...An Effective Leader Being an effective leader means different things to different people. While researching this topic, I found that lots of the articles about effective leaders include some of the same key factors. According to Hill, “Some say great leaders are born, not made. And while there are some born leaders, many more have honed their leadership skills through extensive practice (Hill, 2009, p. 1).” I, personally, agree with that statement. I think that some leaders are born that way, but most people that are leaders are trained and taught to be that way. Leadership success always starts with vision. Effective leaders periodically take stock of their personal strengths and shortcomings. They ask: “What do I like to do? What am I really good at?” “What are my areas of weakness, and what do I dislike doing?” ("Three Fundamentals," 2009). Knowing your areas of weakness does not make you weak; on the contrary, it allows you to delegate to others who have those abilities, in order to achieve the common goal. Rather than clinging to the false belief that they can do it all, great leaders hire people who complement, rather than supplement, their skills. Working on your areas of weaknesses will improve your leadership ability – and recognizing them makes you more human. Effective leaders lead by example and merely invite others to come along with them (Kerfoot, 2012). Keeping promises is another sign of effective leadership. They believe in others and never fail to reward...
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...1. Introduction Leadership is a subject that has long excited interest among people. The term connotes images of powerful, dynamic individuals who command victorious armies, direct corporate empires from atop gleaming skyscrapers, or shape the course of nations. The exploits of brave and clever leaders are the essence of many legends and myths. Much of our description of history is the story of military, political, religious, and social leaders who are credited or blamed for important historical events, even though we do not understand very well how the events were caused or how much influence the leader really had. The widespread fascination with leadership may be because it is such a mysterious process, as well as one that touches everyone's life. Why did certain leaders(e.g., Gandhi, Mohammed, Mao Tse-tung) inspire such intense fervor and dedication how did certain leaders (e.g., Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great) build great empires? Why did some rather undistinguished people (e.g., Adolf Hitler, Claudius Caesar) rise to positions of great power' Why were certain leaders (e.g .• Winston Churchill. Indira Gandhi) suddenly deposed, despite their apparent power and record of successful accomplishments? Why do some leaders have loyal followers who are willing to sacrifice their lives, whereas other leaders are so despised that subordinates conspire to murder them? 1.1 Definition of Leadership There are various definition of leadership. Among all definition...
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...lives of the people. And one of the highly influential media is advertising- a paid message that appears in the mass media for the purpose of informing or persuading people about particular products, services, beliefs, or actions. You see ads every day, mostly in the middle of a TV show, A Television Commercial, and it's easy to say "they're just ads" because, at worst, they feel like a nuisance or interruption. A lot of people have difficulty accepting the idea that ads are manipulative because we want to believe we're in complete control of our choices. Advertising exists because there's a product a company wants to sell and they want people to know about it so they can buy it. This much is obvious. There are all kinds of ads, but in general they all aim to keep you from thinking and, instead, make your buying choices based on an emotional response. Basically, if you're not prepared to think—and you often are not when you're watching television or reading a magazine—you'll pretty much accept any suggestion if it is offered to you. Since you're being so passive, you may not even realize its happening. Product advertisements such as beauty products, food and clothing pay a great deal of influence in Filipino viewers, especially young people. The consumer preference id often based what they see on T.V. as portrayed by various stunning, and often times ideal, commercial models. It is noticeable that people, especially young people/students, has...
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...business slogans LEGO: “Make your world possible” * Explain the purpose: The purpose of this slogan is to allow people to believe that with the use of Lego, you have the ability to make everything possible in the sense of using the product. In simpler forms, this means that you can create a world you dream of with the simple use of the plastic connectable blocks. * What feelings and values are being conveyed?: Lego wants to convey positive feelings in reference to the product. They want to make children happy and believe that their world will now be possible with the help from lego. Their values refer to independence creativity and imagination as it is in the children’s hands to create a world of their dreams. * How effective is this slogan?: In my opinion, this particular slogan is not so effective as it doesn’t specifically refer to the product. In order for a slogan to be effective, I believe that you need to identify the purpose of the product. By saying “make your world possible”, it allows people to believe you can make anything out of lego, however it does not ultimately convince to people that the product is highly good. KODAK: “Share moments. Share life” * Explain the purpose: The purpose of Kodak’s slogan is quite basic and simple. It tells us that with the use of Kodak, you have the ability to share your moments and share your life. Kodak offers a wide range of cameras and films so with their help, they can make it easy for you to share your...
