Premium Essay

Who Was Aapeli's Farewell To His Father

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One peaceful Saturday morning, on the day of January 28th 1932, a young boy named Aapeli was born. His mother was Jewish and his father had run off on him for another woman. Aapeli had no emotional attachment to his father whatsoever; he had a hatred for his father deep in soul that he refused to show at all. Aapeli was born almost exactly a year before the holocaust began, by the time he was eight years old; he was sitting in the middle of the holocaust. His mother has been shot, and he was living in a sewage pipe eating rats to live. Aapeli came out of the sewers very rarely, one Tuesday morning, he came out to see what things were becoming of the people up there, and he always did his best to avoid the Nazis. Aapeli was a very …show more content…
He responded
“Aapeli, my name is Aapeli. What may I call you sir?”
“Call me Saul.” The man spoke his name. Saul recognized Aapelis name, not knowing where from; it seemed like he already knew who Aapeli was. Saul ignored the feeling knowing he hasn’t met this boy before, for he is to young. They went on with there way to Saul’s dwelling.
“I want to explain to you now why I can’t be seen by the soldiers, so there isn’t further confusion for you.” Saul said to Aapeli.
“What is it?”
“Well first off, I myself, am Jewish.”
Aapeli was comforted by those words.
“Also, I was captured because I promised a favor to the soldiers long ago, and I failed to keep the promise. So, the deed was never done, and I’m wanted by the soldiers for an execution.” Aapeli was hoping that this man was wise enough to not get caught by the soldiers, for he didn’t want anything to happen to him.
“What was the deed?”
“Pardon?” Saul responded in confusion.
“You said you had a deed that you failed to do, what was it?”
“I refused to shoot the woman that I loved.”
“Why would the soldiers want you to do that?”
“For their own entertainment.”
“What did they …show more content…
“Now now let’s go.” Saul let Aapeli use the shower, and he had some clothes for him when he got out. Aapeli looked brand new because he felt clean, and he was clean. He looked like a young bot who lived a normal life, like he had never even stepped foot in sewage, only thing was his scruffy hair that threw it all off.
“You look nicer.” Saul said to the boy.
“I can’t explain how much this means to me Saul, thank you.”
“Of course.” Saul thought of when he should tell Aapeli about Sweden, and how he would react. He wanted to get it over with so he could travel sooner, but he couldn’t bring it upon himself to tell Aapeli; not yet. He knew that it would be a very big move for the young child, who has lived on his own almost his whole life. Saul decided that it would be easier on him and Aapeli, to just tell him now; so he did.
“We can’t stay here for long, young one.” Saul said.
“What do you mean?” Aapeli questioned him.
“No matter where we hide, we will be found.”
“Where would we go?”
“Sweden, its safe there.”
“How will we get there?”
“I know someone who can fake our papers and get me an id.”
“Are you my Uncle or something in this

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