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Who Needs Budgets?


Submitted By teaser2012
Words 290
Pages 2
In the article “Who needs budgets?” published in Harvard Business review in February 2003 the authors J. Hope and R. Fraser try to answer the question why companies are still bound to budgeting, while they are improving their financial processes, implementing activity based costing, and heading to flexible decentralization.
The authors consider extreme focusing on budgets to be problematic for any company. First of all, there were lots of examples when companies were trying “to improve” the numbers in order to meet the budget what lead to bankrupts instead. Besides, companies that depend too much on their budgets are not flexible to respond to market developments. Moreover, budget approach takes into account too many details, so it is really complicated, takes up to 30% of management’s time and costs company millions of dollars.
In order to support their point of view the authors discuss two companies who decided to stop using budgets: Svenska Handelsbanken and Ahlsell. Both companies succeeded incredibly after getting rid of budgeting system.
In general, companies will be able to create a self-motivated and adaptable workforce only if they find alternative way to budgeting process. It will be possible to start planning on a day-to-day basis, instead of endless budget regulations.
In my opinion, the non-budgeting ways to control the costs which were discussed in the article could be really helpful in my former organization. Budgeting in our department was always hard and long process, not mentioning the fact that it was viewed and reviewed endlessly and still was far from being perfect. Russian real estate market was always very unstable, especially, after crisis of 2008, so I consider the budgeting in my company to be real waste of time and

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