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Immigration Pull Factors

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Migration Migration is when something or someone moves from one place to another. In the next four paragraphs we will be discussing immigration, immigration the mass immigration to the U.S, and how the United States culture changed over time. In the three body paragraphs we also discuss push and pull factors.
Do you ever wonder why people immigrate? People immigrate because the country they’re in is making it hard on hem. The country is pushing them out. It's called push factors. One piece of evidence is the push factors. They’re country didn’t have jobs so they came to America. People immigrate because of war or population pressures or even the lack of jobs in that country. It’s clear that many people immigrate their country. And for all the same reason… push factors. …show more content…
They also wanted jobs that they could get paid well at. These reasons are all pull factors. One example is from the late 1800’s about the railroads, according to the American Visions history book. The railroads helped the chinese men with jobs, money, and shelter. All those reasons are pull factors that make people want to immigrate. Pull factors are the main reasons they do immigrate. The mass immigration from the 1880’s to the 1920’s, changed the U.S culture. They started to mix with a bunch of ethnic groups. The immigrants took jobs which caused a lot of problems. There was even racism. In our class, we discussed about Bosnian, Mexican, and Burmese people. For example, all those ethnic groups only talk and live by people who are in their ethnic

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