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Who Am I This Time

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Who Am I This Time is a short story that revolves around the theme of identity. The story is narrated which allows the character to observe the story from a viewer's perspective. The narrator's position as the director of the play allows him to narrate the story of both Hellen and Harry. This technique allows the reader to interpret the themes of the story implicitly because the narrator notes the theme but does not interpret them for the reader. This forces the reader to make their own interpretation of the themes of the story. For instance, when Harry asks the narrator, "Who am I this time?", the narrator comments to the reader that, "it was kind of sad, if you think about it," this suggests that the reader should to feel sorry for Harry's …show more content…
Harry's life outside of the play is described as a blank slate. Harry was abandoned as a child and has never since found his parents, this suggests that Harry has no real sense of his identity. Harry's lack of self-identity makes it hard for him to have any social interactions with people. The narrator comments that, " it was kind of sad, if you think about it," The narrator is saying that it is sad that Harry lacks the self-confidences to be himself, that he uses his talent as an actor as an escape from his own identity; in other words, Harry fears his own …show more content…
This is false, Helen and Harry use the play as a crutch, they use art as an escape, Harry acts because it allows him express himself in a save environment. This may seem beneficial to Harry but in reality it is the root of his problems, Harry acts because it gives him his self-identity. This is the opposite of what Harry needs, Harry needs to realize that he cannot live his entire life without any self-identity. Helene is also drawn to the power of acting. After running through scenes with Harry during her audition, she becomes emotionally vulnerable, "She wasn't in any bottle any more. There wasn't any bottle to hold her up and keep her safe and clean. The bottle was gone." Neither Harry nor Helene is able to love or feel anything without playing another character. This is idea is shown at the end of the story when Harry and Helene need to be playing different characters in order to maintain their marriage. This relationship doesn’t help their problems because by never being themselves around each other shows that they are isolating themselves, from their own

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