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...Are Leaders Born or Made? For centuries people have debated whether leaders are born or made. Several decades ago researchers started trying to answer the question. The debate goes on, even though we know the answer. It turns out to be a little of both. Leaders are sort of born and they're always made. Knowing the details will help you develop effective leaders for your company. Leaders are Sort of Born It seems like there's only one thing that a person needs to actually be born with in order to be a leader later in life. That's intelligence. A leader needs to be smart enough. Effective leaders aren't necessarily the smartest people in the room or the company or even on the team. But they have to be smart enough to do the job they're assigned. What's more important is what kind of person the potential leader is when he or she becomes an adult. The person who emerges from adolescence into young adulthood has the psychological and character traits they'll demonstrate for the rest of their life. Some of those matter for leadership. By the time a person becomes an adult we can tell if they can help other people achieve results. That, after all, is what we expect leaders to do. We expect them to achieve success through a group. We expect them to help their subordinates grow and develop. By the time a person becomes an adult, we can tell if they want to achieve objectives or if they just want to go along and take it easy. We expect leaders to be responsible for achieving results...
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...HCA/230 ARE YOU A GOOD COMMUNICATOR How do you know if you have effective communication? To have effective communication you have to have an understanding of ones ideas. Another good way to know if you have effective communication is observations among people. Communication is a two way exchange that must involve both a presenter and a audience. It is important to have good quality interpersonal relations particularly in the health care industry because when you are in health care, you are talking to multiple people. When you are in health care, you are always interacting with other departments, nurses, office personal and patients. So it is important to make sure that your communication skills are very effective when you are talking to your fellow co-workers and patients. When you think about supportive relationships in the health care industry, one can say that it's something that we all can agree on or disagree on. This can be true from time to time. When you are describing supportive and defensive relationships it can be where you either support ones decision or you are defensive by what one person either says or does that is not correct . A good example of defensive relationship would be where you are talking with medical personal and you tell them about a bill that was paid and they have zero records of the bill ever being paid. Now when this happens, you will get...
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...you’ll find a lot of different opinions about what makes an effective leader; however almost everyone agrees on the definition of leadership: Effective Leadership is the ability to get things done through other people. To break it down, there are two things that are required in order for someone to be an effective leader. 1. Things must get done John Maxwell, a guru in leadership, says “Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.” A true leader needs to be able to influence people to get the job done. If the individual has a group and tells them what to do, but does the work himself or the work doesn’t get done at all – then the person is obviously not an effective leader. 2. Group Cohesion Another aspect of effective leadership is keeping the group together. An individual might be able to get the job done and get it done well by being abrasive and snapping orders left and right, but I’ll guarantee that the group will be quickly handing out their resumes or looking for a new group to work with. Leadership is a complicated process by which an individual influences a group to accomplish a mission, task, or reach a goal that moves the organization forward in a way that the organization becomes more cohesive. The individual does this by applying leadership attributes such as values, personal character, knowledge and skills. Most of us want to be thought of as an effective leader. The question on our minds is; what makes someone a leader? Bernard Bass* states that there...
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...Running Head: EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS MEETINGS Effective Communication in Business Meetings [Your Name] [Institutional Affiliation] Table of Contents Abstract.............................................................................................................................3 Communicating in business..............................................................................................4 Communication techniques...............................................................................................4 Effective communication skills.........................................................................................6 Ten methods to ensure your speeches are successful.......................................................7 Hold effective meetings....................................................................................................8 Practical recommendations in business communication...................................................9 Conclusion......................................................................................................................12 References.......................................................................................................................13 Abstract Effective communication will increase productivity in business meetings. It is the oil that greases the business machinery. When one cannot communicate...
Words: 3153 - Pages: 13
...Hopkins Guide To Advertising Guidelines for Copywriting, Design, Ad Campaigns, Appeals, Effective Advertising Communication, Branding and Research. Submitted To:- Prof. Sanjay Wadwalkar Submitted By:- Aakanksha Magan MMC II Hopkins Copy Writing Principles And Guidelines * Talk to people, to whom you are advertising for, in print as if you are talking to them in person. The copy should be in a conversational tone. Only then will the prospects recognize you as one of their own and accept your advertisement. * Never commit the advertising crime of judging people while writing any copy. Let ordinary people judge themselves. * An educated person serves as a handicap in the field of advertising communication and copy writing. Also use of any literary styles handicaps your advertisement. * Unique style of writing invariably makes the prospect, i.e. the readers suspect you and consequently not accept your advertisement. * Any apparent effort to sell, visible in the copy writing, creates customer resistance. * Relying on language or a good creative ability to express an idea in your copy leads to a failed advertising. * Use of strange words, phrases or things in the copy again leads to customer rejection and not acceptance. * Appearing to be flattering yourself in your copy is a sure failure because people recognize it immediately and reject it. * Never let a style of writing overpower the substance of the copy or the form suppress the content...
Words: 2844 - Pages: 12
...Claim: A national Identity card could be an effective tool to promote safety and save us time and money. * Qualifier: * “From a civil liberties perspective, I prefer a system that takes a little bit of freedom from all to one that takes a great deal of freedom and dignity from the few -- especially since those few are usually from a racially or ethnically” disfavored group * At many bridges and tunnels across the country, drivers avoid long delays at the toll booths with an unobtrusive device that fits on a car's dashboard. * First, we already require photo ID's for many activities * But President Bush has proposed giving legal status to many of the illegal immigrants now in this country. * A national ID card would not prevent all threats of terrorism, but it would make it more difficult for potential terrorists to hide in open view, as many of the Sept. 11 hijackers apparently managed to do. * Exception: * Freedom and dignity has been taken away from The few disfavored group, not the majority of the disfavored group. * Few people do not have toll road passes * Not all activities require ID’s * Not all illegal immigrants are not given legal status * Not all 9/11 terrorists hid in open view. Reason 1: It would reduce the likelihood that someone could, intentionally or not, get lost in the cracks of multiple bureaucracies. * What makes this reason relevant? It’s relevant since many people try to forge or recreate a passport or...
