percent above the market for various categories of electrical engineers and do not do anything about that based on the informal exit interview system or in others word, higher position for the engineers after working so many years and the junior and younger engineers have gone to the competitors. Then...
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