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Where Did You Find That Book?


Submitted By pwcrowe1
Words 255
Pages 2
Web 2.0 Check Point
Patrick W. Crowe
July 13, 2012
Brian Hoying

Web 2.0 Check Point
Web 2.0 is the term given to describe a second generation of the World Wide Web that is focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online. The Web 2.0 emphasizes the interaction of users by networking, blogging, and tagging, just to name a few features. Basically, Web 2.0 is the present-day World Wide Web that we use every day.
The advantages of Web 2.0 are that more individuals are interacting, anywhere and anytime, at any place in the world. This allows for more interactions among different companies in different parts of the world, such as B2B commerce over the Internet. Disadvantages to Web 2.0 could be that of Wiki's; users can change information that had been posted to the Wiki. This information could be false or misleading. For marketers, Web 2.0 offers an opportunity to engage consumers. A growing number of marketers are using Web 2.0 tools to communicate with consumers on product development, service enhancement and promotion. Companies can use Web 2.0 tools to improve collaboration with both its business partners and consumers. Among other things, company employees have also created wikis to list answers to frequently asked questions about each product, and consumers have added significant contributions. This is an interesting address for Web 2.0---

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