Words: 866 - Pages: 4
...on Choice Theory and aimed at helping individuals gain more effective control over their own lives. Individuals can also use it to improve their own effectiveness. This process has been proven effective in education, parenting, leadership, and management; it lends itself to any situation where people need to learn how to satisfy their needs in responsible ways. Reality Therapy is based on the belief that we all choose what we do with our lives and that we are responsible for our choices. Responsibility is defined as learning to choose behaviors that satisfy our needs and, at the same time, do not deprive others of a chance to do the same. Practitioners of Reality Therapy seek to persuade individuals to look honestly both at what they want and what they are doing to get what they want. An individual who is frustrated, or is frustrating others, is taught to evaluate what he or she is doing and, from this evaluation, learns about and puts into practice more effective (need-satisfying) behaviors. Reality Therapy helps people learn to be in effective control of their lives. It is a noncoercive method of communicating that enhances people's ability to make effective, need-fulfilling choices. Reality Therapy is an ongoing process with two major components: (a) the counseling environment and (b) specific procedures that lead to changes in behavior. The art of Reality Therapy is to join these components in ways that lead people to evaluate their lives and decide to move in better directions...
Words: 1019 - Pages: 5
...Running Head: EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS MEETINGS Effective Communication in Business Meetings [Your Name] [Institutional Affiliation] Table of Contents Abstract.............................................................................................................................3 Communicating in business..............................................................................................4 Communication techniques...............................................................................................4 Effective communication skills.........................................................................................6 Ten methods to ensure your speeches are successful.......................................................7 Hold effective meetings....................................................................................................8 Practical recommendations in business communication...................................................9 Conclusion......................................................................................................................12 References.......................................................................................................................13 Abstract Effective communication will increase productivity in business meetings. It is the oil that greases the business machinery. When one cannot communicate...
Words: 3153 - Pages: 13
...person to make contact with another person and make himself understood. Man being a social animal, the important thing is that he is able to express his emotions and feelings,...
Words: 1493 - Pages: 6
...Leading through effective communication (1) speaking and writing, and (2) nonverbal communication. & Listening There are a number of reasons for communicating in business. In order to effectively address the multiple situations that will be encountered, leaders must understand and use a variety of communication styles and methods. https://library.skillport.com/courseware//content/ADM0102B.htm?Aicc_sid=tfraz12-279823514-@0-&aicc_url=pvsp73sbe.skillport.com/skillportbe/spwgu/AICC.rbe&cbtlaunch=ADM0102000000000X000001&RESMODE=8&use508=1&COURSEINFO=https://library.skillport.com/skins/option3_35bs4ssl_pc&SIGNED_APPLET=true&DYNAMIC_SKIN_URL=https://pvsp73sbe.skillport.com:443/skillportbe/spwgu/Cmd.be&tryRIA=true Leadership Competencies * Communications is the exchange of information and ideas from one person to another. Effective communication occurs when others understand exactly what you are trying to tell them and when you understand precisely what they are trying to tell you. * You communicate to direct, influence, coordinate, encourage, supervise, train, teach, coach and counsel. You need to be able to understand and think through a problem and translate that idea into a clear, concise, measured fashion. * Your message should be easy to understand, serve the purpose and be appropriate for your audience. Leadership Training: Effective communication - an essential leadership skill Posted January 11, 2011 in Leadership...
Words: 11172 - Pages: 45
...Leadership Communication While some people may assume leadership communication does not have to be led by an effective communicator. , It is essential to know that people that withhold leadership positions in organizations need to have strong effective communication skills that are successful within the organizations that suite their positions. Public health organizations such as health departments have leadership communicators who initially, address issues that reflect the present and future of the organization to other members and staff. This is a detailed duty that needs to ensure a person is a superior communicator (Barrett, 2006). Messages that are given from a leadership perspective reflect values of the organization such as vision, mission, and culture (Barrett, 2006). Leadership communicators also focus on consistency expressed through an organizations values in which they communicate frequently within the organization. People that withhold positions in leadership communication strengthen the values and culture within an organization based on organizational values and the mission of the organization (Barrett, 2006). Leadership without good communication is a setback in many organizations, which is why it’s desired for anyone in leadership communication to have certain traits and characteristics. This essay will depict the traits and characteristics needed for success. I chose this as a topic of interest because; many people are unaware of what leadership communication is and...
Words: 1894 - Pages: 8