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When Money Get S in the Way


Submitted By cocodrilo101
Words 483
Pages 2
Kevin Perez
Unit 2 Research Paper 1
Problem Solving Thur AM

When Money Gets in the Way

They say money makes the world go round, but does it. Money is a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes, in other words we use it to buy things. I have a problem with money, maybe because I don’t have much of it, but this same problem exists among billions of people around the world. The problem may be that someone has not gotten the proper education, maybe someone is born in a part of the world were resources are scarce, maybe there are too many people for too little things to work on, or maybe the problem is money itself.
There are studies and ideas still today from top thinkers and revolutionaries like Thomas Paine whos ideas led the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence who believed that the government was the solution to our problems, to Friedrich Hayek the Austrian economist and philosopher who believed that the government was actually the problem. These ideas have always come across our minds but we never think they are capable of happening. Its an idea that can give dignity to millions, an idea that can unite politicians and accomplished what we should have accomplished a long time ago and finally get rid of poverty. A basic income.
A basic income for everyone means that it would be a right, just like the freedom of speech. It won’t be a favor, it will be given to everyone unconditionally, poor or wealthy, you would have it just the same. We will overcome insecurities as humans. We will have more power to work together than against each other. We will be free from the worries that money bombard us with.
The US alone has an estimated population of 316 million people. In the year 2014 the IRS collected about 1.321 quadrillion dollars just in taxes. If you did the calculations and divided this sum into the

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