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Va Budget


Submitted By poulter
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INTRODUCTION In the 1930s, the United States government established the Veterans Administration on a philosophy of President Lincoln; who stated that the country needs “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s veterans. Approximately one percent of the American population will serve their country in one of the five branches of military service. Today, the Veterans Administration has one of the most comprehensive health care systems for military veterans than any other country. In 1930, the US government budgeted over $73,000.00 to take care of the country’s veterans. The fiscal budget for the Veteran’s Administration continues to grow every year. There are several reasons the budget changes every year. First, the continuing number of veterans rises every year. Second, the budget needs to account for inflation and the consumer price index. Finally, Congress and the President may approve new programs that will help service members cope with medical or mental issues. This paper will discuss the history of the VA; budget preparation; constant dollars and current dollars, increasing budget in percentages and dollars the past 20 years; five year fiscal plan; and a conclusion.
HISTORY OF THE VA BUDGET The United States has been caring for service members since the early 1600’s; the first law passed stated that disabled soldiers would be supported by the colony. During the Revolutionary War in 1776, the Continental Congress prepared a budget that provided a pension for soldiers who were disabled during the war. In the 19th century, the Nation's budget expanded when veteran’s assistance programs were expanded to include benefits and pensions to a veteran’s widow and dependents. Congress established a new system of veteran’s benefits when the United States entered World War I in 1917. (Veterans Adminstration, 2012) The budget increased due to the fact that programs were developed to provide disability compensation, insurance for service persons and veterans, and vocational rehabilitation for the disabled. The United States, in the 1920’s, the Veterans Bureau, the Bureau of Pensions of the Interior Department, and the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. In the 1930’s, Congress approved the President to consolidate the three agencies, which is now known as the Veterans Administration. In the past 80 years, the VA health care system has grown from 54 hospitals in 1930, to 152 hospitals; 800 community based outpatient clinics; 126 nursing home care units; and 35 domiciliaries. The budget for the VA increases due to the responsibilities and benefits programs that continually change. The federal budget changed due to the increase of the veteran population due to World War II. In June of 1944, in an effort to help the veterans, Congress approved a budget that would impact a veteran’s way of life. Further educational assistance acts were passed for the benefit of veterans of the Korean Conflict, the Vietnam Era, and Persian Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan wars. (Veterans Adminstration, 2012) In 1973, the Veterans Administration budget increased due to the administration assuming responsibility for the National Cemetery System. The Agency was charged with the operation of the National Cemetery System, including the marking of graves of all persons in national and State cemeteries (and the graves of veterans in private cemeteries, upon request) as well and administering the State Cemetery Grants Program. In March of 1989, President Bush signed into law that the Department of Veterans Affairs would be Cabinet-level position. President Bush hailed the creation of the new Department saying, "There is only one place for the veterans of America, in the Cabinet Room, at the table with the President of the United States of America." (Veterans Adminstration, 2012) In 2009, President Obama increased the Veterans Administrations budget so that services would better serve the American Veteran. The VA adopted three guiding principles to help focus on the mission, the principles are as follows being people-centric, results-driven, and forward-looking. The increase in budget would allow for the VA to establish 16 major initiatives that will serve as a platform that will allow this transformation to be being executed.
BUDGET PREPARATION Every year federal, state, and local governments create a budget; which is a monetary guideline of how much money will be needed to run their agency during the fiscal year. A household can create a budget less than a day; the budget process for all levels of government can take months to prepare. The federal budget, compared to state and local governments, has the largest and most complex budget to prepare. Departments of the federal government will provide the President an assessment of how much money the department will need to run for the fiscal year. The president will forward the information to the Office of Management and Budget. The budget office will prepare the budget in order for the President to submit the budget to Congress for approval.
