Premium Essay

Whether a Business Decision Is Ethical


Submitted By mmily
Words 907
Pages 4
An individual’s thought of a decision may be broad or restricted. Broad being making a decision with thougths of consequences and restricted thought on a decision isolates the consequences, which may lead to the decision being unethical. An individual acts in accordance of own beliefs and those can sometimes be unethical. In the study of Michael Boomer, it stated that the managers’ attitudes, perceptions and beliefs could affect the decisions made. It is believed that most employees make unethical decisions to benefit themselves; there are those instances where the work environment could influence them but for the most part, it's mostly an individual decision. (Broomer) Such decisions become easier to make depending how much they believe those actions can help them in the workplace. Certain setbacks in the workplace can lead to people acting this way also. Unethical decisions are made when one apply a limited vision to the decision, resulting in unethical outcomes. Therefore, unethical decisions mostly from one’s choice.

The perception of the ethical issue is what triggers an ethical decision that is why one who perceives an ethical problem to be more severe would tend to behave more ethically than one who does not. Although this doesn’t mean that individuals will ignore the organization’s ethical standards when they think the ethical issue is important, the individual is still more likely to make judgment based on personal values rather than work place standards. (Kreie, 2000, p67) In the study of Kreie, a survey was conducted to find out what results in one’s ethical decisions and the results shown that people rely heavily on their personal values towards what seems ethical and unethical to them. From the results of Kreie’s study, the argument that unethical decisions are made with individual’s choice is supported.
The possible influence of one’s choice on

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