CONSTANT AND CURRENT DOLLAR ANALYSIS The Office Management and Budget Office, when creating the budget, will need to account for any changes in the value of the dollar. The budget office will use an economic indicator known as the Consumer Price Index. The Consumer Price Index is a tool that economists use to see products or services have increased due to inflation; the products or services include housing, electricity, food, and transportation. The Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes the CPI on a monthly basis. A rise in inflation could affect the ability to purchase the required goods and services required to run the country. The adjusted value of currency needs to be used to show the change of the dollar value from one period to another. The purchasing power of the dollar can change over time due to inflation.
The creation of the federal budget needs to also compare current dollars and constant dollars. The budget office will analyze the value of current dollars; current dollars is considered as income that a person, family, or household receives during the year. For example, the income an individual received in 1992 is unadjusted for inflation and is categorized as current dollars. Using the current dollar calculation does not provide a very accurate picture on current trends on inflation. In 1992, the Veteran Administration budget was 33,157.6 million dollars and accounted for approximately 5 percent of the federal budget. [ (Scott, 2012) ]
Advances in computer software have improved the way the budget office can calculate the value of the dollar. The term used is called constant dollars and is calculated by using the Consumer Price Index. Constant dollars are considered as inflation adjusted dollars which adjust for variations in the purchasing power of the dollar over time. The use of comparing constant dollars is more accurate and is able to provide a more accurate trend in rising expenditures. The budget in 1992, in current dollars was 33,157.6 and was recalculated in constant dollars. The calculation showed an increase of approximately 20 million dollars. The change in the values was based on the inflation of the dollar for the year. [ (Scott, 2012) ]
The Veterans Administration budget consists of two different types of spending. The two types of spending are mandatory and discretionary outlays. The Veterans Administration mandatory budget consists of Disability Compensation and Pensions, Education Benefits, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, and Housing. The discretionary spending includes medical care, information technology, construction, and National Cemetery Administration. The Veterans Administration has continually increased over the past twenty years. The increases in spending for the Veterans Administration are due to the rising number of veterans as a result of war. The leading increases to the VA budget have occurred in the past decade due to the war on terrorism. In 2011, the VA’s budget increased by 8.5 percent due to the increase of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. The President, in 2012, increased the budget by over 10% compared to the 2010 budget. The budget includes $270 million for women veteran's health issues, a 26 percent increase in funding for the program from 2010. The department would also spend $939 million to continue expanding VA's homelessness prevention programs, a partnership with the departments of Housing and Urban Development, Justice and Labor. (O'Keefe, 2011)
FIVE YEAR OUTLOOK The Office of Management and Budget and the Congressional Budget Office prepare potential budgets for five years. For example, the budget report for 2012 will provide potential budget data for fiscal years 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. The budget offices will calculate the possible rise in the Gross Domestic Product and the Consumer Price Index. (Congressional Budget Office, 2010) The calculation will provide the government’s economic advisors a tool for possible deficits in the budget. The Veterans Administration budget, for the five year period, will increase by approximately 20 to 25 percent. In 2013, the Office Management and Budget Office estimates the Veterans Administration will increase by 4.5 percent from the 2012 budget. The increase in budget will continue to improve the programs provided by the Veterans Administration for those that serve the United State Military.

CONCLUSION The United States government has been providing care to veterans for the past 400 years. In the past, the budget did not allow the Veterans Administration to provide adequate medical care for all veterans. Due to the lack of money, many programs were not able to care for all veterans in a timely manner. The increase in budget has allowed the Veterans Administration to improve facilities, medical care, education, and vocational rehabilitation across the country. The future for the Veterans Administration, for years to come, will continue to grow. Budget analysts will need to continue to calculate the increase of goods and services due to inflation. Budget increases that only calculate the rise of inflation will not help the Veterans Administration take care of the one percent of the population that serves in the military. Future Presidents need to continue to help fund the organization that provides a great service to the country’s military members.

Congressional Budget Office. (2010, January 26). The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2010 to 2020. Retrieved June 17, 2012, from Congressional Budget Office:
O'Keefe, B. (2011, February 2011). Budget 2012: Veterans Administration. Washington D. C., Washington D. C., United States of America.
Scott, C. (2012). Veterans Affiars: Historical Budget Authority, FY1940-FY12. Washington, D. C.: Congressional Research Service.
Veterans Adminstration. (2012). Veterans Administration. Retrieved from

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